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Today's Lesson From Richard Tomlinson's Banned GeoCities Website

by Richard Tomlinson

I am a 36 year old British and New Zealand Citizen. I was educated at
Cambridge University, England where I was awarded a first class honours
degree in Engineering, and then did a Masters degree at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology where I was a Kennedy Memorial Scholar.

In 1991, I was recruited as a fast-stream intelligence officer into the
British Secret Intelligence Service, more commonly known as MI6. After
completing the six month initial training course with the highest marks
ever achieved, I was posted to the Eastern European department of MI6 to
operate undercover against Russia and Serbia. In 1993 I was posted for
six months to Bosnia as the sole MI6 officer on the ground during the
Bosnian civil war. On my return to the UK I worked undercover against
the Iranian intelligence service.

In 1995, I was dismissed from MI6 without warning, and without reason.
When I tried to take MI6 to an employment tribunal, my application was
blocked by MI6 who claimed that a tribunal hearing would "damage
national security" and "endanger the lives of agents". This was utter
fantasy. There was nothing any more secret in my personnel records than
in Donald Duck's. The real reason was because MI6 knew that they had no
legal grounds for the dismissal, and so chose to cower behind the
protection of the British Official Secrets Act rather than face an
embarassing court defeat.

I have been campaigning ever since against this - and other - abuses of
power by MI6. In 1996 I wrote (but did not publish) a book about MI6. I
showed a five page synopsis of this book to the commissioning editor of
an Australian publisher (Shona Martyn of Transworld Publishers, 40 Yeo
Street, Sydney). For this, in 1997, I was arrested and convicted of
breaking the British Official Secrets Act. By taking me to court, MI6
brazenly exposed the dishonesty and hypocrisy of their earlier refusal
to allow me to take them to court for unfair dismissal. If the High
Court was good enough for them to take me to court, then why wasn't it
good enough for me to take them to court? At my hearing, I was sentenced
to twelve months imprisonment in a maximum security jail.

After my release from jail in 1998, I fled Britain as soon as I could,
because I realised that MI6 were determined to re-arrest me for any
reason they could find. When MI6 realised that I had escaped from their
clutches, they embarked on a vindictive campaign of harassment against
me using their influence with the intelligence services of other
countries. They used false pretences to persuade the French intelligence
service (the DST) to arrest and beat me in Paris in August 1998. I was
detained for 38 hours, and my computer equipment was illegally taken
from me. This equipment was not returned until six months later. After
release, I decided to leave France and return to my native New Zealand,
where I hoped that I would be left in peace. But a few days after my
arrival, MI6 persuaded the New Zealand Intelligence Service to again
detain and search me in Auckland. More computer equipment was
confiscated from me, and again was not returned until six months later.
I decided to leave New Zealand and go to Australia, where I have friends
and family. But MI6 prevented this by persuading the Australian
authorities to refuse me a visa, even though as a New Zealand citizen I
would normally not require a visa for Australia. I therefore decided to
move to Switzerland, knowing that the Swiss authorities, unlike the NZ,
Australian, and French authorities, would not not harass me at the
behest of MI6.

But MI6 have continued to attempt to harass me at every opportunity they
can. Indeed, after I gave evidence implicating MI6 to Judge Herve
Stephan's inquest into the death of the Princess of Wales, Dodi Al
Fayed, and Henri Paul, they have pursued me with seemingly increased
vigour. In August 1998, I flew from Geneva to New York to give an
interview to the NBC television chain. At JFK airport, I was detained by
the US Immigration authority, fingerprinted, interviewed, chained to a
chair for seven hours, then deported back to Switzerland. The US
immigration authority openly admitted that they were deprorting me on
the orders of the CIA, MI6's greatest ally. In January 1999, MI6 again
persuaded French Intelligence to arrest me and deport me from France
when I tried to cross the Swiss-French border. MI6 continue to carry out
these actions despite the fact that the British Government have admitted
that there is no arrest warrant out against me.

Because MI6 are not legally accountable, I cannot take MI6 to court in
the UK to test the legality of this harassment. MI6 claim that they
cannot be accountable to the courts because this would not be secure and
"would endanger agents lives". I have also tried, through my NZ lawyer,
to approach MI6 discretely to find a sensible solution. But MI6 have
ignored this approach and continued to harass me with increased
vengeance. I therefore have no means to respond to MI6's harassment of
me other than through fighting back via this internet site.

I am now living in Switzerland, a country which respects human rights to
freedom of speech and travel. The Swiss authorities have ignored all
requests by MI6 to harass me, for which I am very grateful.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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