-Caveat Lector-

               Texas and The Supreme Rabbinic Court


                         Republic of Texas
                    Office of the Vice President
                           Press Release
                          October 28, 1997

 Earlier this year, the Republic of Texas filed a case with the
 Rabbinical Court of the Sanhedrin, regarding the Sovereignty of
 Texas as an Independent Nation.  This comes after every other court
 has refused to hear the case for want of jurisdiction.  The courts
 refusing jurisdiction are the Texas Supreme Court, the United
 States Supreme Court, and the World Court at the Hague.  The
 refusal of these corrupt government courts to hear the truth has
 left the Republic of Texas with no other remedy or lawful course
 of action.

 The case now filed is The Republic of Texas against the United
 States, Inc., its subsidiaries, and the United Nations and its
 subsidiaries, and spells out the oppression of the People of Texas
 and the theft of Texas Sovereignty against the will of the People.
 The Rabbinical Court of the Sanhedrin is, of course, an
 Ecclesiastical Court.  Throughout history, there is not a known
 case of a government attempting to overrule a decision by an
 Ecclesiastical Court.  In fact, the Rabbinical Court has never
 been overruled by anyone.

 The Supreme Rabbinic Court dates back to the beginning of history
 making it the oldest and most well established court in the world.
 This Court has dealt with many "unpopular" questions such as the
 excommunication of Henry Kissenger*, Rabbin and Peres.  It has ruled
 on questions of the integrity of Israel's territory and is the
 court that adjudicated the Magna Charta, which is one of the
 primary foundations for today's Common Law.  The Court has formally
 accepted the filing of our case.  A favorable ruling in this case
 by the Rabbinical Court would be a tremendous step forward in
 gaining world wide recognition of the Texas struggle to regain
 its Sovereignty and take its place as one of the Independent
 Nations of the World.

      *  Rabbi Antelman, as Chief Justice of the Supreme
      Rabbinic Court of America, presided over the formal
      excommunication of Henry Kissinger from Judaism on
      June 20, 1976.  See "The Review of the News" dated
      November 3, 1976.

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      vhs tape #7:  Dr. Marvin S. Antelman

      Leading authority on Biblical law and conspiratorial cults,
      discusses how global elites and liberal establishment work
      to attack all religions.  Discussion of Noahide law,
      Council on foreign Relations, Illuminati and much more.
      Two one half hour interviews by David Grossack. vhs $19


      making the Second American Revolution one show at a time
             Learn about law, legal reform and issues
           facing the Patriot Movement and all Americans:

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