-Caveat Lector-


the Cottinglea faerie photos taken in an english village in the early
1900's made history.
Two 'little' girls took a camera into the woods beyond their village garden
and were supposed to have photographed faeries.
To the subsequent embarrassment of Arthur Conan Doyle - the images proved
to be painted on hoaxes - and the whole thing hit the dustbin of history as
a fanciful hoax - recently recycled by Hollywood - we are invited to
believe that faeries were possible after all.
Well we've discovered that the Cottinglea faeries photographs where they
currently languish in the darkness of an English archive - and we've had a
real good look at the entire collection.
The painted on faeries were to discredit and divert the attention from an
Incredible fact.
Elsie Wright - according to Dave Moncoeur - AND the tampered photos was
actually a Shape Shifter - who is seen as an incredible size in one photo -
so much so that white paint was applied to her image and outline to make
her look human and smaller !!!!
Yep in the days before photoshop - sometimes the paintbrush wasn't good
The most famous elsie wright phot is called elsie and the gnome - where
elsie sits on the grass with her rather long very long luminous fingers
pointing at a painted gnome -
The image the public sees is elsies dress with a white puffy elbow - there
simply isn't a puffy volumous elbow in the original - it was painted on and
over elsies rather long gangly non-human arm and her strangely angled elbow
joint !!
This stuff is evidence of an amazing cover up -
we have to ask .... who made the decision ??? in 1910 circa

as an aside - Arthur Conan Doyle got a labourer released from prison who
had been convicted of mutilating a horse - Doyle argued that only someone
with real knowledge, surgical precision and appropriate tools could have
perpetrated the deed.

We have the evidence that these beings are a part of our society and have
been for a very long time - sorry it sounds like I'm advertising daves
video - but he got all the images rostrumed - and filmed the incredible
story of Brenda Butler.

Dave has put all sorts of stuff up on his web site  surf.2/dangerousdave
I think he'd really appreciate the encouragement.
he also filmed a lady called Brenda Butler talking about a shapeshifting
lodger called david daniels who had telepathic abilities and was wanted by
the fbi [allegedly for murder] ..
Mr Daniels allegedly a reptile from sirius had a ring of contacts in
northern england .... whilst a government official when approached with the
story shrugged and admitted that we were in deep faecal material.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

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