We can thank at least one of our wonderful 'secret societies' for lobbying
and gaining control of the Educational Processes in this country.  The
sad part about it is,  it happened right under our noses and no one seemed
to see it coming, with first influences of this century being John Dewey back
in the early 1920's.

Though I've posted this before,  it deems a repost,  in light of the information
brought forth in this post regarding the American Public School System.
What business do they have with a hand in the Public Schools of this country?
I've asked several of their notable leaders before,  and the question was ignored.
However, proof lies in their own creed,  that,  by the way is no longer published.
And just because it is no longer published in this form,  does not mean that
they have abandoned the ideology, nor the goal behind it.  Rather they have
submersed their true intentions,  with other subversive storefronts.
Who rules?  You decide.
We can learn the plan straight from the Mason's creed:

The cause of human progress is our cause,
the enfranchisement of human thought our supreme wish,
the freedom of human conscience our mission,
and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere,
the end of our contention.

To implement this our Supreme Council of the Mother Jurisdiction favors
pride of patriotism,  love of flag and country,  respect for law and order,
loyalty to the principles of sovreignty of the people and of citizen control,
civil and religious liberty, and free enterprise,
as set forth in our Constitution and Bill of Rights;

And enlightened citizenry through the American Public Schools
and for alien adults the inculcation of American Principles;

The use of English as the principal language of instruction
in the grammar grades of our Public Schools;

The complete separation of Church and State,
and opposition to any direct or indirect divisions of public funds
to church related schools or institutions.

quoted from the cover of the 'NEW AGE MAGAZINE'
volume XCIV no. 5
May 1986
The cover of this addition has a photo of the infamous
"Mr. Positive Thinking" himself,
Titled:  Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, 33rd degree,
with the background of an eagle to his left. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter L. Sroufe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:41 AM
Subject: [CTRL] billions for pentagon contractors-pittance for school books[socialists exposed]

> -Caveat Lector-
>All the federal facilities of the Department of Education should be
>padlocked.  NOW!!!
>Visit me at:
>The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government
>Federal Government defined:
>....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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