-Caveat Lector-


Hi !

Below please find a summary of information I have collected recently.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick


Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may be
triggering. All crimes are alleged.

Measuring the Impact of Media Exposure and Hospital Treatment on Patients
Alleging Satanic Ritual Abuse by Frank Leavitt, Ph.D.  From Treating Abuse
Today 8(4), July/Aug 1998, pp. 28-29. Quotes from the article: "This study
provides evidence that clients who report SRA exhibit a set of associations
to SRA-related words that cannot be explained by exposure to the popular
media or from inpatient treatment." "Reports of ... (SRA) often come to
clinical attention based on testimony of patients about events remembered
from childhood (Hill & Goodwin, 1989; Young, Sachs, Braun, & Watkins, l991).
These memories, ...contain intriguing similarities suggesting a special
information base... similarity of detail and recurrence of patterns in
patient accounts often serve to weigh these accounts in favor of personal
experience...patients making the allegations come from vastly distant
geographic regions, yet share an unique knowledge base, ... adds to the sense
of credibility (Van Benschoten, 1990; Young, Sachs, Braun & Watkins, 1991)."
"individuals in the SRA group with low media exposure produced a greater
number of satanic associations than did individuals reporting high media
exposure to satanic ritual abuse content." from

The site J.J. Freyd's Trauma, Memory and Betrayal Trauma Research
at http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/ ~jjf/trauma.html has informattion on  J.J.
Freyd's "Betrayal Trauma: The Logic of forgetting childhood abuse" (1996)
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN: 067406805; 0674068068 and
Freyd, Jennifer J. "Betrayal trauma: Traumatic amnesia as an adaptive
response to childhood abuse" (1994) Ethics & Behavior 4 (4) 307-329.
"Describes psychogenic  amnesia as an adaptive response to childhood abuse
based on betrayal trauma theory.... Victims may need to remain unaware of the
trauma not to reduce suffering but rather to promote survival. Amnesia
enables the child to maintain an attachment with a figure vital to survival,
development, and thriving..." To order Ethics & Behavior call LEA,
1-800-9BOOKS9,  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Freyd, Jennifer J.,
David H. Gleaves (1996).

A description of "The Science of Memory: Apply with Caution"  Jennifer J.
Freyd, Ph.D. Dept. of Psychology, U of Oregon, Eugene, at

"Multiple Personality Gift, A workbook for you and your inside family" by
Jacklyn M. Pia at  http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/6931/mpgift.htm Please
use caution at this site. It may be triggering.

Two URL's I was told about that are good finding out of print books are:
http://www.bibliofind.com and
http://www.addall.com (new and old)

J. Herman, author of "Trauma and Recovery" replies to Ethan Watters "Doors of
Memory" (Jan./Feb. '93) in Mother Jones, "...once survivors have completed
the process of recovering their memories, their stories are both internally
consistent and--often--externally verifiable. In my own study of fifty-three
survivors in group therapy, three out of four women were actually able to
corroborate their memories with evidence from independent sources."

"Dissociation, Trauma, & Recovered Memories, a Collection of Useful Internet
Links and Other References" is available at

Articles on trauma are at:  http://www.trauma-pages.com/  or add "pg6.htm" D.
Baldwin, PhD, Eugene, OR USA, 541-686-2598

"Child Abuse And Multiple Personality Disorder," P. Coons, M.D., Dept. of
Psychiatry. Ind. Univ. School of Medicine, Ind., IN 46223, "The syndrome of
multiple personality is associated with a high incidence of physical and/or
sexual abuse in childhood." http://wchat.on.ca/web/ asarc/mpd.html

"Leaping upon the Mountains" Mike Lew's 2nd book ("Victims No Longer" was the
first), focuses on the reality of recovery, the information comes from male
survivors. Small Wonder Books, P O Box 1146, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130,

BPS Report: Recovered Memories British Psychological Society, January, 1995,
at http://york39.ncl.ac.uk/www/BRIT.html has information on recovered memory.
Quotes include: "Complete or partial memory loss is a frequently reported
consequence of experiencing certain kinds of psychological traumas including
childhood sexual abuse... memories are sometimes fully or partially recovered
after a gap of many years. Memories may be recovered within or independent of
therapy. Memory recovery is reported by highly experienced and well qualified
therapists who are well aware of the dangers of inappropriate suggestion and
interpretation." Please refer to  the article for their full position. BPS,
St. Andrew House, 48, Princess Road, Leicester, LE1 7DR, United Kingdom

Rick Carlson is an alleged survivor of CIA sponsored LSD experiments in
Canadian prisons when he was young.  He is currently being prosecuted for
bank robbery which some believe he did not do, and with an additional
dangerous offender diagnosis he may end up in prison for a long time. For
info. on how to help Rick, please contact: Patty Rehn, US ACHES-MC contact,
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], PMB #131 - 1972 NE 3rd St.,   Bend,  Oregon 97701.

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 4, 2, 1997, Brunner/Mazel.Inc. c 1997,
TRAUMATIC AMNESIA: The Evolution of Our Understanding From a Clinical and
Legal Perspective by C. Whitfield, M.D. at
http://members.tripod.com/~curio_5_/whitfield.html Quotes include: "... have
identified 51 studies (as of 11/98) that prove the reality of traumatic
amnesia in childhood sexual abuse and other traumas....workers in the field
of trauma psychology have accumulated solid empirical evidence over the past
100 years that it does occur and is common....Many who are accused and some
who are convicted of child molestation, ...have made a number of claims,
principal among them being that traumatic amnesia does not exist....  they
have blitzed the media and tried to influence the clinical, academic, and
legal professions with what is mostly (allegedly) disinformation (Hovdestad,
1996; Pope, 1995, 1996; Pope & Brown, 1996; Whitfield, 199Sa, 1996c)...the
past 100 years, we have accumulated a sizable amount of information about the
frequency and dynamics of traumatic amnesia (traumatic forgetting, also
called dissociative amnesia), ... our clinical understanding of it has
sharpened during the past 15 years."

Helen McGonigle, Esq. has given me permission to distribute a mini-article
about hypnosis, lie detectors and "regression therapy." Please write via
E-mail to get a copy of the article.

"How People Forget: The Truth About Delayed Memory" by Becky Bradway
originally pub. in "Coalition Commentary," pub. by the National Coalition
Against Sexual Assault; for info. call (217) 753-4117, at
http://ncasa.org/memory.html  Quotes include: ...Herman, "Clinical experience
shows that these (traumatic) memories are formed in an altered state of
consciousness induced by terror....B. A. van der Kolk, "Dissociation is
adaptive; it allows relatively normal functioning for the duration of the
traumatic event... there is biological evidence in brain functioning that
there may be amnesia for the specifics of the trauma, but not for the
associated feelings...victims with repressed memories will experience
depression, shame, fear, somatic disorders... without being aware of the
source of their emotional turmoil....In a survey of 450 adults in treatment
for child sexual abuse, 59% had periods in which they could not remember the
abuse. (Briere and Conte, in press)"

Aerial Mind-Control - The Threat to Civil Liberties by Judy Wall,
Editor/Publisher of Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics
Special Interest Group NEXUS Magazine, Oct-Nov ‘99 Vol. 6, No. 6,

Abuse, Memory, Science, Therapy, Ethics & Malpractice by K. Pope, Ph.D. "This
site (has)... peer-reviewed research and other articles...tables summarizing
research data.... topics included are: delayed memories of child abuse (i.e.,
the false memory or recovered memory controversy)..."

Several URLs on the Internet have information for male survivors,
http://bubl1.lib.strath.ac.uk/journals/soc/jcsa/v06n0397.htm#3sexual, "Sexual
Identity Issues for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative
Study" by Maryln Gill and Leslie M Tutty, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse ISSN:
1053-8712, Volume 6 Number 3, 1997, The Haworth Press Inc., 10 Alice Street,
Binghamton, NY 13904 USA
Doubting Thomas, Male sexual abuse, for male survivors of childhood sexual

http://www.vix.com/pub/men/abuse/biblio.html, a bibliography (recommended for
the biblio. only)

The article "CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children by Jon Rappoport"
is available at http://www.netti.fi/~makako/mind/child.txt (may be very

Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation
Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering, School
of Medicine and College of Engineering, U. of WA, Seattle, WA, USA Paper
presented to the Workshop on possible biological and health effects of RF
electromagnetic fields.  Mobile Phones and Health, Symposium, October 25-28,
1998, U. of Vienna, Austria, http://www.akut.org/emr_emf/Lai_austria1.htm

"Exposing the nation to doctors' radiation sickness," by Steve Sternberg, USA
TODAY, "On July 18, 1947, doctors at the University of California at San
Francisco drew a bull's-eye on Elmer Allen's left calf and injected
radioactive plutonium into the center of the circle," "one of 18 people
injected with plutonium in government-financed experiments between 1945 and
1947." A book recommended by the article is "The Plutonium Files," by Eileen
Welsome, The Dial Press at:

"Prisoners used for `frightening' tests, new papers show," by Tracey Tyler,
Toronto Star Legal Affairs Reporter, "Ottawa approved using inmates to test
everything ...while Canada's prison system operated as a research lab,
federal documents show. The documents are contained in long-buried government
files uncovered in the wake of a $5 million lawsuit filed by Dorothy Proctor,
one of 23 inmates involved in LSD experiments at Kingston's Prison for Women
from 1960-63."
(this article may be triggering)

http://www.mhsource.com/pt/p991201a.html "Recovered Memory Lawsuit Sparks
Litigation" by Michael Jonathan Grinfeld. Psychiatric Times  Dec. 1999  Vol.
XVI  Issue 12, "...Braun has decided to fight back. In June, a 22-page
complaint filed on his behalf... claimed that Braun's defense lawyers, the
insurance companies and their claims managers settled the Burgus litigation
without his consent, even though it was "totally defensible as to Dr. Braun."
This is in reference to the  "October 1997 settlement totaling $10.75
million...lawsuit...brought against ... (Braun) by a former patient who later
retracted memories of recovered abuse."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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