[CTRL] Vipers

2003-03-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Sludge Report #148 - A Nest Of Vipers, But Whose?
Tuesday, 11 March 2003, 1:39 pm
Column: C.D. Sludge

In This Edition: A Nest Of Vipers On Penn. Ave. (And Across The Pacific In
The Lodge Too) - But What Of Our Guardians In The Fourth Estate? 
WHOSE VIPERS? Did George Bush Junior Work For Langley Like His Dad?
What Did The Dim Son Do When He Was AWOL? - Richard Perle Is A Spy -
Richard Perle Is A Also War Profiteer - War Is Just A Racket: History Always

NOTE: Authors of this report will be anonymous and wide ranging, and
occasionally finely balanced. Indeed you are invited to contribute: The
format is as a reporters notebook. It will be published as and when
material is available. C.D. Sludge can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Sludge Report is available as a free email service..Click HERE -
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/myscoop/ to subscribe...


Sludge Report #148

A Nest Of Vipers On Penn. Ave. (And Across The Pacific In The Lodge

It is probably a bit unkind to vipers to say so, but here at Scoop we have
of late being making much of George W. Bush's administration's use of
deceit in the information war.

And Sludge has now decided it is probably perfectly reasonable to add
Australian PM John Howard to the list of pathological liars who are leading
the world to war.

The official US and Australian PR strategy for the war is now more than
clear. To misquote Robert The Bruce, the motto being followed at
propaganda central in both Canberra and Washington these days is: If at
first you don't convince, lie, lie again.

For fairness's sake Sludge is not including Tony Blair among this nest of
vipers at this point, not because he is not lying (he is) but because he has
at least done his best to answer as many questions as possible on why the
world must now go to war. Blair's recent appearances on ITN and MTV
were examples of the most high-church self-flagellating imaginable, worthy
indeed of Henry the 2nd mourning his friend Bishop Beckett, and for this
he deserves some small credit.

At a press conference here in Wellington yesterday Sludge was privileged
to view one of the main protagonists of the plot to destroy peace on earth
in action in person.

Australian PM John Howard's strategy in answering questions on his
planned war is exactly the same as that displayed by the, apparently
medicated , US President (a.k.a. The Xanax Cowboy) at his press
conference last Thursday (Friday NZT). Namely:

1) avoid answering all questions unless they are patently self-serving,
2) waffle on at length mentioning a lot of buzzword phrases;
3) mention terrorism, 911 (and in Howard's case Bali) as frequently as
4) claim that making the decision to go to war is troubling you greatly
personally, but that it is the burden of leadership; and,
5) never allow a follow-up question, as someone may take you up on one of
the lies in your previous answer.

Sludge highly recommends the following articles for further reading by the
inimitable Dennis Hans on the subject of the techniques of official deceit.
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0303/S00040.htm
Dennis Hans: Bush the Fork-Tongued Scaredy Cat
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0303/S00011.htm
Dennis Hans: The Disinformation Age

Exposing Bush and His Techniques of Deceit

Dennis says it far better, and therefore it will suffice here to use just one
example from Howard's display of sophistry yesterday.

Leaving aside the diversion in the opening sentence alluding to the world
being in agreement that this is all about Iraq (the current crisis is not
about Iraq disarming, it is about the US, Australia and the UK
contemplating tearing up the International Rule of Law), consider the

I mean, we have a common view, all of us, we want Iraq disarmed, wed
love to see it occur peacefully, now that requires in my view a united
expression of world opinion through the Security Council and it involves a
recognition on the part of the Iraqis that the game is up. Now you won't,
in my view, get those two things occurring if you dont have a united
expression of opinion in the Security Council.

Good point, John. Only thing, isn't the answer also obvious?

If you want unanimity in the UN Security Council then why are you holding
a gun to its head?

Why does the world have to have a vote this week? And why does the
world have to agree to the US and UK solution to the crisis, seemingly
without argument for the world to become a safer place?

Of course noone was able to ask the Australian PM these questions.


But What Of Our Guardians In The Fourth Estate?

What indeed? Fortunately for the incumbent inhabitants of the Lodge, in
Canberra, and the White House, in Washington D.C., the Security and
Defence reporting community in the 

[CTRL] Vipers

2001-08-01 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : North America
Iran-Contra gangsters resurface in Bush administration
By Patrick Martin
1 August 2001
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The Bush administration appealed to Senate Democrats July 27 to
move ahead with the confirmation of two top-level diplomatic
nominees whose appointments have been delayed because of their
role in defending right-wing dictatorships and death squads in
Central America.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph Biden (D-
Del) said through a spokesman that a hearing for John Negroponte,
nominated for US ambassador to the United Nations, would be held
as early as next week. No hearing has yet been set for Otto Reich,
nominated for assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere
Negroponte and Reich are two of the three Bush administration
appointees with direct operational roles in the Central American
counterinsurgency campaigns of the 1980s. The third is Elliott
Abrams, named as director of the office for democracy, human
rights and international operations at the National Security Council,
a White House position which is not subject to Senate
confirmation. Abrams was convicted of lying to Congress about the
Iran-Contra affair, but was later pardoned by Bush’s father in 1992.
Negroponte was US ambassador to Honduras during the years
when the right-wing Nicaraguan Contra forces were based in
southern Honduras, just across the border from Nicaragua,
supplied and armed illegally by the Reagan administration. Abrams
was assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs
during that period and worked closely with Oliver North in
organizing the illegal arms supplies to the Contras. Reich headed
the Office of Public Diplomacy, a State Department agency which
illegally funded pro-Contra propaganda both in the US and
The convicted liar
The selection of Abrams is the most provocative appointment by
Bush since his nomination of John Ashcroft as attorney general.
Appearing frequently at press forums and congressional committee
hearings in the 1980s, Abrams was one of the most belligerent
defenders of Reagan’s policy of arming the Contra fascists, who
waged terrorist assaults on the Nicaraguan population for nearly a
decade, killing an estimated 10,000 people.
As Washington Post columnist Mary McGrory recalled, “Members
of Congress remember Abrams’s snarling appearances at
committee hearings, defending death squads and dictators,
denying massacres, lying about illegal US activities in support of
the Nicaraguan contras. Abrams sneered at his critics for their
blindness and naiveté, or called them ‘vipers’.”
Abrams was not merely a mouthpiece or apologist, but an active
collaborator in illegal actions which led to thousands of deaths and
widespread devastation. He was a regular participant in meetings of
CIA, National Security Council and State Department officials who
planned the arming of the Contras. When Congress adopted two
successive versions of the Boland amendment prohibiting such
arms supplies, the operation continued in defiance of the law, at
Reagan’s direction, with Lt. Col. Oliver North, an NSC official,
taking charge.
As the top Reagan foreign policy official for Latin America, Abrams
repeatedly testified before Congress under oath that the
government was complying with the Boland amendment and that
only “humanitarian” aid was being supplied to the Contras. Given
his operational role, Abrams was neither misled by other officials
nor lying to protect others. Like Oliver North, he was lying to
Congress about illegal activities in which he was a direct personal
After four years of public vituperation against the investigation of the
Iran-Contra affair, Abrams was finally run to earth in 1991, pleading
guilty to two misdemeanor counts of lying to Congress under oath,
in order to avoid felony charges. White House spokesman Ari
Fleischer called Abrams “an outstanding diplomat” and said the
president considered his legal troubles “a matter of the past.”
It is a measure of the cynicism of the Bush administration and
congressional Republicans that Abrams could be appointed to a
high position with his record. They were willing to impeach Clinton
as president for lying under oath about Monica Lewinsky, but no
such standard applies to lies about an illegal US war which killed
thousands of innocent people. Abrams, a collaborator with death
squads, is now to be put in a high position with responsibility for
addressing human rights issues!
The anti-Castro fanatic
Negroponte and Reich are equally odious figures, although less
well known to the public because they did not become Iran-Contra
defendants. Otto Reich, who left Cuba in 1960 at the age of 15, is a
favorite of the fascistic anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami. His
appointment was sponsored by the two Cuban-American
congressmen from Miami, and by Senator Jesse Helms, chairman
of the