-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/22/98 7:02:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> The closer scrutiny of politicians' sex lives is
>  making private acts increasingly public as a sex magazine publisher
>  Tuesday threatened to expose more lawmakers over alleged transgressions.

The news media take here in Monicaland is that Flynt is lower than a snake to
do these investigations.  This may seem like an odd reaction from the crowd
who couldn't put forth enough sexual material and speculation about Clinton.
Understandably, the media masters do not care to have their fellow faithful
servants exposed.  I think it is a good thing to end the pretense, i.e. to end
the prattling about family values from those who hold to such values neither
personally nor in voting.  Pour it on Flynt, and let he who first cries


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