-Caveat Lector-

The following is snipped from:

"The AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) program is an inclusive federation of
ground-based remote sensing aerosol networks established by AERONET and
PHOTONS and greatly expanded by AEROCAN and other agency, institute, and
university partners. The goal is to assess aerosol optical properties and
validate satellite retrievals of aerosol optical properties. The network
imposes standardization of instruments, calibration, and processing. Data
from this collaboration provides globally distributed observations of
spectral aerosol optical depths, inversion products, and precipitable water
in geographically diverse aerosol regimes. Three levels of data are
available from this website: Level 1.0 (unscreened), Level 1.5
(cloud-screened), and Level 2.0 (Cloud-screened and quality-assured).
Descriptions may be found of program objectives, affiliations, the
instrumentation, operational issues, data products, database browser
"demonstrat", research activities, links to similar data sets, NASA EOS
links and personnel involved in AERONET."

See also this Google search for 'Aeronet' and UAV (unmanned aerial


Sundogs and the Aurora Borealis are examples of ambient plasmas.  So
are 'artificial ionospheric mirrors' to employ the USAF's terminology.
Those would be CHEMTRAILS.

Catching you up to my research (in a nutshell) the barium (the light,
extremely conductive ambient plasma key ingredient) has
something to do with duplicating the auroral effect (sundogs) of the
aurora borealis and it seems probable that the experiments with HAARP
triggered this line of thinking.  Considering that we are dealing
with the magnetoshpere, I am guessing that the pole shifts have been
affected by the most powerful transmitter ever created (HAARP).

The auroral effect itself is the key in that we see that clouds with
enough barium compounds ionized in them reflect DIFFERENT parts of
the spectrums of light and these different freqencies MUST be
indicative of what frequencies we are dealing with explaining why the
National Imagery and Mapping Agency's connection to OPTICS.  NIMA is
now the NGIA - the National Geophysical Intelligence Agency.

See Chemtrail Schemes


"As early as 1939, radio amateurs found auroral ionization useful for
communication purposes. Such ionization makes hf and vhf propagation
possible over paths as great as several hundred kilometers when other more
normal ionospheric propagation modes do not exist. The geometry of
reflection is investigated for a variety of transmitter locations based
upon the assumption of specular reflection from columnar ionization aligned

with the earth's magnetic field lines. The results of the investigations
outline the region of useful auroral ionization and the regions on the
earth within which the auroral propagation is possible. The probability has

been determined of obtaining propagation from a particular transmitter
location to any receiver location within the region of propagation. These
geometrical studies allow the communicator to predict the most useful
transmitter and receiver locations in utilizing auroral ionization for
communication purposes. The studies also may suggest methods of minimizing
the effects of auroral propagation when it is considered a detrimental
propagating mode, for example, when it results in undesirable multipath

R. L. Leadabrand and I. Yabroff, "The geometry of auroral communications,"
IRE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 6, pp. 80 - 87, January 1958.


The Division of Plasma Physics is one of three divisions at the Alfvén
Laboratory. The main theme of the Division's activity is research on
fundamental properties of matter in the plasma state, especially its
electrodynamic properties, such as ability to carry electric current, to
support electric fields, and to rapidly release magnetically stored energy.

Their web site is here:

The following is snipped from their annual 1995 report.


The main theme of the research is the electrodynamic properties of matter
in the plasma state. The research program is characterized by intense
international collaboration.


The electric fields are particularly interesting because they are
intimately associated with acceleration processes that cause auroras,
magnetic storms and associated plasma phenomena. Such acceleration
processes have a wide relevance to many important problems in space and
astrophysical plasmas and also have important technological connections, e.

g. to the prevention of harmful electrostatic charging of geostationary
satellites. Recently, a discovery was made by members of the space group of

low-altitude positive electric potential structures that cause upward
acceleration of ionospheric electrons in regions adjacent to auroral field
lines which will be further discussed in Section 2.3.

~HAARP taught them that an auroral effect was an optical over-the-horizon,
albeit natural, phenomenon.  Get it?~

The Auroral Turbulence rocket launched from Poker Flat in Alaska in March
1994 through an auroral arc was aimed at multipoint measurements using
three instrumented payloads (mother and two daughters). Excellent data were

obtained by the instruments on the mother payload and the analysis of the
magnetometer data has during 1995 resulted in a Diploma Thesis by G. Smith.

Unfortunately the daughter payloads failed to separate which means that
most instruments could not operate. However, magnetometer data from one of
the daughters is still useful (although it will be somewhat complicated to
analyse) and will allow two- point measurements of the magnetic field.
Because of the partial failure (of systems under NASA´s responsibility) and

the fact that this is a highly interesting mission a proposal for a second
mission, Auroral Turbulence II, was approved by NASA in 1995. After this a
collaboration was initiated between Danish Techni cal University, Sodankylä

Observatory and Alfvén Laboratory in order to develop a digital fluxgate
magnetometer for the Auroral Turbulence II mission to be ready in 1996.


The Division's involvement in satellite experiments started gradually with
participation in international projects such as GEOS-1, GEOS-2 and ISEE
(International Sun Earth Explorer) and came to full fruition with the first

Swedish satellite, Viking, launched in 1986 and which carried an electric
field experiment entirely built by the Division of Plasma Physics. In 1992
the second Swedish satellite Freja, including an electric field instrument
developed at the Alfvén Laboratory, was launched.


The Alfvén Laboratory group is responsible for the double-probe electric
field instrument on the Swedish Freja satellite. Freja has now been
operating for more than three years and the electric field experiment has
been fully operational throughout this time. The strongest electric fields
ever observed in space plasmas (more than 2 V/m), associated with low-
conductivity regions such as east-west-aligned optically black bands or
vortex streets of black auroral curls, have been discovered by the Freja
double-probe instrument. It has been found that these intense electric
fields are often diverging and possibly associated with downward electric
fields that give rise to upward acceleration of ionospheric electrons and
ion precipitation. The characteristics of the electric field around large
scale auroral surges and spirals have been investigated and found to be
inconsistent with existing theories of the electrodynamics of auroral
surges. In addition the unique capability of the instrument to collect
overview data from consecutive full orbits have provided new interesting
findings on low-latitude phenomena such as sub-auroral electric fields and
equatorial plasma bubbles.


Astrid 2 is the second of a series of planned Swedish microsatellites
developed by the Swedish Space Corporation. The Astrid 2 payload consists
of a relatively comprehensive set of instruments for classical auroral


The planned successor to Freja and Viking in the investigation of the
ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction is the Ibiza/Impact project.....


An important aspect of in situ measurements in the Earth¹s ionosphere and
magnetosphere is that they serve to build a safer empirical basis for
understanding the physics of our universe which consists almost entirely of

plasma. This was the main topic for an IEEE invited plenary talk published
in IEEE Trans (www.ieee.org).


The optical signatures of these features are likely to be narrow east-west
aligned dark filaments (or black auroral bands) adjacent to auroral arcs.
In some cases the black auroral bands become unstable and develop into
vortex streets of black auroral curls. One such case, where Freja is likely

to have passed through two east-west aligned black auroral curl structures,

was published previously.


During 1995 the analysis has been finished of the combined sub and main
payload measurements from the CRIT II ionospheric release experiment. A new

data reduction technique made it possible to resolve magnetic perturbations

of a few nT, giving unprecedented details concerning the Alfvén waves
launched from the release. For example, the magnetic signature could be
measured from the plasma displacement in the Alfvén wave front. The
measurements also resolved an old competition between two proposed models
for the momentum exchange in such releases. Finally, a model of the
coupling between the momentum exchange and the energy exchange mechanisms
has been constructed based on the measurements.

Much more here:


Also see:

The collective gyration of a heavy ion cloud in a magnetized plasma

Neutralization of positive space charge in a collisionless magnetized

Dynamics of three dimensional ionospheric plasma clouds

Multipoint Magnetospheric Measurements


A Google search for "low altitude" and "ambient plasma" and barium

A Three-dimensional hybrid code simulation of the December 1984 solarwind
AMPTE release


Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with the Auroral Plasma

Investigation of fine structures in the ionosphere by interferometry with
the EISCAT Svalbard Radar



Seeing Through the Clouds: A Chem Trail Update



HR 2977 IH



Understanding the electrodynamics of the upper atmosphere, particularly in
polar regions, has implications for electric power generation, mitigation
of geomagnetic storm effects, and estimating satellite drag. It may someday

be possible to tap some of the immense electric power flowing in
ionospheric currents during geomagnetic storms. Ionospheric heating using
high power (such as OTH) radar is a convenient way to study the upper
atmosphere’s response to known energy input. Researchers have also proposed

studying auroral fine structure and the dynamics of artifical barium clouds

with the OTH-B radar.


Ionospheric Research

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