Re: [CTRL] Black Market Bones

2000-09-21 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

There is no "withdrawal" from marijuana. Withdrawal is part of an addictive
phenomenon; addiction is not a trait of marijuana, but rather part of the
propaganda about it designed to discourage ordinary Joes from using it so
that the gov't can sweep up dissidents in its "criminal" net for mary jane
users. We should try to avoid reciting the propaganda that's been aimed at
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Black Market Bones

> EXCELLENT ARTICLE! Nice job, Kris!
> I have a question: Were/are other college fraternities also involved in
> the dope trade, or the conspiracy in general? I also have a comment
> about the last paragraph, below:
> > Heroin is at an all-time high in purity, and at bargain-basement
> > prices in a
> > black market with younger and younger customers. It has gone from
> > costing
> > $300 a gram and being scarce in the 1960s to being everywhere and
> > costing
> > just $100 a gram in 2000, while marijuana has gone from $10 to $300
> > an ounce
> > and has gotten somewhat harder to get. Is this by chance?
> Not at all by chance. It is much easier to control heroin addicts than
> potheads. Potheads are still able to think, even if they don't care to
> get off the couch to do anything about it. And the withdrawal isn't
> nearly as severe, so that really cannot be used as a weapon.
> __
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Re: [CTRL] Black Market Bones

2000-09-08 Thread Tenorlove

--- nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's easier to control the supply of heroin, and hence the profits,
> from
> heroin. Poppies take up a lot of space. One or two pot plants can
> supply a
> whole family all year.

Agribusiness versus self-sufficient sustainable gardening.

> >
> >And the withdrawal isn't
> >nearly as severe, so that really cannot be used as a weapon.
> There is no withdrawal. Pot is not addictive.

Physically, no; psychologically, yes -- if you use it for a crutch. It
was easier to give up pot than cigarettes.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Black Market Bones

2000-09-08 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>It is much easier to control heroin addicts than


It's easier to control the supply of heroin, and hence the profits, from
heroin. Poppies take up a lot of space. One or two pot plants can supply a
whole family all year.

>And the withdrawal isn't

>nearly as severe, so that really cannot be used as a weapon.

There is no withdrawal. Pot is not addictive.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Black Market Bones

2000-09-08 Thread Tenorlove

I have a question: Were/are other college fraternities also involved in
the dope trade, or the conspiracy in general? I also have a comment
about the last paragraph, below:

> Heroin is at an all-time high in purity, and at bargain-basement
> prices in a
> black market with younger and younger customers. It has gone from
> costing
> $300 a gram and being scarce in the 1960s to being everywhere and
> costing
> just $100 a gram in 2000, while marijuana has gone from $10 to $300
> an ounce
> and has gotten somewhat harder to get. Is this by chance?

Not at all by chance. It is much easier to control heroin addicts than
potheads. Potheads are still able to think, even if they don't care to
get off the couch to do anything about it. And the withdrawal isn't
nearly as severe, so that really cannot be used as a weapon.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Black Market Bones

2000-09-07 Thread Kris Millegan

High Times
October 2000
ISN 03626301

Black Market Bones
by RA Kris Millegan

"Motherships" sail up and down the coast. Fast, small craft come out, load
contraband and scoot back to shore day and night. Corrupt officials take
bribes to look the other way. The smugglers live large, build yachts and send
their kids to private schools. Banks and fronts are set up to launder money,
move "product" and avoid scrutiny. Oodles and oodles of money are being made.
The 1980s in Miami? Nope, we're talking about the mid-1800s, when some of
America's oldest fortunes were made in the Chinese opium trade.

"The finest and fastest vessels of their size to be found in any sea, built
by the best naval architects in England, Scotland and America. No cost is
spared in their equipment, their crews large for rapid evolution, and their
captains are the most skilled and dashing sailors to be found." So wrote
missionary John Johnstone in the 1850s as he traveled by opium clipper to his
station along the China coast.

You see, by the mid-1830s the trade in opium was the largest commodity market
on the planet. And as Carl A. Trocki's excellent book Opium, Empire and the
Global Economy (1999) points out:

 "The trade in such drugs  results in  monopoly which not only centralizes
the drug traffic, but also restructures  the social and economic terrain in
the process.  Two major effects are the creation of mass markets and the
generation of enormous ... unprecedented, cash flows. [Which]  results in the
concentrated accumulation of vast pools of wealth. [Which]  have been among
the primary foundations of global capitalism and the modern nation-state
itself. Indeed, it may be argued that the entire rise of the West, from 1500
to 1900, depended on a series of drug trades.

"Drug trades destabilized existing societies not merely because they
destroyed individual human beings but also, and perhaps more importantly
[they] undercut the existing political economy of any state. They have
created new forms of capital; and they have redistributed wealth in radically
new ways.

"It is possible to suggest  that mass consumption, as it exists in modern
society, began with drug addiction. And, beyond that, addiction began with a
drug-as-commodity. Something was necessary to prime the pump, as it were, to
initiate the cycles of production, consumption and accumulation that we
identify with capitalism. Opium was the catalyst of the consumer market, the
money economy.

"Opium created pools of capital and fed the institutions that accumulated it:
the banking and financial systems, the insurance systems and the
transportation and information infrastructures."

 One might say, "Who controls opium controls "

Fast Ships, Drugs and Money
"When we sold the Heathen nations rum and opium in rolls, And the
Missionaries went along to save their sinful souls." The Old Clipper Days
-Julian S. Cutler

The Portuguese, Dutch, French, British and others began trading in opium soon
after the first contact with China. Because the Chinese desired few trade
goods, the Western nations soon became short of silver to purchase tea, silk,
porcelain and other desired items. Fueled by both economic and imperialistic
motives, the opium trade grew from around 200 chests (16 tons) a year to
4,200 chests (336 tons) by 1820, with the majority imported from India and in
the hands of British traders. But the times were a'changing.

The upstart Americans introduced their famous clipper ships expressly for the
"China trade," and in the 1830s the price of opium went down and shipments of
opium to China went up. Shipments in 1830 were four times what they had been
in 1820; by 1838, they'd more than doubled again. The opium clipper, with its
ability to sail against the monsoons, sometimes made three round-trip
journeys within one year, instead of taking up to two years. Profits were
huge, and there was a large flow of silver being introduced from China into
booming Western economies.

In early 1837 there was a crash in the opium market, and the speculators'
losses reverberated around the world in a financial panic, in which specie
became scarce both in Britain and the US. Smuggler Robert B. Forbes lost his
first opium fortune in the "Panic of 1837," and returned to China for more.
He had built a house, (now a museum) in Milton, Massachusetts (not far from
where former President George Bush was born). Forbes had a special ship
built: the "Lintin," a "storeship" named after an anchorage where he spent
many years warehousing and selling contraband opium to Russell & Co. Chinese
customers. Forbes would tell Chinese officials and others that he didn't deal
in opium. But he was actually engaging in word games, and/or "transferring"
the opium trade to front companies.

Russell & Co. was the largest American opium smuggler, and the third largest
in the world, behind the British Dent firm and the largest smuggler of all,
the Scottish merchants Jardine-Matheson. For many years Russell &