-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Here is some information on mind control and cults.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

PS I also wanted to let ritual abuse survivors know that there will be a
conference in a few weeks. Details are at:

IMO, his book is excellent : "Combatting Cult Mind Control" - S. Hassan, Park
Street Press, One Park St, Rochester, VT 05767


Copyright ©1999, Steve Hassan Freedom of Mind

Selected excerpts:

What is the difference between a destructive cult and a cult?

Essentially a destructive cult is a pyramid-shaped authoritarian regime with
a person or group of people that have dictatorial control. It uses deception
in recruiting new members (e.g. people are NOT told up front what the group
is, what the group actually believes and what will be expected of them if
they become members). It also uses mind control techniques to keep people
dependent and obedient. Destructive cults try to "clone" people to become
small versions of the cult leader, rather than respect people's
individuality, creativity and self-will.

Cult groups are any group of people who have a set of beliefs and rituals
which are non-mainstream. As long as people are freely able to choose to join
with full disclosure of the group's doctrine and practices and can choose to
disaffiliate without fear or harassment, then it doesn't fall under the
behavioral/ psychological destructive cult category. Of course, there are
also those groups which are anti-social (e.g. the KKK, nazis, white
supremacists) which teach hate openly which can certainly be considered to be
destructive also.

Are all destructive cults religious?

No, in addition to religious cults, there are therapy cults, political cults,
business cults. Destructive relationships and destructive psychological
influence can take place in small numbers (one person controlling another
person, for example) or in groups that become political state/cults which
contain millions of citizens. Many destructive cults encompass religious,
political and business enterprises.

Are all cults equally as bad?

No, there are definitely wide variations among different organizations. Aum
Shinrikyo, the Japanese "nerve gas" cult, used physical imprisonment, illegal
drugs, and forms of torture to indoctrinate new members. People would be
forced to turn over all of their assets and cut off from their families and
friends. If members tried to leave the group or oppose its leadership, often
they would be killed. This is vastly different from large group "training"
programs which merely use hypnotic techniques to get you to believe the
leader is the "messiah" and which inculcates the membership to recruit all of
their families and friends.

Is all mind control bad?

"Mind Control" as described in my book is certainly focused on the abuses of
the knowledge of the mind. However, I believe that many mind control
techniques (such as hypnosis, visualizations, meditating, prayer, ritual,
altered breathing) can be used ethically and to great positive benefit,
providing the locus of control is within the individual and there is no
hidden agenda to have people submit and turn over their power to some other
human being.

Being in control of your own mind includes being in touch with your feelings,
having the ability to think analytically, question, look at issues from
multiple perspectives, having control of your behavior to take periodic
"time-outs" in order to reflect and be able to have access to information
which may be "negative" to the group leadership.

Why do destructive cults say that you are anti-religious or bigoted?

Destructive cults have a long history of manufacturing propaganda against
"enemies". Groups have mounted a campaign to attempt to convince members and
the general public not to listen to me or read my materials because too many
people were leaving their ranks.

I am a human rights activist who very much values my spirituality as the core
of my existence. I pray and meditate daily. My work has received endorsements
from virtually every major religious denomination. I definitely believe in a
God who created us with free-will and wants us to use our minds to live lives
of love, peace, beauty, and goodness. My work has grown out of my own desire
to grow in understanding and to help people to realize that they need not be
psychologically constricted.

I am a licensed mental health counselor. I got my Master's degree from
Cambridge College in 1985, and have taken the time and undertaken the expense
to receive counseling training from some of the top people in America and the
world. I have experience doing individual, couple and family counseling. I
teach communications techniques and strategies and encourage a legal approach
which I call "strategic interaction therapy".

What should I do if I suspect a family member or friend is getting involved
with a destructive cult?

My best advice is to take a "curious, yet concerned" attitude. Don't get
hysterical, don't be oppositional or confrontational, don't ask them if they
are in a cult! Position yourself as a possible "recruit" and try to solicit
as much information as possible. Ask questions in a friendly manner and
insist on getting specific answers. Don't settle for global generalizations
or obfuscations or evasions. Ask for any literature, but be cautious about
going to meetings without getting properly prepared. I have repeatedly heard
of people getting sucked in that way.

If a group is legitimate, it will stand up to scrutiny. Members will be
forthcoming with information and that information will be verified by facts.
If a group is legitimate, they will not pressure people to make commitments
before there is complete disclosure. If a group is legitimate, it will not
lie nor will it use phobias to enslave new members.

Get information, maintain contact, try to get the person to engage in
researching the group objectively. Talking with former members, particularly
former leaders can be extremely useful. Destructive cults vilify critical
former members and make up stories to make them untrustworthy. While that
might be the case, use your own good judgment to listen objectively to all of
the facts to decide.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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