-Caveat Lector-

scroll for heavy topics

This has graphic descriptions of crimes. Nuns blow whistle on organ traffickers Report: Missionaries in Africa threatened with death after turning in child-killing ring 2/3/04 "Five missionary nuns in Mozambique say they've been threatened with death since telling authorities about an organ-trafficking scheme that allegedly kidnaps and kills children and youths, reports Catholic news service Zenit." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36917

Listings and links to pages with sex crimes are at http://www.primetimecrime.com/Recent/recent%20sex%20crimes.htm

Jury acquits sect mother of murdering infant son Karen E. Robidoux is convicted of assault and battery but is freed because of time already served.  2/4/04 by Michael P. Mckinney "Taunton - A jury yesterday found Karen E. Robidoux not guilty of murdering her infant son, who starved to death as she followed a rigid Attleboro religious sect's "vision" that it was God's will that he be fed only breast milk. Superior Court jurors largely agreed with the defense that Robidoux was a frightened, mentally battered woman who was mind-controlled by the sect into denying the boy, 10-month-old Samuel, solid food. He died short of his first birthday in April 1999. According to testimony, Robidoux was told God would kill a child she was pregnant with if she continued giving Samuel solid food." http://www.projo.com/news/content/projo_20040204_verdict4.1b91a8.html

The Face of Torture - The Ottawa Citizen  by Dan Gardner "The CIA experimented with many methods, but seems to have settled on a similar approach to the "five techniques." Two CIA interrogation manuals uncovered during the 1980s and 1990s emphasize psychological tactics ranging from simple trickery and manipulation to sensory deprivation and threats of physical torture. In 1988, a Honduran army officer who had tortured many prisoners told a New York Times reporter that he and other Latin American officers had received CIA and U.S. army training in Texas. "The Americans didn't accept physical torture," Florencio Cabellero said. Instead, the students were told to "make (the prisoner) stand up, don't let him sleep, keep him naked and isolated, put rats and cockroaches in his cell, give him bad food, serve him dead animals, throw cold water on him, change the temperature." http://financialpost.infomart.ca/doc/doc_display.php?key=ln|otct|20040203|ci
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