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Eugenics and Engineered Wars, the harsh reality...

Eugenics and Engineered Wars
By:Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston, Aug 2, 2002

One of the most alarming of the Global Controllers’ doctrines is that of eugenics – controlling human reproduction in order to reduce the number of those that they perceive as inferior to create a 'master race' with 'desirable' genetic characteristics. Eugenics had its highest public profile in Nazi Germany but the policies began a long time before Hitler and are continuing to the present day.

Thomas Malthus pioneered the philosophy in the 18th/19th centuries that sought to encourage disease and child mortality in the poor. So-called Malthusianism has since been adopted by different organizations for a variety of excuses. After various eugenics policies in the US states in the late 19th century, including the compulsory sterilization of the mentally ill and 'undesirables' in Indiana, the Rockefellers established a eugenics research center in New York. They were supported in this venture by the Harrimans, another family of manipulators.

The First International Congress of Eugenics was held in London in 1912 and was attended by a certain Winston Churchill. By 1917, fifteen US states had eugenics laws to sterilize epileptics, the mentally ill and regular criminals. On the agenda of the Third International Congress in 1932 was the 'problem' of African-Americans, which, according to the delegates, revealed a need to sterilize to 'cut off bad stock'. At this meeting were several Nazis, including Dr. Ernst Rudin, who had been enabled to attend by the Hamburg-America Shipping Line, owned by the Harriman and Bush families. On returning to Germany, Rudin, who was funded by the Rockefellers, supervised the policy of sterilizing those who were retarded, deaf, blind or alcoholics.

Between 1941 and 1943, at the same time as the 'master race' mentality in Hitler's Germany was being condemned by the rest of the world, 42,000 people were sterilized in the US. Five years later the Sterilization League/ Birthright Inc. established a eugenics center in North Carolina, which began a project to forcibly sterilize young children who were considered to have a low IQ. This was part funded by the Gray family, close friends of the Bush's. After the war, John D. Rockefeller III and John Foster Dulles campaigned against the extension of the non-white populations and in 1952 launched the Population Council. This still exits and is still advocating zero population growth in the US, family planning in the developing sector and the expansion of the Club of Rome's 'Malthusianism'.

Eugenics policies are funded by the World Bank, which, at the Rio summit, pledged to double the money available to population control. Birth control is now forced on the developing countries through fear of economic sanctions.

The extent of the population control towards which the Elite are striving was revealed in the 1962/63 'Report from Iron Mountain’, a secret study group into controlling population without war. It sought completely artificial procreation to supersede the 'ecological function of war'. This was to include total control of contraception via water supplies and essential foodstuffs so babies could only be conceived by those to whom a carefully controlled antidote had been administered. Such a system was apparently already under development… 40 years ago!

George Bush has been a major voice in the eugenics movement and has been surrounded by like-minded people –Boyden Gray (legal advisor) and William Draper III (head of fundraising for his 1980 presidential campaign). Draper's grandfather had unsuccessfully urged eugenics policies on Eisenhower before convincing Johnson to adopt them. In 1969 Bush was involved in hearings into the 'dangers of too many black babies' and when he became ambassador to the UN in 1972 he arranged for the Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (formerly the Sterilization League) to extend its policy of sterilizing young children with 'low' IQ to non-white countries. This was further extended when Bush became president in 1988.

Engineered Wars

War is one of the most effective ways of culling an 'undesirable' population as Thomas Ferguson, a member of the Office of Population Affairs, explains:
'to reduce the population quickly you have to pull all the males into the fighting and kill significant numbers of fertile, child-bearing age, females.'

>From his position of 'shuttle' diplomat, Henry Kissinger has successfully engineered conflict throughout the world. In Vietnam, the war was caused by the movement of hundreds of thousands of people from the north to the south – a move forced on them by the Saigon Military Mission, created by the CIA in 1954. With no food, they resorted to theft, and by labeling the bands 'the Viet Cong' a problem was created.

Under the pretext that the Khmer Rouge controlled them, the North Vietnamese were severely bombed. According to estimates, 30-500,000 Cambodians died in the bombings, when in fact China was the power behind North Vietnam, supported by Kissinger with US/China liaisons headed by George Bush. The Khmer Rouge reacted, as expected, and took Cambodia, murdering 32% of the population. During the war, the CIA station in Saigon coordinated Operation Phoenix, which reportedly murdered 40,000 Vietnamese on 'suspicion' of working for the Viet Cong – that is, they could read and write. Two of the US commanders in the conflict were Maxwell Taylor and William Westmoreland, both members of the Population Crisis Council and Draper Fund.

The Yom Kippur war and countless other 'civil wars' in Central America and Africa have been engineered by Kissinger to cull populations as even when it is not the prime aim; mass killings are perceived as a useful by-product of war.

Kissinger is a member of the Club of Rome and in 1974 supervised the production of National Security Study Memo 200 about the implications of population growth. This stated that population growth in the developing world would lead to a desire for self-determination of their economies. It continued that the population must therefore be controlled, but this fact must be withheld from the country's leaders. Amongst the countries specifically targeted were Ethiopia, Columbia, India, Nigeria, Mexico and Indonesia.

Indonesia is a horrendous example of conflict creation for the purposes of eugenics and corporate control, while public bodies and the media remain obstinately silent. General Suharto took control of Indonesia in 1965 through a CIA-backed coup and has since been responsible for 500,000 murders in his own country. However, because his administration is subservient to Western corporations, allowing them to exploit the land and the people (e.g. Reebok), this appalling tragedy goes unchallenged in the media. In December 1975 Indonesia invaded the Portuguese colony of East Timor and, in the following years, proceeded to slaughter 200,000 people, a third of the Timorese population. This genocide (eugenics) has been carried out with arms from Britain (British Aerospace's Hawk Jets) and US, approval from the West (Kissinger and Ford were in Indonesia days before the invasion) and complete silence in the mass media. The simple reason is that oil and gas reserves had been discovered off the coast of East Timor which the multinational oil companies could exploit only if controlled by a corporate-friendly culture – like

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