-Caveat Lector-

The following is an excerpt from the article:

"The most tantalizing recent discovery, however, was made when scientists
made a high-resolution study of dust deposition from Kajemarum Oasis in
north-eastern Nigeria. The study conclusively revealed that a pronounced
shift in atmospheric circulation occurred in around 2150 BC. This data
indicates that an abrupt, short-lived event of cold climate led to less
rainfall and a reduction of water flow in a vast area extending from Tibet
to Italy. This had catastrophic effects on such early state societies as the
Egyptian Old Kingdom."

..and here is the whole piece:


The Fall of the Egyptian Old Kingdom
By Professor Fekri Hassan

Professor Hassan discovers the true cause behind the collapse of the
Egyptian Old Kingdom.

End of a dynasty

Nothing prepared Egypt for the eclipse of royal power and poverty that came
after Pepy II (Neferkare). He had ruled for more than 90 years (2246 - 2152
BC) as the fourth king of the 6th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Within the
span of 20 years, fragmentary records indicate that no less than 18 kings
and possibly one queen ascended the throne with nominal control over the
country. This was the entire length of the 7th and 8th Dynasties (2150 -
2134 BC). In the last few years of the 6th Dynasty, the erosion of power of
the centralized state was offset by that of provincial governors and
officials who became hereditary holders of their posts and treated their
regions as their own property.

Egypt, to be sure, survived the disastrous collapse of the monarchy. Within
a century, Egyptians had re-invented centralized government. They
refurbished the image of kings so that they were not merely rulers by virtue
of their divine descent but more importantly had to uphold order and
justice, care for the dispossessed and show mercy and compassion. The crisis
that shook Egyptian society thus heralded the most dramatic transformation
in the royal institution, which was destined never to be separated from this
social function.

The crisis not only reformed the monarchy but also instilled the spirit of
social justice and laid the foundation for mercy and compassion as
fundamental virtues. It was these concepts that were later to infuse
Christianity and Islam. It was these same concepts that eventually led to
the overthrowing of monarchs who repeatedly usurped their powers and denied
people their religious rights.

Fragmented rule

Some Egyptologists attribute the sudden collapse of the Old Kingdom to the
long reign of Pepy II. However, a reign which lasted for more than 90 years
suggests, if anything, stability and strength. Even if the collapse was due
to Pepy II's long reign, the struggle for power among the sons of Pepy II at
the end of his rule is not a reason for the dissolution of the monarchy.
Moreover, it is misleading to speak of his successors as being 'weak' kings
without giving any reasons as to how such divine rulers of absolute power
could have become so. Under such conditions, even imbeciles and children
could rule with no threat to the royal institution.

Historically, this has always been the case because kingship is less about
the king in person than the institution whose beneficiaries - the royal
court, nobles, regional governors and priests - gain from its presence. They
suffer to lose everything if the intuition is compromised or handed over to
another royal personage. For this reason, the principle of divine kingship
was maintained even when the king was replaced by rulers drawn from outside
the family of the enthroned king.

We have no indication at the end of the 6th Dynasty that there was a bid for
power by the local governors. It is only after the initial breakdown that
power was wielded by the kings of a province in Middle Egypt, later called
Herakleopolis. The capital was approximately 15 km west of Beni Suef on the
right bank of Bahr Yusuf. According to Manetho, Herakleopolis became the
capital of Egypt during the 9th and 10th Dynasties and the town played a
major role after the end of the Old Kingdom. Evidence for this account comes
from inscriptions in the tombs of a vassal prince at Asyut. These reveal
that war broke out between the kings of Herakleopolis and Theban kings. The
war lasted for several years and ended when the Theban king Mentuhotep II
Nebhepetre (2061 - 2010 BC) defeated Herakleopolis before re-unifying the

Contrary to what some Egyptologists claim, the stability of the long reign
of Pepy II was most likely due to the decentralization of the government.
This is one of the most successful strategies in managing complex
organizations. The ambitions of local governors in such a system are
primarily curtailed by the economic and defence rewards of being a vassal.
In addition, there is the strong likelihood of failure in staging an
uprising because the king can count on many more loyalists. Only when the
monarchy is undermined by some unforeseen cause, would charismatic and
ambitious provincial governors seek to become kings. In this situation, they
stand to gain from restoring the monarchy in their name, thus counting on
the support of others who, in the absence of a powerful king, would rally
behind them.

Despair and collapse

What was the factor that weakened the monarchy and allowed provincial
governors to assume royal power over their regions? One possibility is an
invasion by Asiatics. However, there is no evidence that Asiatics invaded
Egypt at the end of the Old Kingdom. Alternatively, the initial breakdown of
the Old Kingdom was caused by a sudden, unanticipated, catastrophic
reduction in the Nile floods over two or three decades. This was so severe
that famine gripped the country and paralysed the political institutions.
People were forced to commit unheard of atrocities such as eating their own
children and violating the sacred sanctity of the royal dead. The Egyptian
sage Ipuwer gives a graphic description of the horrendous events of that

Lo, the desert claims the land Towns are ravaged, Upper Egypt became a
wasteland Lo, everyone's hair [has fallen out] Lo, great and small say, 'I
wish I were dead' Lo, children of nobles are dashed against walls Infants
are put on high ground Food is lacking Wearers of fine linen are beaten with
[sticks] Ladies suffer like maidservants Lo, those who were entombed are
cast on high grounds Men stir up strife unopposed Groaning is throughout the
land, mingled with laments See now the land deprived of kingship What the
pyramid hid is empty [The] People are diminished.
Egyptologists concede that there can be no doubt that these texts relate to
fact. There is incontrovertible evidence that this terrible famine was
caused by the reduction of the Nile floods.

Climactic change

The scale of the failure of the floods is shown by the fact that the Faiyum,
a lake of some 65 metres deep, dried up. This means that the lake actually
evaporated over time. These low floods were related to global climatic
cooling which reduced the amount of rainfall in Ethiopia and East Africa. In
Iceland, researchers have detected a transition from birch and grassland
vegetation to arctic conditions in about 2150 BC. This correlates with a
shift to drier climate in south-eastern Europe c.2200 - 2100 BC. Also, the
reappearance of oak at White Moss, UK, suggests fluctuating wetness in
around 2190 - 1891 BC. In Italy, drier conditions are found around 2200-1900
BC in Lake Castglione. Dry spells have also been detected as far away as
Western Tibet at Lake Sumxi.

Long-term variations in Nile floods are beyond the perceptions of people.
The Nile, today and during the prosperous times of the Old Kingdom, is
regarded unquestionably as the source of life in Egypt. Therefore, the Nile
can be considered as the force which destroyed the civilization that it had
nurtured. Inconceivable as it might be, the Nile is a temperamental river.
The volume of flood discharge varies wildly in episodes which range from
decades to hundreds of years. Furthermore, there is the impact of freak
years where the floods can be disastrously low or high.

Grip of famine

The impact of a series of low floods, even if they occur over a few years,
can cause distress, famine, plague and civil unrest in Egypt. For example,
in AD 967, a low flood caused a severe famine that left 600,000 people dead
in and around Fustat, the-then capital of Egypt. The famine lasted for two
years and it was not until AD 971-2 that plentiful harvests returned. Once
again, in 1201, low Nile floods followed by another low flood in 1202 caused
a catastrophic famine.

This eyewitness account comes from Abdel-Latif Al-Baghdadi, a
physician/scholar from Baghdad who was in Egypt from 1194 to AD 1200. He
reported that people emigrated in crowds and that those who remained
habitually ate human flesh; parents even ate their own children. Graves were
ransacked for food, assassinations and robbery reigned unchecked and
noblewomen implored to be bought as slaves. Al-Baghdadi's account is almost
an exact copy of that recorded by Ankhtifi, more than 3000 years earlier.

All Upper Egypt was dying of hunger, to such an extent that everyone has
come to eating his children ... The entire country had become starved like a
starved grasshopper, with people going to the north and to the south (in
search of grain). (Al-Baghdadi, a physician / scholar from Baghad)

The low Nile episode that devastated the Old Kingdom was, however, of
greater magnitude and duration than that of 967 or AD 1201.

Return to power

It was the Herakleopolitan kings from Bahr Yusuf who restored order and
stability as the Nile floods allowed the return of plentiful harvests. This
was perhaps after 20-30 years of low floods. In the meantime, the Theban
rulers began to position themselves to appropriate and resurrect the
tattered monarchy. They were on a collision course with the Herakleopolitan
kings who, as texts reveal, lost to their southern rivals. However, the
Herakleopolitan legacy of that period which emphasised notions of justice,
mercy, and social services were never extinguished. Some of the treatise
detailing these notions became Egyptian classics. They include the
instructions attributed to Herakleopolitan King Khety to his son Merikare.
In these instructions, the king stressed the social obligations of the king
and advised the heir to the throne to remember that god created godly rulers
to fortify the backbones of the weak and counteract the blows of fate.

Within the context of the Herakleopolitan society of the early 12th Dynasty,
The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant, was certainly disseminated as a piece of
official wisdom. It is clearly a bill of rights of ordinary citizens and the
responsibility of state officials towards the poor and powerless. The tale
regards the ruler as a father to the orphan, husband to the widow, brother
to she who is divorced, a garment to the motherless, a just ruler who comes
to the voice of those who call him.

There are four successive episodes during this upheaval of Egyptian
civilisation. First came the initial episode of shock, upheaval and
fragmentation which were caused by low floods. This lasted from the end of
the 6th Dynasty to the end of the 8th (perhaps as early as 2100 and
certainly by 2155 - 2134 BC). Then came the second episode of rehabilitation
and re-development of regional polities which commenced c.2134 BC. This
encompassed the first two generations after the end of the 8th Dynasty (the
9th in Herakleopolis) and the first part of the 10th in Thebes. This was
followed by the struggle between Thebes and Herakleopolis during the reign
of Antef I who succeeded in re-establishing order during his 50-year reign.
This incidentally did not lead to any weak successors. Finally occurred the
consolidation of national unity by Mentuhotepe II and his immediate
successors after c.2020 BC.

The end of the Old Kingdom was not the end of Egyptian civilization. The
so-called 'First Intermediate' period was not a Dark Age. The calamity
triggered by low Nile floods was the impetus to radical social changes and a
reformulation of the notion of kingship. The legacy of this period is still
with us today.

Read on:

The Pyramids by Alberto Siliotti (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)

The Complete Pyramids by Mark Lehner (Thames and Hudson)

The Illustrated Guide to Ancient Egypt by DP Silverman (Oxford University
Press, 1997)

A History of Ancient Egypt by N Grimal (Blackwell, 1992)

The River Nile: Geology, Hydrology and Utilization by R Said (Pergamon
Press, 1993)

The Literature of Ancient Egypt by WK Simpson (Yale University Press, 1972)

About the author

Professor Fekri Hassan is from the Institute of Archaeology, University
College London. Fekri Hassan's principle topical interests deal with the
cultural dynamics of state formation in Ancient Egypt. He has attempted to
explain the role of gender in the early religious and political developments
in previous studies of rock art as well as the attributes of earliest
Egyptian goddesses.


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