-Caveat Lector-

Oct. 5, 1999
Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

1. Vote Fraud in America

3. Sun Tzu and Pat Buchanan


1. Vote Fraud in America

The Agents of Paralysis are at it again as we approach the
presidential election season, urging us to get in there and back
²our² candidate for Great White Hope.

But if we take the bait, where will we be in January of 2001,
when leaders such as myself call on their fellow Americans to
pitch-in on the long term struggle for a future for our people?
Having been burned-out, demoralized and perhaps even nearly
bankrupted on the gossamer wings of another futile presidential
election campaign, theyıll tell me, ³Itıs no use² and ³Itıs too
late² and theyıll crawl into their bunkers --which is right where
the System wants them.

We are offering a new audio-cassette tape of an interview with
the foremost authority on ³Vote Fraud in America,² Jim Condit,

Jim will provide you with the missing key to the current election
farce. Heıll tell you why your vote in the national elections
doesnıt count, how the 1996 Republican presidential nomination
was stolen from Buchanan and how fraud could work again in 2000,
unless the candidates themselves call attention to it.

Condit, who won a court case in the 1980s against the Ohio Board
of Elections, and who is a former aide to Buchanan, told this
reporter (see Revisionist History newsletter, no. 11), that
Buchanan has thus far shown no interest in exposing vote fraud.
But if Buchanan doesnıt expose vote fraud, he wonıt win election
as federal sewer inspector, much less the presidency.

So what game is afoot here? Listen to the ³Vote Fraud in America²
tape. Mr. Condit will show you which elections are faked, which
ones are likely to be honest and the activist steps you can take
in your own county to help secure an honest ballot box.

By means of this tape, we want to alert our people now, before
Great White Hope Fever sweeps them into yet another frenzy,
resulting in a no-win disappointment. Letıs put the big shots on
notice-- we wonıt be fooled again by their dialectic of
opposition. We know they set-up and control their own opposition.


3. Sun Tzu and Pat Buchanan

As an ex-farmer let me offer you an agricultural  parable. The
tropical plant, like for example, the tomato, is fast-growing (a
matter of weeks) and ostentatious in its flowering coloration.
Its fruit is appealing to the eye. It is a gaudy bauble in the
garden of summer. But its roots are shallow and at the first hard
frost it is blackened, withered and dead.

The burdock, on the other hand, is a northern plant. It is a
nuisance in its tenacious, prickly adhesion. It is homely. It
lacks style and gloss. It grows slowly  (a matter of years). But
winter frost cannot kill it and it is nearly impossible to uproot
by hand, so deep are its taproots.

If one understands the Hegelian dialectic, and behind it, the
"knowledge of the equilibrium" of the Zohar, one knows that, thus
far, the Pat Buchanans are like that tomato. They have shallow
roots, dependent on the sunshine of the System's own news shows,
publicity machine, polls, elections and atrocity propaganda and
provocations. They are here for a season and then they vanish for
four years, like reruns on the late show.

We feed the tomato instead of the burdock and then ask, when
winter winds blow the torn and stained campaign fliers down the
empty streets of our collective broken dreams, "Why do we never

Cheap thrills are just that. The System doesn't fear an exchange
of talking heads on MSNBC. If they did, they wouldn't broadcast
them. They fear constituencies,  business networks, organic
communities, local 3rd party candidates for city council, school
board, state legislature, sheriff-- backed by voting blocs and
paper ballots counted in front of the citizens--they fear
anything with roots independent of their Videodrome and their
rigged national ballot box and polls.

Where was Mr. Buchanan in 1996, when he had four years to build
and register a third party which would make vote fraud in America
the galvanizing issue? He was supporting Bob Dole, the most
incompetent presidential candidate of any major party in modern
history. After the inevitable Dole defeat, Buchanan returned to
his plush job within the System's media octopus and squandered
three precious years that could have been spent building a new

Now on the strength of rhetoric alone, we are being summoned for
another election crusade by a man who refuses to challenge the
very election System that cheats him of victory. At the risk of
alienating everyone--and such are the risks which true vision
entails--I say Pat Buchanan is that shallow-rooted, gaudy
tropical fruit--a creation of the very media-System he purports
to want to destroy.

If his campaign were entirely symbolic, costing us nothing and
running no risks of plummeting morale should he go down to
defeat, I might say, support Buchanan for symbolic effect. But it
is worse than useless to pretend that 1999 is 1979 or even 1989.
Half our movement is so burned out they are praying for financial
collapse or the end of civilization itself, via the Y2K bogeyman.

How were our people reduced to such a state, and will a campaign
built on kleig lights and electronic vote fraud rally them, or
only seal their cynicism in 2001?

I wish I could apologize for telling you that thus far the
Buchanan campaign is a summer soldier, a tropical plant, priming
us for another plunge into suicidal paralysis when Bush or Gore
or Bradley is inaugurated in January of 2001.

The fight is no longer over who controls La Cesspool Grande in
the District of Corruption. It is over who controls Main Street
in our towns. We can still win locally and thereby inspire
others. More than anything, our movement needs the inspiration
that comes of victories, however small.

I have never seen our people approach the brink of suicidal
paralysis to such an extent as they have in the past two years.
Most of the "leaders" I know, with a few honorable exceptions,
had given up, to await Y2K collapse, Wall Street collapse,
famine, Comet Hale-Bopp apocalypse, concentration camps for
patriots, Chinese army invasion; the rapture, or the apparition
of the Blessed Virgin in a miraculous mud puddle. You name the
goofball, millennial, fear-mongering prognostication and I'll
find you a soothsayer among militia leaders, preachers, priests
and the right wing, who trumpet it from the short wave towers.

At present, the system is stirring these folk from their
near-death state with jolts of media juice and shafts of
electricity emanating from ritual denunciations of Buchanan for
having written, correctly, that Germany had no designs on America
during WWII. These are hot button issues, along with NAFTA and
the culture war, and they can reanimate even a seeming right wing

But these mere "controversies" have no substantive organizational
legs of their own. Only a people without historical consciousness
could believe they do. The record of persecuted movements--and
I'm not talking about the contretemps of the Self-Chosen, I am
referring to the historical victims of the Professional Victim
Class--teaches a different political and sociological lesson.

I am a descendant of Palatinate Germans--Lutherans, Mennonites
and Catholics--who lived through fire, sword and scourge in
Europe, and Indian attacks and frontier travail in America. But
they survived and prevailed because they had a community that
stuck together and adhered, thanks to a network of hard-working,
frugal farmers and shrewd businessmen,  who traded among
themselves for the advantage of their group, rendering themselves
almost independent of the vagaries of elections and political
controversies and excitements.

I tell you that such organization is not the result of victory
but the makings of it. One does not put the cart before the

No Great White Hope can build such a community network for us. We
must do it locally with neighbors of like mind. From numerous
such bases woven into a nationwide network there comes the
foundation for a national leader and national victory. Without
them, we are chasing shadows with a butterfly net.

The chief objection will be that we "have no time for those
things now." That is the apocalyptic mentality speaking, born out
of the plastic and tinsel of the 15 minute attention span, the
portable phone, the instant meal and the constant propagation of
the imminent end of the world.

Only subjugated people think like that, with so short-term and
ruptured a time-span; weak people for whom real work is anathema.
They much prefer tapping a keyboard, clicking a remote control
and shelling out a few palliative bucks.

Such people have shallow roots and flit from candidate to
candidate, scheme to scheme, pipedream to pipedream, no matter
how much they are are warned against such futility. Soon they are
spent and exhausted and when the farmers and the precinct
captains, the builders and the family men come by to ask them to
help build a community from the ground up, they shout, "It's too
late!" and slam the door of their fortress-bunkers in their
neighbors' collective face.

The Kabbalah expounds on this demoralization process but I cannot
readily  distill it into a few words. Let me instead borrow the
more pithy formula of Sun Tzu, to explain what is at work here:

"...attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not
the pinnacle of excellence. Subjugating the enemy's army without
fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence." Sun Tzu, The Art of

The American people have yet to discover their true leaders and
therefore, they have yet to fight. Those phantasmagorical battles
which they imagine they fight lead inevitably to burnout, and the
resulting bunker of the recluse, and from there to the
psycho-geography of the heirs of General Sun Tzu, who thus far
have subdued America without a real fight.

Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright İ1999

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