-Caveat Lector-

Y2K Computer Viruses

Y2K Risk Assessment Task Force:
Sam Nunn, former U.S. Senator

Vice Chairmen:
Bradley D. Belt, Director, International Finance and Economic Policy
Arnaud de Borchgrave, Director, Global Organized Crime
William Garrison, Director, International Communications

The Melissa virus and the Chernobyl virus recently demonstrated how easy it
is to disrupt a system and cause millions of dollars worth of damage. They
are only the tip of the iceberg. There are more than a hundred millennium
viruses being developed, while all the effort around the Year 2000 computer
problem is focusing on changing the date fields in mission critical systems.
The impact of the Melissa virus and the Chernobyl virus pales in comparison
to the impact that these millennium viruses could have, especially if they
all hit at the same time.

Security expertise and communications engineering knowledge has virtually
become second nature to today's computer savvy youth. As a result, the
quality and the sophistication of simple viruses has significantly
increased. Witness the Melissa virus, a simply coded virus which was totally
benign it its nature. But, its sophisticated concept of carrier broadcast,
which allows a virus to replicate itself and spread rapidly through a
system, ultimately created an atmosphere of panic.

More recently, the Chernobyl virus wreaked havoc in the Middle East and Asia
as well as some European countries. This virus, which was set to activate on
the anniversary of the Chernobyl incident, attempts to corrupt the data on
the hard drive, while at the same time tampering with the boot up (BIOS)
program, without which the computer can not be turned on. South Korea for
instance, estimates that up to 15 percent of all its computers may have been
affected causing damage of up to $250 million. Other areas of the world also
suffered extensive damage. The United States, on the other hand, has
remained largely unaffected. The reason for this is that experts in the
United States have known about the Chernobyl virus for nearly a year and
were able to make preparations by updating the anti-virus software and by
being vigilant.

The same can not be said about millennium viruses. There is very little,
easily accessible public information on them, making it difficult to assess
the threat. But, the problem must be taken seriously. As Jeremy Phillips,
President of PS Technologies, points out, "anybody who has ever worked with
viruses will understand why these viruses are not widely known. Simply, a
virus is not usually known about until it strikes for the first time. As
these viruses are specifically coded not to activate until the computer
clock is either 00 or 2000, there is no reason to suspect that they exist.
However, they do."

According to Mr. Phillips, there are more than 130 computer viruses that are
set to activate at the stroke of midnight 2000. Most of these viruses are
harmless, falling into the "nuisance category." A number of the known
viruses (10-12), on the other hand, are designed with specific malicious
intent. If these viruses all strike at the same, time they have the
potential to make a bad situation worse. Systems administrators, already
stressed with ensuring the seamless Y2K roll-over, may be pushed to a
breaking point increasing the probability of human error and widespread
system failures.

What do some of these millennium viruses do?

Benign Viruses:

As stated earlier, most of the millennium viruses are, according to
tradition, child-like and non-malicious in their intent. One virus, for
instance, creates a picture on your screen of death holding a new-born baby
with the numbers "2000"over his head. Seventeen other viruses just display
the number "2000" on the screen, and then have it explode in confetti.
Although potentially very annoying, these types of viruses cause no lasting
damage and are easily removed.

Malicious Viruses:

The most dangerous "strains" of millennium viruses are being developed by
groups that are small, well financed, and located outside of the United
States. In some cases, the programmers who design the viruses have set up
companies in neutral countries that do software/computer consulting. Profits
from their legitimate activities are then used to finance more nefarious

The malicious millennium viruses, if left unchecked, could cause serious
damage to various areas of the international infrastructure, especially the
international telecommunications infrastructure. One virus, for example,
specifically targets major companies' telephone Electronic Switching
Systems, randomly rerouting calls. Three other malicious viruses will
actually lock a processor in a divide by zero loop, which, if left running
for a sufficient amount of time, will overheat the Central Processing Unit,
causing it to melt down and effectively reducing the computer to scrap
metal. Similarly, a different virus will wreck monitors by tampering with
the video card, causing them to overheat and be destroyed.

Another virus effects applied industrial systems that monitor key processes
such as conveyer belt operations, the temperature regulation in power
plants, labeling of food products, and even payroll systems. What the virus
does is disregard the true information, inserting random quotes where
information is requested. This could cause the total recall of a product
because it was falsely labeled to be safe for children, when in actual fact
it is not.

Lastly, there are two viruses that affect the Domain Name Service (DNS)
automated directory assistance for the Internet, linking the name of a web
site with the corresponding Internet Protocol (IP) address. These two
viruses are non memory resident parasites, meaning that they need an
application that is integrated in the DNS server in order to exist. These
parasite viruses shuffle the directory systems (the resolution tables) so
that the web sites no longer match their IP numbers. As a result, for
example, rather than reaching the CNN web site, a totally different web site
is accessed. As systems security expert, Sam Schubert, points out,
"depending on which DNS server is targeted, viruses of this nature have the
potential of crippling the Internet."

Awareness a Priority:

The viruses briefly described above are just a few examples of the types of
viruses that are being developed and that are set to activate in the
confusing environment of the millennium change over. About 98 percent of
them, both benign and those with system lethal intent, originate outside
U.S. borders i.e. outside U.S. control. This makes it extremely difficult to
get a handle on the problem, which is why awareness needs to be a priority.

If several of the malicious viruses were to hit at the same time as wide
spread Y2K failures, the stress on the system would be severe. It would take
days, more likely months, to clean up and, in some cases, rebuild the
system. Anti-virus software may not protect against these viruses since the
majority of them have not been studied and included in the anti-virus
software. The only way to mitigate possible affects is through heightened
awareness and constant vigilance.

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