-Caveat Lector-

from alt.illuminati
As always, Caveat Lector.  Duh, . . . harvest trust
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.illuminati:59471">What Price "Secret Government"?
Subject: What Price "Secret Government"?
From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Apr 13, 1999 5:46 AM
Message-id: <7evebg$rhk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What Price "Secret Government"?

Almost ten years ago from today, a bold and rebellious man
stood in front of a group of people and gave a speech, much
of the content of which can be found in a document entitled
"The Secret Government" which was widely-distributed and
well-known in the UFO "research" community several years
ago. The audio tape of that speech, which is in the
possession of the author, provides the following facts;

This bold and rebellious man began his speech with an
extensive introduction in which he thanked his colleagues
who had assisted him with the research for his forthcoming
presentation. He moved on, stating "I am not a ufologist. I
am not by profession, a researcher. By necessity, I learned
to become a researcher, and if I might add, a damn thorough
researcher." He went on to assert his family's history of
service to the United States of America and his dedication
to the precepts and ideals upon which this nation was based.
He explained that if he was a man of no morals, then he
would have dismissed what he had seen many years ago and
which was the reason for him being there that night, but
since keeping the secret of what he had seen was destroying
his life, he felt he had to do what he knew he would
eventually do, which was to tell the truth about what he had
seen and what he had learned since then. And he laid the
blame for all of the problems faced by modern-day
civilization, and the problems which had apparently brought
him to the point of self-destruction in his life, on what he
explained was the stupidity and ignorance of all the people
of the world.

This bold and rebellious man went on to extensively describe
the original experience which had led him onto his present
path, and landed him in front of that audience to give that
speech on that night. In terms which bespoke of military
detail, this bold and rebellious man claimed that while
stationed on a submarine while he was enlisted in the United
States Navy, he and others of his crew observed for seven to
ten minutes a craft that he described in the following
manner; "it was metal, it was intelligently guided, it was a
machine, it was the size of an aircraft carrier, and ladies
and gentlemen, I can assure you that it was not made
anywhere, on this planet, by human beings." He further
claimed "I can assure you that we are not capable of making
anything that will fly through the air, impact the water at
a speed that this object did, and travel under water, and be
able to exit the water and fly through the air again. But
there is someone who can, obviously."

This bold and rebellious man went on to further explain that
also while he was enlisted in the United States Navy, he was
shown a series of documents which appeared to explain
everything, the whole story about a secret government and
about aliens, a series of documents which apparently changed
his life. But he also claimed "If those documents I saw were
a lie, if they were some sort of a disinformation trick,
ladies and gentlemen, if there are no aliens, then there is
only one other explanation, and that is, that the United
States of America has developed time travel, and is
responsible for those sightings. Well, I have to tell you
that in the documents that I read it stated that time travel
was indeed possible, and it even outlined a proposed project
to prove it. I do not know if that project was carried out,
or not."

After ridiculing public charges that he was crazy, and
denying that he was a government agent who was spreading
misinformation either intentionally or unintentionally among
the UFO research community, this bold and rebellious man
continued for the remainder of his speech to affirm his
belief about the existence of aliens and extraterrestrial
spacecraft, and he provided support for his statements with
"research" facts related to the matter with continual
references to historical instances of alleged human-alien
encounters, wrapping the entire matter up into a massive
"secret government" conspiracy designed to hide the truth
about aliens, all in a voice which shook with emotion while
at the same time resonating with the firmness of a man who
was convinced he was telling you the truth, and which could
perhaps remind some people of Bill Clinton or Adolph Hitler.

This bold and rebellious man continued by telling of stories
out of the Bible which he claimed were alien visitations,
stories about men and ships and amazing advanced technology,
and he told about an event in the past, back in the "dark
ages," which he described as an alien encounter which was
only one story among "hundreds of thousands of incidents in
recorded history witnessed by many, many, many, people. How
do you explain that, if there are no aliens?" He explained
to the audience that "all through the last 19 centuries
there have been accounts of UFO's, alien creatures,
abductions of human beings and animals, and by the way, the
first animal mutilation that I am able to come up with in my
research, mutilated in exactly the same manner that cattle
are being mutilated right now, all around the world, was in
the 1830's, in this country. A rancher witnessed this craft
come down out of the sky, pick one of his cattle out of the
herd, lift it up into the craft and fly off. The next day
the remains of that cow was found on the neighboring ranch
with the same characteristics of mutilation that we are
finding today."

This bold and rebellious man claimed that all the way back
to the most ancient civilization we can find information
about alien encounters, and he said "There is an account in
the 1800's that you can dig out of front pages of newspapers
in this country of large airships in the skies over cities
where the whole town saw, and it was so well-known that
people used to go out looking for the airship." And he
claimed that "some people say that this technology was
developed by the Nazis during World War II . . ." and he
then proceeded to ridicule such a purported statement,
causing a noticeable response of laughter from the audience.

This bold and rebellious man explained that the "secret
government" had made secret agreements with aliens many
years ago, and was keeping the secret about the aliens, and
that the "secret government" was lying to the people about
aliens. He explained how the government had made an
agreement to allow an exchange of technology and to allow
the aliens to abduct human subjects for their research. And
he explained how the government is lying about it all, lying
about everything, that they have gotten in so deep that they
can't stop their lies anymore, and that they have financed
and covered up their illegal acts by the assassination of a
president, gun running, and the smuggling and sale of drugs
throughout the world.

This bold and rebellious man read the secret history of how
the United States government was confronted with a series of
events relating to UFO's that changed the way that they
thought, because having just won the second world war, and
being the only nation in the world with the nuclear bomb, a
well-known and nationally-publicized UFO incident in
Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 threw all their thinking askew.
Explaining that there were 92 material witnesses to the
famous Roswell incident, this bold and rebellious man said
"I believe that that incident has been proven beyond a
shadow of a doubt."

This bold and rebellious man explained how the government
had since conspired against its citizens to debunk and
destroy UFO researchers. He told about recovered spacecraft,
and human body parts, and a cover up by all levels of law
enforcement. He spoke in detail about a Project Grudge, and
a Project Bluebook, and how that was even a cover up of the
truth itself by the "secret government." He explained about
the National Security Agency, and how the National Security
Act was passed to oversee the intelligence community and
specifically the aliens, and about how documents such as
NSC-4, NSC-10/1,and NSC-10/2 expanded covert intelligence
capabilities even further, covert activities which were
designed to keep the secret about the aliens.

This bold and rebellious man was also heard to say many
things which might have sounded mystical and magical to some
of the members of the audience; obscure, secretive sounding
phrases such as "I'm the best friends the Jews have" and "I
know who I am" and "Every prophecy ever made in the Bible
has come true, except the ones about the end times," phrases
whose meaning seem to suggest the signaling of the return of
some great prophet or great leader or brilliant thinker,
spoken with a firm resolve behind such a belief.

There is so much more that was said by this bold and
rebellious man in his speech ten years ago, that it would
keep us busy for quite a while, but that would only be
gilding the lily, would it not? If you listened to this man
in 1989, and listen to him today, you would be surprised at
the difference in the information, in the voice sometimes,
and in the message. Some people who have heard that speech
from 1989 and who have listened closely over the years might
ask the question "Is this the same person, or has the
original person been brainwashed, or been recruited by the
enemy to corral some people into eventually doing their
bidding, or been kidnapped and murdered and replaced by a
secret government clone of some sort?" You might ask that
seemingly far-fetched question also, if you knew what this
bold and rebellious man was saying back in 1989, and if you
heard the tape of that speech.

You see, some of the things being said these days by this
bold and rebellious man are the exact opposite of the things
he said ten years ago in this speech, and if you were to
hear the resolve in the voice of a man who was so firmly
convinced he was right ten years ago and compare it to the
resolve in the voice of the same man today, you would wonder
how such resolve remains and what must be done daily, or
nightly, by this bold and rebellious man to maintain his
resolve, to keep his strength, in the face of a past of so
many contradictions. You would wonder if this man was
perhaps some sort of wolf in sheep's clothing, and you would
also wonder how it was possible that someone else who has
provided so many people with so much contradicting
information in the past, could possibly be taken seriously
unless each and every single thing he ever says is checked
out and confirmed many times by many other people.

And best friend of Jews he is, and I have seen it, because
over the past few years, this bold and rebellious man has
done everything in his power in an attempt to shift the
blame for the destruction of American and global society
from a source common to the teachings and doctrine and
leaders of Judaism, to the sworn enemies of that doctrine
and those leaders, certain people whom some Jewish people
themselves irrationally blame for the destruction of
society, certain people who are condemned to death by the
doctrine and teachers of Judaism, such a small and powerless
group of certain misguided and under-appreciated people who
are so sweet and loving by their nature that they dare not
even take a chance of bringing harm to even a little baby by
any of their actions, and whom the doctrine and teachers of
Judaism have themselves persecuted to their death and
destruction all throughout known history; gay people.

I have had a lot of patience in the past with this this bold
and rebellious man, much more patience than many others who
have eventually concluded that he was a liar, and a
charlatan, and a little Hitler, and a megalomaniac, and a
person who was as dangerous to other people as he was
valuable to them; Hitler loved children and also gave the
world the Volkswagen Beetle, right? I have more patience
than anybody else in the world, I understand, but my
patience is wearing thin, now, because the inconsistencies
are piling up, because the harm to innocent people is out of
balance, and because the message is beginning to sound more
and more like a message which has failed to produce a world
of love, peace and freedom, for the past 10,000 years.

And then, it must surely be a remarkable coincidence that
this bold and rebellious man now lives within close
proximity of the infamous Route 666 in Arizona, the section
also known as the "Devil's Highway," and it must also surely
be a remarkable coincidence that since this bold and
rebellious man has moved into that close proximity, some
local residents and businessmen have apparently tried to
conceal the designation of "Route 666" for that certain
section of the highway in Arizona, and have apparently been
successful in attempting to hide the true historical
identity of that infamous route, and its possible role in
future history.

I see the possibility that some time in the future, perhaps
after some tragic events for which nobody should root, that
it is possible that this bold and rebellious man will be
broadcasting messages throughout the world which will
chastise people about what they have done to themselves,
explain to them his version of why they have done to
themselves what they have done, tell them they got exactly
what they deserved from his understanding of some sort of
law, and end up sounding chillingly like some sort of
benevolent warden of a prison wasteland, and a surviving
harvester of the blood and spirits of the doomed.

Who is this person about whom I speak? Do you know? I do.

The date on the audio cassette tapes of the speech
identified above is listed as November 5, 1989, and that may
or may not be the actual date on which the exact speech was
given. The date on the audio cassette tapes of the speech
may be wrong, but it is not the date of the tape that
matters, it is the content, and anyone who tries to focus on
the alleged accuracy of the herein reported date of the
speech, instead of studying the content of same, is looking
hard for something that is surely not the truth in the

Love ya, Billy!

Janus: The Divided God of Roman Mythology -
http://www.janus.ms/ - "Janus stands for the beginning of
everything. He is of heaven and of all gates and doors." "An
exalted Roman god, a figure of great antiquity and obscure
origin. Always represented as having two faces, one looking
forwards, the other backwards, Janus presided over the past,
present, and future, over gates, doorways, entrances, and
beginnings in general, and over war and peace. At every
sacrifice, in every prayer, he was the first god invoked,
taking precedence before Jupiter." "January is named for
Janus, the Twofold God, who looks both ways: to the inside
and the outside, to the past and the future, to the old year
and the new year, to the old order and the new order (e.g.
Saturnian and Jovian)."

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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nazi's need not apply.

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