Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001342.  Don't forget to register to vote

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Officials here at the Air Force
Personnel Center want to remind Air Force members that Armed Forces Voters
Week is Sunday through Sept. 9 and emphasize the importance of registering
and requesting absentee ballots.

"The 2000 general election date is closing in, so voters need to remember to
register and request absentee ballots," said TSgt. Sophia Barnard, Air Force
voting program project officer.  "Voters can register and request absentee
ballots by filling out a Standard Form 76, Federal Post Card Application.
There are now 42 states that accept the on-line version of the FPCA, so
check out the Federal Voting Assistance Program web site at
http://www.fvap.ncr.gov to see if your state is one of them."

Deadlines and other state specific rules on voter registration are published
in the Federal Voting Assistance Guide which is available from installation
voting officers or on the FVAP web site.

"Every installation has an installation voting officer who can assist airmen
and their family members," Barnard said.  "Base telephone operators can
refer members to their installation voting officer, who will have a supply
of Federal Post Card Registration and Absentee Ballot Request cards as well
as the voting guides to assist in filling out and mailing them.  If members
don't receive their ballots 30-45 days before the election, they can contact
their local election officials or installation voting officers for

For more information, Air Force members may contact their installation
voting officer or contact the USAF voting action office at DSN 665-2563 or
1-800-558-1404.  (Courtesy of AFPC News Service)

001338.  Air Force 'hams' invited to anniversary party

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Amateur radio operators, or "hams," from around the
globe will celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the Air Force with a worldwide
radio "QSO party" on Sept. 16.  The party is set for 12:01 a.m. Sept. 16 to
11:59 p.m. Sept. 17 Universal Coordinated Time.  QSO is ham radio shorthand
for "radio contact."

Hams are licensed by their governments to develop radio skills, improve
radio science, provide disaster and public service communications, and build
international goodwill.  The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has
issued such licenses to more than 700,000 people.  Hundreds of thousands of
citizens of other nations are similarly licensed by their governments.

The QSO party was started in 1997 as a one-time celebration of the Air Force
50th anniversary, but has become an annual event at the request of hundreds
of its participants from around the world, including many Air Force members
and retirees.  Through it, hams gather on the airwaves to renew old Air
Force acquaintances as they exchange radio greetings.

The event is sponsored by the Air Force Directorate of Communications and
Information, and managed by the Razorback Radio Club.  Its trustee, Brig.
Gen. Bernie Skoch (amateur radio call sign K5XS), is the principal director
for network services at the Defense Information systems Agency in Arlington,

Hams have a historical practice of using the Morse code to communicate.
They couple this practice with modern communication techniques such as voice
communications, radio teletype, television, facsimile, and even
computer-to-computer communications over radio.  Space shuttle astronauts
communicate with classrooms worldwide via ham radios to educate elementary
and high school students on space travel.  The new International Space
Station will include a ham radio station as well.

For more details, e-mail Skoch at [EMAIL PROTECTED], write the club at
1033 Marlboro Road, Lothian, MD 20711.

001337.  F-22 milestone completed ahead of schedule

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFPN) -- The F-22 Combined Test Force
completed another major Defense Acquisition Board milestone ahead of
schedule August 22.  The test involved F-22 flight maneuvers with its
weapons bay doors open and at high angles of attack.

The milestone, officially titled "Initiate High AoA (Angle of Attack) with
Weapons Bay Doors Open," was the third of nine flight test-related
milestones completed this year. According to test engineers at the F-22
testing facility, the aircraft passed its milestone "with flying colors."

Other milestones for 2000 include the first flight of Raptor 4003, 4004,
4005, 4006, Radar Cross Section testing, AIM-9 separation testing through
AIM-120 separation testing, complete Avionics Block 3.0 first flight, and
Block 3.0 function testing.

Milestones completed this year include the first flight of Raptor 4003 and
AIM-9 separation testing.  Completion of Raptor 4004, 4005, 4006 and the
avionics testing milestones can begin once the items complete the
manufacturing process and are ready for issue to the CTF.  Completion of
test points that will culminate with separation testing of the AIM-120 and
RCS testing are proceeding satisfactorily.

The AoA test required the F-22 to fly with its center weapons bay doors open
and conduct an extensive maneuvering flight and with a high angle of attack,
or nose up attitude.  The test evaluated the weapons bay doors' ability to
withstand significant changes in pressure gradients generated by the airflow
as it passes by the plane's fuselage.

Lockheed test pilot Jon Beesley flew Raptor 4002 during the test. Specific
flight maneuvers included 360 degree rolls and full pedal sideslips, where
the pedals, or rudder controls, are pushed to the full extent of their
control travel. Tests were done at 35,000 feet at varying airspeeds.

While specific details of the test profile remain sensitive, the aircraft's
performance continued to exceed capabilities of all other fighter aircraft
currently in use.

The "F-22 continues to perform outstandingly in all tests that we have
performed and it remains unsurpassed in both its handling and flight
performance," Beesley said.

Edwards is currently testing three F-22s.  Since the start of testing, a
little more than two years ago, the F-22 program has flown more than 690
hours and completed more than 8,000 flight test points, or evaluation items,
and more than 2,500 maintenance or logistics test points.

The F-22 test team has completed several major flight test milestones.  All
have been accomplished ahead of schedule.  As an example of applied
aerodynamics in action, the F-22 test program remains, based on historical
data, the single most efficient flight-test program in Edwards' history.
The test team has seen continued successes in its ability to fine tune
Raptor performance, expand the aircraft's flight envelope and discover areas
to enhance structural capabilities.

All flight test tasks are essential to helping the F-22 reach its ultimate
goal of being "the air superiority fighter" of the 21st Century.

001337a.gif and 001337a.jpg
F-22 Raptor 4002 successfully completes another major test milestone by
flying a series of maneuvers with its weapons bay doors open.  The
maneuvers, performed by Lockheed test pilot Jon Beesley, included 360-degree
rolls and full pedal sideslips.  The tests were done at 35,000 feet and at
varying speeds.  (Photo by Judson Brohmer)

001337b.gif and 001337b.jpg
F-22 Raptor 4002 pitches up with its weapons bay doors open to evaluate the
weapons bay doors' ability to withstand significant changes in pressure as
the plane goes through a series of maneuvers.  The aircraft, piloted by
Lockheed test pilot Jon Beesley, successfully completed this test, achieving
another test milestone ahead of schedule. (Photo by Judson Brohmer)

001344.  AFPC announces Medical Squadron Screening Board selectees

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- The Air Force Personnel Center
recently announced the results of the Calendar Year 2001 Medical Squadron
Screening Board which convened here Aug. 8-9.  One hundred sixty officers
were selected as squadron commander candidates to fill 89 available
assignments during 2001.

The projected date for announcing the assignments is Oct. 27.  Those
officers remaining on the CY01 MSCB list will be available for other
assignments under the Air Force Assignments System.  Officers on the list
who are not reassigned will remain vulnerable for worldwide assignment to a
squadron commander billet through the end of the assignment cycle (Dec. 31,

The names of those selected with commands and corps are:

Air Combat Command
Lt. Col. Matt Adkins Jr., MSC
Lt. Col. Paul V. Bennett, NC
Lt. Col. Gregory W. Carson, MSC
Lt. Col. Brian K. Deckert, BSC
Lt. Col. Daniel P. Dickinson, MSC
Lt. Col. Donald A. Diesel, BSC
Lt. Col. Robert F. Gamble, DC
Lt. Col. Leonard W. Jackson, MSC
Lt. Col. Bonnie C. Johnson, BSC
Lt. Col. Stephen A. Knych, MC
Lt. Col. Lawra A. Lee, MSC
Lt. Col. Andrew Marchiando, MC
Lt. Col. Mark E. Mavity, MC
Lt. Col. Karen M. Mathews, MC
Maj. Renee M. Carey, MSC
Maj. Dale A. Ferguson, BSC
Maj. Mark Lewandowski, MSC
Maj. James E. McClain, BSC
Maj. Glenn L. Terry, DC

Air Force Academy
Lt. Col. Jerome P. Limoge Jr., MC
Lt. Col. Robert J. Medell, MC
Maj. Ann L. Parker, NC
Maj. Michael G. Schell, MSC
Maj. Dean W. Thorson, BSC

Air Education and Training Command
Lt. Col. Gary M. Blamire, BSC
Lt. Col. Donald Frankenberry, BSC
Lt. Col. Roy T. Franklin, BSC
Lt. Col. Dennis E. Franks, MSC
Lt. Col. Kathryn E. Hall, NC
Lt. Col. Susan R. Hall, NC
Lt. Col. Dawn M. Harl, NC
Lt. Col. Michael P. Holway, MSC
Lt. Col. Martin L. Johnson, MC
Lt. Col. Michael E. Johnson, BSC
Lt. Col. Everett McAllister, BSC
Lt. Col. Michael D. Miller, BSC
Lt. Col. Michael K. O'Connor, MSC
Lt. Col. Gregory L. Parish, MSC
Lt. Col. Lane T. Rogers, MSC
Lt. Col. Phillip R. Sandefur, DC
Lt. Col. Sean P. Scully, BSC
Maj. Diana Atwell, NC
Maj. Amy K. Bachelor, NC
Maj. Vennessa J. Hagan, NC
Maj. Lawrence J. Mellon, MSC
Maj. Dennis L. Oakes, NC
Maj. Marjorie J. Randall, NC

U.S. Air Forces in Europe
Lt. Col. Rebecca L. Brown, BSC
Lt. Col. Diana R. Flores, NC
Lt. Col. Kenneth E. Hall, BSC
Lt. Col. David T. Hocking, NC
Lt. Col. Robert C. Lenahan, MSC
Lt. Col. Gail McCain, NC
Lt. Col. Erik J. Meyers, DC
Lt. Col. Robert I. Miller, MC
Lt. Col. Barbara L. Wolfe, NC
Maj. Linda M. Adams, MSC
Maj. Robert V. Bowersox, BSC
Maj. Jay S. Cloutier, BSC
Maj. John L. Flynn, MSC
Maj. Rebecca A. Kanter, NC
Maj. Kenneth K. Knight, MC
Maj. Michael D. Mann, MC
Maj. Paul F. Martin, MSC
Maj. Kenneth McDonnell, MC
Maj. Robert G. Ritter, MSC

Air Mobility Command
Lt. Col. Janice L. Ables, NC
Lt. Col. Mary A. Bigelow, BSC
Lt. Col. Wayne C. Cheatum, BSC
Lt. Col. Susan B. Connor, NC
Lt. Col. Konnie M. Doyle, NC
Lt. Col. Delores G. Forrest, NC
Lt. Col. Joanne Henkenius Kirschbaum, NC
Lt. Col. Thomas F. Langston, NC
Lt. Col. Victoria M. Marino, NC
Lt. Col. William E. Nelson, MC
Lt. Col. Todd M. Randall, NC
Lt. Col. Terri J. Reusch, NC
Lt. Col. Scott F. Wardell, MSC
Lt. Col. Dawn E. Wilson, BSC
Maj. Deborah R. Jones, NC
Maj. Consuella Pockett, NC

Air Force Personnel Center
Lt. Col. Therese M. Neely, NC
Maj. Gerald V. Wiest, MC

Air Force Doctrine Center
Lt. Col. Jackson R. Dobbins, BSC

AFELM Medical Defense Agency
Lt. Col. Mary K. Ballengee, BSC
Lt. Col. Alan W. Dooley, BSC
Lt. Col. Brian W. Grassi, MSC
Lt. Col. Larry T. Kimm, BSC
Lt. Col. Danny L. Moore, NC
Lt. Col. Joel D. Ray, NC
Lt. Col. Susan M. Reynolds, NC
Lt. Col. Steven A. Wilson, BSC

European Command
Maj. James M. White, MSC

Air Force Flight Standards Agency
Lt. Col. Kevin J. O'Toole, MC

Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Lt. Col. William J. Brandt, MSC
Lt. Col. John W. Coho, BSC
Lt. Col. Steven H. Flowers, MSC
Lt. Col. Cassandra Salvatore, NC
Maj. Marlene E. Abbott, NC
Maj. Dennis L. Beatty, MSC
Maj. Joanne P. McPherson, MSC
Maj. John K. Parks, MSC

Air Force Inspection Agency
Lt. Col. Loren A. Ahnberg, MSC
Lt. Col. Francis Crosby Jr., BSC

Air Force Medical Operations Agency
Lt. Col. George Nicolas Jr., BSC
Lt. Col. Dari R. Tritt, BSC

Air Force Medical Support Agency
Lt. Col. Catherine Erickson, MSC
Lt. Col. George R. Jenkins, MSC
Lt. Col. Michael Joseph III, MSC
Lt. Col. Clara L. Nielsen, MSC

Air Force Materiel Command
Lt. Col. Douglas A. Apsey, BSC
Lt. Col. Irvin P. Brock III, MC
Lt. Col. Pamela L. Burr, BSC
Lt. Col. Elizabeth P. Clark, MC
Lt. Col. Rita A. Clark, NC
Lt. Col. Richard Delorenzo, MC
Lt. Col. David S. Gilmore, BSC
Lt. Col. Gilbert R. Hansen, MC
Lt. Col. William B. Huff, BSC
Lt. Col. Denise K. Lew, MSC
Lt. Col. Timothy McCormick, MSC
Lt. Col. Stephen Mikklesen, BSC
Lt. Col. Phil L. Samples, BSC
Lt. Col. Kerry L. Sitler, BSC
Lt. Col. William H. Sneeder, MC
Lt. Col. Laura Torresreyes, MC
Lt. Col. Gloria J. Twilley, NC
Lt. Col. Lane L. Wall, MC
Lt. Col. Dulcie A. Weisman, BSC
Lt. Col. Gregory M. Wickern, MC
Lt. Col. Frank W. Williams, MSC
Maj. Mark E. Butler, BSC
Maj. Craig B. Dezell, BSC
Maj. Amy L. Walker, BSC

Air National Guard Readiness Center
Maj. Paul A. Rehme, BSC

Pacific Air Forces
Lt. Col. Michael D. Barnett, BSC
Lt. Col. Rudolph Cachuela, MC
Lt. Col. Sharon M. Cardona, NC
Lt. Col. William G. Courtney, BSC
Lt. Col. Norman J. Forbes, NC
Lt. Col. Steven M. Hetrick, MC
Lt. Col. Kenneth C. Jacobs, MSC
Lt. Col. Timothy J. Ladner, MC
Lt. Col. Thomas G. McCauley, MSC
Lt. Col. Stephen E. Prizer, NC
Lt. Col. Gregory G. Young, BSC
Maj. Robert J. Campbell, BSC
Maj. Billy P. Cecil II, MSC
Maj. Mark A. Koeniger, MC
Maj. Steven J. Stein, MSC

Air Force Special Operations Command
Maj. Timothy Robinette, MC

Air Force Space Command
Lt. Col. Brenda R. Bullard, MSC
Lt. Col. Kathleen O. Concannon, NC
Lt. Col. Elizabeth A. Loika, NC
Lt. Col. Jeffrey A. Staples, DC

U.S. Central Command
Lt. Col. Stephen J. Niles, MC

Department of Defense
Lt. Col. Donnie R. Wideman, MSC
Maj. Julie A. Hall, MSC

Maj. William J. Kormos Jr., MSC

001336.  Tennessee Guardsmen keeping eye on space
by Army Staff Sgt. Jack Siemieniec
U.S. Space Command Public Affairs

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFPN) -- United States Space Command's Space
Operations Center is getting a boost, courtesy of the Tennessee Air National

The SPOC's chief, Air Force Lt. Col. Rich Lamb, called the new arrangement a
"shining example" of how the Total Force works well together and how the
active duty utilizes reserve forces.

For the past two weeks, 25 airmen of the 119th Air Control Squadron, from
Knoxville, Tenn., have been standing watch and serving as a Crisis Action
Team in the SPOC.

It's all part of a new, evolving partnership -- the first of its kind --
between USSPACECOM and the National Guard Bureau.

Prompted by a directive in the summer of 1998 by then USSPACECOM commander
in chief, Gen. Howell Estes, the command began looking to expand the role of
reserve forces in operations from two percent to 20 percent.

The Guard squadron, since its inception in 1950, had always been involved in
tactical (mobile) radar systems.  However, according to Lamb, the 119th had
been identified as one unit that would be losing its mission with Air Combat
Command and was ripe for a new association.

The result was the National Guard Bureau nominating the 119th to become a
direct supporting unit to USSPACECOM.

Lamb said the SPOC is "there to ensure theater combatants receive space
warfighting capabilities to enhance their joint operations."

The Guardsmen's primary mission in the SPOC, Lamb said, will be to round out
the staff during wartime.  "They will deploy to Peterson, augment the Crisis
Action Team and perform the multi-faceted command and control functions the
SPOC is responsible for," he said.

Lamb explained these functions include all aspects of space forces, such as,
communications, missile warning, intelligence functions, weather, battle
space characterization (identification of threats) and navigation.

But, Lamb added, the Guardsmen bring along an additional asset and
responsibility to the command.

They are tasked to develop, administrate and eventually conduct training for
the SPOC's Crisis Action and watch teams.

The squadron's commander, Lt. Col. John White, said his unit has long been
at the forefront of new technologies and was the first unit of its type to
convert to Modular Control Equipment, which allowed it to communicate with
well-known systems such as JSTARS, AWACs and Patriot missile batteries.

"This poised us to be leaders as new systems came along.  We feel somewhat
that this (USSPACECOM association) is a reward for being leaders in Air
Battle Management and lead the way into Space Battle Management," White

White added that the final decision to approve the program change request is
anticipated back from the Department of the Air Force Staff before the end
of the calendar year.  At that time, his unit expects to become the 119th
Command and Control Squadron.

In the months since the reroll - losing old mission, gaining new mission -
process began, White said his unit has been training up through a variety of
processes.  He explained that eventually about one third of the unit will
have to undergo formal schooling to change their Air Force Skill
Classification, while about another third will retrain through the use of
on-the-job training and shorter courses.

The final third will become proficient solely through OJT.

One of the unit's members, Capt. George Haynes, has been with the 119th for
15 years.  In the past 18 months, he has made the trip to Colorado Springs
from his Knoxville home seven times.  Now as the unit comes online, he
serves as a SPOC watch officer.

Haynes said the unit found itself with one of the biggest challenges they
had faced in the last number of years as they moved from the comfort of a
job they had performed well for close to 50 years to the uncertainty of a
new mission.

"In our former jobs, we were micro level, single-service oriented.  Now we
are at more of a macro level and joint-service oriented.  But, it's nice to
see warriors of different military backgrounds all want to get the job done
in the best way," Haynes said.

"We moved from being air warriors to space warriors," he continued, "and
it's nice to know there are lots of similarities.  The crew here (at
USSPACECOM) really engulfed us and said 'We want you to be part of the
family.' And we've been treated like part of the family."

White said that as the unit mapped out its manning requirements under the
new designation, members had the opportunity to list their preference for
new jobs. He said they were able to match 89 percent of the airmen with
their first or second choice.

"The troops are ecstatic," White said. "There is a high level of energy and
they're highly motivated, now more than ever.  They feel fortunate to have
the opportunity to partner with USSPACECOM."

Lamb said, looking at the years ahead, the presence of the 119th in the SPOC
will actually lend a sense of continuity to the operation as the active-duty
military members rotate in and out.

He mentioned that as plans for bringing on the Guard were discussed there
were some skeptical voices as to how the part-timers would handle the job.

But, now that they have been integrated into the SPOC over two exercises, "I
can't tell you how many people in the headquarters have said how impressed
they are with the professionalism of the officers and NCO's (of the Guard).
I really haven't seen a downside (to this arrangement)," Lamb said.

The SPOC's training schedule -- with major exercises in spring, summer and
fall -- fits well into the Guard's training requirements, he explained, and
actually replicates a "real-world" scenario where the active duty is present
as an event occurs and reserve forces come on board to rotate in and take
their place.

For example, Lamb said, during the exercise just ending, the 119th was able
to take over the Crisis Action Team responsibilities for the SPOC and afford
the commander on the ground all the capabilities of USSPACECOM for his
training exercise.

This was an extra week of participation the SPOC was not able to provide
prior to the Guard's addition.

The new association has drawn the interest of other reserve units across the
country, Lamb explained, to partner with USSPACECOM for other missions.

The SPOC chief said the guard, together with Air Force Reserve members
serving as Individual Mobilization Augmentees, give his unit a greater
flexibility to support missions.

"It's really an exciting time to see the Total Force integrated into
USSPACECOM," Lamb said. "It's a great story to tell."

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