-Caveat Lector-

a couple of points of view. It has been transposed from one text file to
another and created typos.
excerpts from:
Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7

The opium-traders became "the boss" in Salem and Newburyport, in Essex County,
Massachusetts. In Salem, they formed the East India Society, which held a
"jollification" each year, parading through the streets in Chinese costumes
and artifacts, (18) to remind the local folks where the money was coming from.
The cult of the irrational, and the search for expressions of feudalism and
anti-industrialism in culture and politics, was a product of this treasonous
combination in Essex County.
Among the personalities originating within the womb of this treasonous clique,
from the city of Newburyport alone, were: Caleb Cushing; Cushing's protege,
Albert Pike; William Lloyd Garrison; Caleb Huse; and George Peabody. The last-
named was the founder of a gigantic banking fi   ‹rm in England, to whose
service he hired Junius and J. P. Morgan. When Peabody died, the firm became
the House of Morgan, and later moved to the U.S.A. The other Newburyporters
named, were all, each in their own particular role, architects of the American
Civil War. It is their story we are telling in these chapters on the history
of treason in America.
But there was yet another category of officers in the invasion of Mexico:
individuals involved in a political movement whose leadership had in fact
brought the war on, a movement whose aims were quite foreign to the culture
and thought patterns of American citizens. For later reference, we will now
simply list some of these odd gentlemen: Caleb Cushing of Massachusett   ‹s,
Albert Pike of Massachusetts and Arkansas, John A. Quitman of New York and
Mississippi, Dr. David Camden DeLeon of South Carolina, Grayson Mallet-Prevost
of Switzerland and Pennsylvania, and Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire.

On the recommendation of Webster, who had owed Cushing a great deal of money
for five years and would be increasingly, pathetically in debt to him for the
rest of his life, Cushing was appointed chairman of the House Foreign
Relations Committee, defeating Congressman (former President) John Q. Adams
for that post.
Caleb Cushing, now wielding the balance of power in Washington, proceeded to
organize the Congress to sustain the President. The anti-slavery Massachusetts
Whig, the friend of Ameri   Ñcan System economics, suddenly appeared in
opposite colors as the intimate friend and advisor of the Virginian Tyler, who
had just as suddenly become the President.
Responding to the national bank veto, Henry Clay told Congress, "There is a
rumor abroad that a cabal exists—a new sort of kitchen cabinet—whose object is
the dissolution of the regular cabinet, the dissolution of the Whig Party, the
dispersion of the Congress without accomplishing any of the great purposes of
the extra session, and a total change, in fact, in the whole face of our
political affairs."(26)
The "accidental" President's veto was sustained, and consequently the United
States has never again, to this day, had a national bank under public control.
>From this period of Caleb Cushing's emergence as a feudalist political
gamemaster in Washington, we have evidence—never before published—of a
political alliance that woul   „d prove to be crucial in creating the anti-
Union insurrection of the coming decades. Cushing arranged for his
Newburyport, Massachusetts colleague and lifelong acquaintance, Albert Pike,
to become a political power in the frontier state of Arkansas. Surviving
letters from Pike to Cushing, in the huge unpublished Cushing Papers at the
Library of Congress, show Pike thanking Cushing for making the patronage
appointments from the national capital that Pike needed to rise to power.(27)
27. See Albert Pike to Caleb Cushing March 2, March 14, and May 25, 1843,
manuscripts in the Cushing Papers, Library of Congress.
The March 2, 1843 letter, addressed "Dear Friend," says "As incompetent as I
am to the Station your kindness thought    Ïme fit for, I feel more sensibly
the friendship which prompted you to move in my behalf. " Further on, Pike,
who was to be built up as the great Arkansas secessionist leader, tells
Cushing, "I congratulate you still more on this, that you are still a citizen
of our own New England, where you enjoy that protection of the law and liberty
of conscience, which none of us here even dream of.... I do not know whether
or not I am tied here for life. I would fain hope not, and would, at almost
any sacrifice, get into some more orderly and law-abiding part of the world. "
Pike enclosed with that letter a declaration of principles for a new political
party-faction he is starting in Arkansas, for Cushing's approval.
The May 25, 1843 letter begins, "    Soon after the accession of General
Harrison to the Presidency, you were so kind, at my earnest solicitation and
recommendation, as to interest yourself in procuring the appointment of Thomas
W. Newton, Esq. to the office of Marshall of this district . . . I also
solicited your influence, and you . . . exerted it, to procure for Absalom
Fowler Esq., the appointment of District Attorney...." The rest reports on the
problems of the political machine that Cushing put into Pike's hands.
By and large, the men the public identifies with the Southern Rebellion had
little or nothing to do with originating the insurrection; they were front
men, like Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, who were left with the horror and
the tragedy to deal with when the rebellion was ch   }allenged and
successfully put down.
While the Knights of the Golden Circle, the military preorganization of the
Confederacy, was being organized under the control of the Scottish Rite's
Northern chief, the Swiss J. J. J. Gourgas, and his lieutenant Killian Henry
Van Rensselaer, the Southern Jurisdiction of the Rite was organizing the
political leadership for the secession itself. The man in charge of this
project was Albert Pike of Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Pike had been a life-long friend and a decades-long protege of his townsman
Caleb Cushing. On March 20, 1853, two weeks after Cushing rose to power as the
attorney general of the United States, the Rite's Southern Secretary General
Albert Gallatin Mackey conferred the Rite's exalted degrees upon Albert Pike
at a ceremony in Charleston, South Carolina. As Pike commented in his last
speech as grand commander in 1890, "I never heard of the Scottish Rite until

Albert Pike(30) is one of the most physically and morally repulsive
individuals in American history. Horribly obese easily 300 Ibs. or more- Pike
was known in his adopted state of Arkansas as a practitioner of Satanism. His
reported sexual proclivities included sitting astride a phallic throne in the
woods, accompanied by a gang of prostitutes. He would bring to his revels one
or more wagon-loads of food and liquor, most of which he would consume over a
period of perhaps 48 hours, until he passed into a stupor.
Pike was thrilled at the chance he got to kill Spanish-Americans in the
Mexican War; he pushed himself forward in Arkansas politics with noisy anti-
Negro and pro-slavery rhetoric; and in the 18   ´50s he became the leading
Southern organizer and boss of the American Party or "Know-Nothings"—the
third-party grouping based on hatred and fear of immigrants.
In 1858 Albert Pike and 11 of his collaborators issued a circular calling for
the expulsion of free Negroes and mulattoes from Arkansas, citing "the
laziness and bestiality of a degraded race," their "immorality, filth and
laziness," and calling the Negro "so worthless and depraved an animal.''(3l)
In 1859, Albert Pike was called upon to become the grand commander of the
Southern Scottish Rite. The activities of Pike's South Carolina-based
organization are, of course, as closed to public scrutiny as were the minutes
o   hf Hitler's cabinet meetings. But the Scottish Rite's official histories
have given us some names to reckon with.
The gap Pike was to fill came from the sudden death, in 1858, of Mississippi
secessionist and Scottish Rite leader John A. Quitman. Over the next two
years—until the records suddenly stop a week before Fort Sumter—Pike set up a
Scottish Rite Supreme Council extending for the first time over the entire
30. See Duncan, Robert Lipscomb, Reluctant General: The Life and Times of
Albert Pike, E.P. Dutton and Co., New York, 1961. This is the closest thing to
a serious biography of Albert Pike yet written. It is a shameless, ludicrous
31. ibid., p. 162.
Caleb Huse was the leader of the Alabama militia, training his troops at the
University of Alabama. At the beginning of the Civil War, Huse was immediately
sent to England to beg   ain acquiring arms for the insurrection. He was
credited by James D. Bulloch, the Confederacy's European Secret Service chief,
with being the "unsung hero" of the arms procurement effort, bringing back
from Europe hundreds of thousands of rifles with which to kill Americans.(40)
Caleb Huse was a Northerner—from Newburyport, Massachusetts. His family owned
the Newburyport Herald—the same paper that Caleb Cushing and William Lloyd
Garrison had worked on. The Huse family published a special memorial volume in
tribute to Caleb Cushing in the 1870s, which included a gushing speech by
Albert Pike about his lifelong friend Cushing.(41)

Georgia's leading secessionists were the Scottish Rite Supreme Council member
Howell Cobb, Albert Pike's dearest friend Robert Toombs (later a Supreme
Council member), and the previously described Lamar family. Geo   rgia held
elections for a secession convention on January 2, 1861, in which the
secessionists claimed victory by a 44,000 to 41,000 margin. There is some
evidence that the anti-secessionists actually achieved a slim majority.(42)
The Arkansas convention was a personal embarrassment for the enormous Scottish
Rite leader, Albert Pike. When he heard that the convention in Little Rock was
likely to vote Unionist, Pike made a hurried trip out west to personally
harangue the delegates: "Things have gone so far that you have only one choice
in the matter. You must go out voluntarily, or be kicked out or dragged out.
South Carolina is going to drag you out, or the government is going to drag
you out by calling on you for troops. . . "(45) The Arkansas delegates refus
"ed to be intimidated, and voted to stay with the Union.
Having voted to stay in the Union, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and
Arkansas were, indeed, eventually "dragged out." After the insurrection's
headquarters in South Carolina started the war, those four states were
unceremoniously declared to be out of the Union and part of the Southern
At the University of Alabama Barnard shared the responsibility for the
chemistry department with John Mallet, the British gentleman who later headed
up the Confederate Ordnance Laboratories. Another Massachusetts man, Caleb
Huse of Newburyport, trained the Alabama Militia at the university.
In 1856 Barnard was hired as president of the University of Mi   æssissippi,
where he was on intimate terms with former Mississippi mathematics instructor
L. Q. C. Lamar, author of the state's 1861 Secession Ordinance.
His close and loyal friend and supporter was the university's Board Chairman,
Jacob Thompson,(19) U.S. Interior Secretary (1857-1860) and collaborator with
Scottish Rite chief Albert Pike in the theft of hundreds of thousands of
dollars in government gold for fraudulent Indian transactions, who would be
the Canadian-based coordinator of terrorism against Northern cities during the
Civil War.
Barnard guided the university through secession, then turned down an offer by
Confederate President Jefferson Davis to be Commissioner of Natural Resource
ƒs, and moved to Virginia. When Union troops overran his residence area,
Frederick Barnard published an open letter to President Lincoln denouncing the

This denunciation contradicted Barnard's earlier published opinions. In a
speech at Oxford, Mississippi on Nov. 20, 1856,

One United States Senator in particular stood up to attack this outrage for
what it was: a swindle of the taxpayers, a horrible setback to the republican
relationship between the United States and Ibero-America, and a further
takeover of American society by the Morgan interests. This man was Senator
John H. Mitchell of Oregon.
Mitchell was without question the most popular politician in his state. He had
come   – to Oregon from Pennsylvania in 1860, entered politics, and fought for
Oregon to stay in the Union. Alongside Senator and U.S. General Edward Baker,
John Mitchell fought against the Knights of the Golden Circle faction which
agitated for a separate Pacific Coast Republic linked to the Southern
Confederacy. Standing for the development of the West with Federal land laws,
Mitchell built up a Lincoln Republican constituency and served as United
States Senator from 1873 to 1878, from 1885 to 1897, and from 1900 to 1905.
In the 1902 debates on the transoceanic canal, Senator Mitchell said "I now
propose to attract the attention of the Senate to the repulsive and disgusting
history of both the old and the new Panama Canal companies. And with that
history, with all its repulsiveness, before the Senate, I propose to inquire,
in the name of the American people, whether the Senate of the United States
can afford to link its fortunes with a scheme, the putrefying stench fr   ;om
which has filled the nostrils of the nations, and caused respectable business,
social and political mankind to turn aside in disgust."
Mitchell then detailed the history of frauds and the multi-million-dollar
bribes extended in the Panama adventure, and described the swindle perpetrated
by an American financial "committee . . . composed of J.&W. Seligman & Co.,
Messrs. Winslow, Lanier & Co.,, and Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co [the House of
Morgan]. "(20) This was the core of the international banking syndicate which
had controlled the U.S. government debt since the 1870s.
To adhere to the U.S. Constitution, and to deter fraud, Senator Mitchell
demanded that the choice of routes in the construction of the canal be left
strictly up to Congress, and he favored the Nicaragua route. Mitchell did not
win, though the Spoo   vner Act did make specific directions to President
Roosevelt, which he flouted. But Mitchell kept fighting, speaking out against
the fraud in 1903 and 1904.
Meanwhile, the United States Secretary of the Interior, Ethan Allan Hitchcock,
moved on behalf of the President. (Hitchcock is something of a mystery man,
with no published biography and no known personal papers, though he served in
both the McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt cabinets. His family has reported to
the Dictionary of American Biography that he amassed his fortune as a partner
in the China trading firm of Olyphant and Company, living in China for many
years during and after the American Civil War. During that war his uncle, a
U.S. general by the identical name, traveled to Paris as the head of the
United States organization of "Rosicrucians." There the uncle met with the
following other "Rosicrucians": Edward Bu    lwer-Lytton, British Secretary of
State for the Colonies; Napoleon III, the - pro Confederate Emperor of France;
and Confederate General Albert Pike, the Scottish Rite Leader in charge of
Indian uprisings against Union forces.(2l) The two Ethan Allan Hitchcocks— the
strange general and the equally strange Secretary of the Interior, lived
together in St. Louis with their close friend and spritualist colleague
William Torrey Harris, the United States Commissioner of Education.)
Interior Secretary Hitchcock sent a secret service agent, William J. Burns,
and a team of detectives to Oregon in 1903 to try to put together cases
against leading politicians for land fraud A crooked land hustler named
Stephen Puter was arrested. Puter was in the habit of paying people to f
salsely swear they were homesteaders, then turning over their government
grants to railroads and lumber companies for a fee. Puter was jailed, and
asked to cooperate against Senator Mitchell.
The regular United States Attorney for Oregon John H. Hall was indicted, and
"progressive" special prosecutor Francis Heney was brought in by President
Theodore Roosevelt. The Federal grand jury sitting in 1904 and 1905 indicted
100 people, including many public officials. Senator Mitchell was indicted on
the testimony of convicted criminal Stephen Puter. Senator Mitchell was
convicted on the charge that his law partnership had accepted $1, 700 in fees
for helping to press claims to public land. Senator Mitchell appealed his
conviction, but was not aided by anyone in Washington, was called a criminal
in the press, and died in 1905, allegedly of-a tooth extraction, before his
appeal c   rould be heard. His accuser, Stephen Puter, wrote a book in prison
on the merits of Roosevelt and Pinchot's drive for conservation; he left jail
early on a pardon from Theodore Roosevelt.
The Oregon land fraud cases, splashed across the nation's press, were used by
Gifford Pinchot and his propaganda machine at the Forestry Service with its
700, 000-person mailing list— to push for the great reform of America's use of
the land: locking up the West to further settlement.
>From that time on, Oregon. has quietly accepted the policy of Conservation.

excerpts from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7

The "Government" referred to in this Protocol could well be the Supreme
Council of Freemasonry. And the Dialogues   U, upon which we believe the
Protocols is based, could have been of much earlier origin than the 1860s, for
it echoes Weishaupt's correspondence with his co-conspirators in the
Illuminate The Dialogues could as well have been the correspondence between
members of the Templar hierarchy, such as Mazzini in Italy, Pike in America,
Palmerston in England, and Bismarck in Germany.
It is also just as likely that Karl Marx, or Mikhail Bakunin, both of whom
were at the Geneva Masonic Congress, spouted the fourth Protocol from'that
forum. It certainly would have befitted their Communist program. In fact, a
segment of Protocol twelve could have been spoken at Geneva against Russia by
this remnant of Communist Jacobins
Mazzini and International Freemasonry

Mazzini was in contact with Masonic revolutionaries throughout the world:
Giuseppe Garibaldi   d, leader of the revolutionary army in Italy; Louis
Kossuth of Hungary; Stanislas Vorcell of Poland; Alexander Herzen of Russia;
Henry Palmerston of England; Otto von Bismarck of Germany; and Albert Pike of
the United States. De Poncins notes that twenty-two years after Mazzini's
death the Rivista della Massoneria Italiana said of him and his assistants:
"'Mazzini, Garibaldi and Kossuth shine with unsurpassed glory which make
crowned heads turn pale."(17)
In fact, before his death, Mazzini, with American Freemason Albert Pike
(1809-1891), English Freemason Henry Palmerston (1784-1865), and German
Freemason Otto von Bismarok (1815-1898), had cooperated in uniting the
hierarchies in French, British, and American Masonry in a super rite founded
by Albert Pike. All four men, as 33rd degree Masons, were destined to rule
Universal Freemasonry through this rite. M   <iller states that "Albert Pike,
in honour of his Templar Baphomet,(18) which was in keeping of his first and
historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed Palladian Rite
or New and Reformed Palladium."(19)
The word "Palladian" is the key here to the Templar orientation of the Supreme
Council. The word "Palladium" comes from the Hindu "pala," for the male sex
organ. "Pala" in Latin means "phallus" and is the universal emblem of kings.
Thus, the Palladium ruled like a king.(20) Pike's symbol of Baphomet also
represents the generative forces within man, which, according to Masonic
doctrine, are the means of man's deification(21) The Palladium, as the
Baphomet, takes its origins from the Templars, not the Sionists-Illuminati.
Yet, as we shall see in another chapter, its religious dogma is identical to
th   We Luciferian doctrine established by Weishaupt.
Under the administration of these four High Masons, the doctrines of the
Palladium were spread rapidly within the Templar Scottish Rite Lodges. High
Masons, with whom Palladians came in contact, were candidates for initiation.
They in turn, took the doctrine back to their respective lodges.

Lord Palmerston

Pike, Mazzini, Bismarck, and Palmerston were the leaders of Freemasonry in
their respective countries. So important to English Masonry was Prime Minister
Palmerston that the authors of Dope, Inc. state that "nearly
every...inhabitant of Britain's political netherworld followed a chain of
command that led through the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry directly to Lord
Palmerston and his successors."(22)
This chain of command enabled Palmerston to assist Masonic revolutions with
British pounds. When     Mazzini called for financial aid to fund his Grand
Orient insurrection in Italy (1848-1865), he turned to Palmerston, who
encouraged Parliament to back Mazzini's effort. The duped politicians
allocated funds to their Templar adversary.
Following Palmerston's death the Earl of Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli
(1804-1881), a Jewish Freemason, was elected Prime Minister, taking up
Mazzini's cause. Disraeli had more decency than did Palmerston. Instead of
using the taxpayer's pounds, he went to the two leading Jewish bankers,
Freemasons Rothschild and Monteflore, and Mazzini's funding continued. (23)
Disraeli later discovered his error and published Lothair, a novel about
secret societies in European politics. The novel stated, "The world is
governed by very different personages to what is i   'magined by those who are
not behind the scenes...."(24)
Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, 1889

Albert Pike (1809-1891) was a General in the Confederate Army during our
American Civil War (1860-1865). From 1859 until his death in 1891, he was the
most powerful Mason in the world. He occupied simultaneously the positions of
Grand Master of the Central Directory at Washington, D.C. Grand Commander of
the Supreme Council at Charleston, S.C., and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal
Freemasonry.(2) He was an honorary member of almost every Supreme Council in
the world, personally receiving 130 Masonic degrees.(3)
On October 26, 1919, twenty-eight years after Pike's death, Alva Adams of
Colorado addressed the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish
Rite at Washington, D.C., with the following    9commendation of Albert Pike:

As the Laws King Alfred wrote a thousand years ago are still a part of
England's glory and liberty, so in another thousand years will the ideals, the
poetry, the moral code and philosophy of Albert Pike be shaping the influence
and destiny of Masonry. It is a patent of nobility to be a Brother to this
god-like leader -- Prince in the House of Solomon and Hiram.(4)

There is a subversive side to Albert Pike, however, about which many remain
silent. Before accession to his prestigious Masonic positions, Pike secretly
organized the rebellion of the southern states against the United States,
using the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry to conceal his
conspiracy. Most of the political and military leadership of the Confederacy
were Masons under Pike's secret command. In rea   [lity, our Civil War was
another battle in the war between English and French Freemasonry.(5)
Prior to our 1776 War of Independence, 32nd degree French Templarism had not
yet reached America. Although a few Templar lodges from Ireland and Scotland
were scattered throughout the northeast U.S., most were military lodges and
had not progressed beyond nine degrees. Predominant were the three-degree
English lodges. By the time George Washington was elected our first President,
32nd degree Templar Scottish Rite Freemasonry had already been established at
Charleston, S.C. -- on the 33rd degree parallel. The Scottish Rite assisted
our new government in developing French republican ideals. In 1801, nine
American Masons created the 33rd degree and the Charleston lodge became the
Mother Council of the World.
High-degree Scottish Rite lodges soon dotted the so   outhern portion of the
United States, and the Rite moved northeast where low-degree English Masonry
was strongest. Evidence suggests that to counter this intrusion into English
Masonic territory, the British sent John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865) to
New York to organize clandestine Scottish Rite Lodges throughout that
Gourgas was well-suited to this subversive task. The Gourgas family had been
French Scottish Rite Masons living in Switzerland prior to the French
Revolution. During the Reign of Terror, the family emigrated to England, where
John James Joseph became a well-known merchant on the royal exchange. As a
matter of course, he joined low-degree English Freemasonry.(7)
The Gourgas family sailed from England to Boston in 1803, finally settling in
Weston, Massachusetts. J.J.J. Gourgas went to New York around 1806. By 1813 he
had organized five cland   uestine Scottish Rite lodges, one of which was
called the Cerneau Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of
the Thirty-Third Degree. These subversive lodges had assisted England in her
War of 1812- 1814 against the young American nation.
In the early summer of 1813 Emanual de la Motta, a Supreme Council member from
Charleston, was visiting New York and discovered the five clandestine lodges.
An investigation ensued, and none were found to have received sponsorship from
Charleston. After conferring with the Charleston hierarchy, Motta was told to
rectify the situation as quietly as possible. He immediately worked out a
territorial arrangement with Gourgas. Thus was born the Northern Jurisdiction
of Scottish Rite Freemasonry on August 5, 1813, with confirmation on December
24th by the Mother Supreme Council at Charleston.(8)
Permanent headquarters for the North   mern Jurisdiction of Freemasonry was
later established at Boston, where English Freemasonry first entered America.
Boston was given Masonic dominion over all the states north and east of the
Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. This legitimacy gave English Freemasonry a
permanent foothold in America from which to continue her subversive activity.
The agreement also stipulated noninterference by the South in the Northern
Jurisdiction. Hence, behind northern lodge doors big business deals were
settled without southern participation or knowledge. Gradually the
northeastern Masons became the power brokers for all the nation, dominating
industry, finance and politics. Thus, the Northern Jurisdiction of Freemasonry
acquired the nickname, "The Eastern Establishment."
The non-aggression treaty signed between the U.S. and England in 1814 did not
stop Great Britain from attempting to   g reclaim the Americas. She may have
lost the War of 1812, but through her Scottish Rite lodges of the English
obedience in the North, she controlled the northeast's wealth. Southern wealth
was counted in slaves. In order to exercise economic control over the South,
slavery would have to be abolished. London planned to divide America over the
slavery issue. A nation divided would be easy to conquer, if not militarily,
then economically and financially. By 1860 we were in a civil war, ostensibly
over slavery.
Against this British intrusion into American politics, finance and industry,
General Albert Pike initiated the southern rebellion. In 1859 the Southern
Jurisdiction of Freemasonry founded the Knights of the Golden Circle as a
front to direct the insurrection. When the South lost to the North, and
Abraham Lincoln reunited the Union, the Knights of the Golde   Un Circle
plotted Lincoln's assassination. John Wilkes Booth, a 33rd degree Mason and
member of Mazzini's Carbonari of Italy, was selected by the Knights to kill
After Lincoln's assassination, the Knights of the Golden Circle attempted to
rekindle the Civil War. Riots erupted throughout the South. Even 3rd degree
Freemason, Vice President Andrew Johnson, who assumed the Presidency following
Lincoln's assassination, believed these riots were an attempt to incite
another civil war.(10) Young Jesse James (1847-1882), a 33rd degree Freemason
and member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, was assigned to rob northern
banks to fund this new war. Regarding James's success, Ralph Epperson, in The
Unseen Hand, wrote: "It has been estimated that Jesse and the other members of
the Knights had buried over $7 billion in gold all over the western

In the meantime, a crisis was brewing which brought heavy Masonic pressure to
bear upon the newly appointed president, Andrew Johnson. During the Civil War,
General Pike had led a band of Indians who conducted warfare with barbarity by
scalping Union soldiers while they were yet alive.(12) After the war and
Lincoln's assassination, Pike was tried and found guilty of treason. Andrew
Johnson, himself a 3rd degree Mason, was pressured by high Masons to pardon
brother Pike.
Master Mason Johnson was under no Masonic obligation to pardon his treasonous
Masonic superior. For clarification we recite part of the Master Mason
ceremony. When the 3rd degree initiate is symbolically raised from the dead by
the strong grip of the "lion's paw," he is taught the "Five Points of
Fellowship," which are foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand t
Lo back and cheek to cheek. The second point of fellowship, which is breast to
breast, teaches "that you will ever keep within your breast the secrets of a
worthy brother Master Mason as inviolable as your own when communicated to,
and received by you as such, murder and treason excepted."(13)
Relentless pressure from Masons was too great, and the President succumbed to
their bidding. Paul Fisher reports that

Benjamin B. French, a 33rd Degree Mason and member of the board of directors
of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, wrote a letter, dated July 1,
1865, to President Andrew Johnson...urging him to pardon Pike. Additional
appeals on Pike's behalf were made to the President by Masons from different
parts of the United States.(14)

Johnson bowed to Masonic pressure and pardoned the man who was most
responsible for the Civil W   Ear, who undoubtedly was in favor of the
assassination of President Lincoln, and who may himself have been directly
involved in the plot. Nine months later a list of pardoned rebels, including
Pike, was released to the press. Fisher informs us that "[i]n March, 1867, the
House Judiciary Committee began an investigation into charges by some
Congressmen that Johnson should be impeached. Later, when the committee
finally issued its report, a key charge against the President was that he
pardoned large numbers of public and notorious traitors...."(15)
Three months later, Freemasonry honored Johnson for pardoning the treasonous
Albert Pike. "On June 20, 1867," reports Fisher, "the President received a
delegation of Scottish Rite officials in his bedroom at the White House where
he received the 4th through the 32nd Degrees of the Sco   Wttish Rite as an
honorarium. "(16)
The trial for Johnson's impeachment proceeded as scheduled. In May 1868,
fourteen months after the Congressional investigation of Johnson was
initiated, the final vote fell one short of the necessary two-thirds for
conviction. Freemasonry celebrated by erecting the only monument to a
Confederate general in the nation's capital. Between Third and Fourth Streets
stand the U.S. Department of Labor Building and the city's Municipal Building.
On public property between these two buildings, on D Street, N.W., "is a
statue of Albert Pike, the grand philosopher of Scottish Rite Masonry, who was
indicted for treason for his activities during the Civil War."(17)

Albert Pike's Luciferian Doctrine

Albert Pike was one of the most physically and morally repulsive individuals
in American history. Weighing well over 300 po   Bunds, his sexual proclivity
was to sit naked astride a phallic throne in the woods, accompanied by a gang
of prostitutes. To these orgies he would bring one or more wagon-loads of food
and liquor, most of which he would consume over a period of two days, until he
passed into a stupor. In his adopted state of Arkansas, Pike was well known as
a practitioner of Satanism.(18) Although he wrote that he did not believe in
the reality of Satan, portraits made of Pike in his later years picture him
wearing the Baphomet, a symbol of Satan, around his neck. (See Appendix 2,
Fig. 30.)
Pike was an evil genius of the first magnitude, using his many talents to
destructive ends. A gifted polyglot, he was able to both read and write in
sixteen ancient languages.(19) In his study of ancient religions, Pike
discovered that Lucifer was the g   6od of pagans and that there was no
adversary known as Satan except in the Bible. Lucifer, son of the morning, was
known to pagans as the friend of mankind who gave them fire, taught them all
the crafts, and showed them the rich ore and precious stones buried in the
earth. For these countless benefactions conferred on humanity, jealous Adonay,
who claimed to be the true God, united His angels against the brightest angel
and unjustly cast him out of heaven.(20)

Pike reasoned that Adonay, the God of the Bible, was evil for robbing man of
his scientific achievements -- first by Flood, then by the destruction of the
Tower of Babel. Lucifer, according to Pike, was the good god, who returned to
man his scientific freedom. And Satan? He was only a fabrication of
Would the God of Freemasonary  Please Stand?   A

Albert Pike continued the work of Adam Weishaupt, introducing Lucifer to the
Supreme Council as the Masonic god. In 1843, while Pike was developing his
Luciferian Doctrine, two other Masons, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(1807-1882) and Moses Holbrook (d.1844), Sovereign Grand Commander of the
Supreme Council at Charleston, were attempting to penetrate the inner shrines
of the Fraternity with the doctrine of Satanism. Both had studied thoroughly
the occult sciences and enjoyed discussing the mysteries of the Cabala with
Pike, but were unable to convert the general to Satanism.(21) When Holbrook
died a year later, Longfellow turned to the Independent Order of Oddfellows,
hoping they would receive his Satanic doctrine.
The Oddfellows had been founded by Masons at London in 1788 and brought to the
United States in 1819 b   ,y Freemason Thomas Wildey. At first Longfellow was
refused by Wildey, but later obtained secret authorization to use the Order
for the introduction of Satanism into the second degree. This rite was to be
absolutely secret. Miller informs us that "[t]he adepts of the second [degree]
Oddfellows practising Satanism...took the name of Re-Theurgist-Optimates....
Longfellow became the Grand Priest of the New Evocative Magic."(22)
Albert Pike was opposed to a Satanic Rite in Freemasonry because he refused to
believe Lucifer and Satan were the same personality. In his book, Morals and
Dogma, published in 1871, he describes the Cabalistic(23) meaning of Satan:

The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh [sic] reversed;
for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the pe
-rsonification of Atheism or Idolatry.
For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but
which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They
represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the
mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the
Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of
which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the Legend.(24)

Pike accused poets of falsifying the nature and role of Lucifer. For example,
Longfellow believed Satan was once Lucifer, and John Milton made the Fallen
Angel the hero of the tale in Paradise Lost In contrast, Pike believed Lucifer
never fell, that the Rebel Angel is the light of the world today, equal in
power to Almighty God,   B yet less transcendent at the present time. In
Morals and Dogma Pike sarcastically refers to the book of Revelation which
denies Lucifer's equality with God: "The Apocalypse is...the Apotheosis of
that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and
works of Lucifer...."
Pike's ridicule is directed toward those who have faith only in the God of the
Apocalypse without giving Lucifer due respect. Pike continues his encomium to
Lucifer: "Strange and mysterious name to give to the spirit of Darkness
Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its
splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it
With one stroke of the pen, this 33rd degree Mason, whom all Masons
revere,(26) denied the finished work of Jesus Christ, the true Light of the
world   _, about which Light St. John wrote his entire book.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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