-Caveat Lector-

Tesla was also known for having developed ways to use "Scalar Electromagnetics". The use of which could be for "Good" purposes or "not so good" ones. One of the "Inventions" he had, he called the "Earthquake Machine". He claimed that with the "Press of a button", he could split the Earth in two. There are also variations of this, depending on the frequency used and the ocillating rate. A small tremor could be produced, or a huge catastrophe. http://www.freedomdomain.com/weather.html


The study "Controlling the Global Weather" can be found at NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts under "Funded Studies" in two parts, at these url's: http://peaches.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/589Hoffman.html and http://peaches.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/715Hoffman.html


NASA's AI Programs http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/


The term artificial intelligence or AI denotes the concept of machines capable of intelligent thought.  Since the beginning of the computer science field researchers have been working on developing machines capable of performing higher intellectual processes which are characteristically human.  Such tasks include;  the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience. Within the AI field are a multitude of interwoven subfields which include:  expert systems, genetic algorithms or evolutionary computation, image understanding, information navigation and retrieval, intelligent agents, intelligent assistance, knowledge sciences, logic, natural language recognition, neural networks, planning and scheduling, reasoning, robotics, and rule-based systems. http://library.gsfc.nasa.gov/SubjectGuides/ai.htm


Long before the movie coming out next week, smart rovers such as Sojourner used artificial intelligence to traverse Mars in 1997. The rover had the decision-making capability to move around and decide a path for itself without the help of ground controllers. Artificial intelligence software on NASA's Deep Space 1 was tested in 1998, and in the fall of 2002, JPL will fly the latest AI software that will command the mission for a period of three months. http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/whatsnew/pr/010621C.html


1990: A research program investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to aid in the development of a Tactical Decision Generator (TDG) for Within Visual Range (WVR) air combat engagements is discussed. The application of AI programming and problem solving methods in the development and implementation of the Computerized Logic For Air-to-Air Warfare Simulations (CLAWS), a second generation TDG, is presented. The Knowledge-Based Systems used by CLAWS to aid in the tactical decision-making process are outlined in detail, and the results of tests to evaluate the performance of CLAWS versus a baseline TDG developed in FORTRAN to run in real-time in the Langley Differential Maneuvering Simulator (DMS), are presented. To date, these test results have shown significant performance gains with respect to the TDG baseline in one-versus-one air combat engagements, and the AI-based TDG software has proven to be much easier to modify and maintain than the baseline FORTRAN TDG programs. Alternate computing environments and programming approaches, including the use of parallel algorithms and heterogeneous computer networks are discussed, and the design and performance of a prototype concurrent TDG system are presented. http://techreports.larc.nasa.gov/ltrs/90/aiaa-90-3435.refer.html


1989: A research program investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to aid in the development of a Tactical Decision Generator (TDG) for Within-Visual-Range (WVR) air combat engagements is discussed. http://techreports.larc.nasa.gov/ltrs/89/aiaa-89-3525.refer.html


Practically endless links on AI at NASA http://search.spacelink.nasa.gov/query.html?col=nasa&col=spacelnk&charset=iso-8859-1&ht=0&qp=&qt=artificial+intelligence&qs=&qc=&pw=100%25&ws=0&la=en&qm=0&st=1&nh=10&lk=1&rf=0&rq=0&si=0


Introduction to Universities Space Research Association http://www.usra.edu/about/history.html from which the following is snipped: "In March 1981. Dr. Paul J. Coleman, Jr. became the third president of USRA, and served until April 2000. Dr. Coleman received numerous awards and appointments during his time with USRA, including the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for his contributions to the exploration of the moon, and appointments to two positions at the Los Alamos National Laboratory: Director of the Earth and Space Sciences Division and Director of the Los Alamos branch of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP). In 1984, President Reagan appointed Dr. Coleman to the National Commission on Space."


Each institute or program of USRA is overseen by a Science Council that serves, in effect, as a scientific board of directors: for "Councils under the responsibility of Hussein Hussein" see http://www.usra.edu/hq/science-council.html


from http://www.usra.edu/about/hq/officers.html : "Kevin Schmadel joined USRA in 1983 after graduating with honors from the University of Maryland at College Park with a Bachelor's degree focusing in physics and mathematics. After first working on the planning and development of new programs, he served as Associate Director of the USRA Atmospheric Sciences program in Boulder, Colorado from 1985 to 1987."

for the connection between Boulder and "Contrails" (another system of technologies utilizing laser, GPS, and other systems centralized in Florida - i.e. NASA - [don't forget the NORAD connection]) see http://www.memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1018 - just so happens that the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, which is under the auspices of the University Space Research Association, ALSO works a lot with laser, their cover being that they are exploring solar sails: a laser would be to white light what a bomb is to a campfire, meaning that it OUGHT to provide much more power than the sun, at certain distances...maybe they are working on solar sails, maybe they're not, see: http://peaches.niac.usra.edu/studies/

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