Re: [CTRL] Fw: How Christianity Harms the Race (

1999-06-06 Thread Howard R. Davis III
Title: Re: [CTRL] Fw: How Christianity Harms the Race (

In answer to the following. I believe that the natural inclination of humans to help one another has been subverted by Christ's enemies. It has been taken from them and put into the hands of those who would use force and has been perverted into a justification for its use. See Kosovo, etc. It has nothing to do with race.

Howard Davis

 How has Christianity sunk so low--and our people with it? The answer is that it has subverted inbred traits of altruism that help family and tribe survive, and has transmuted those traits into agents of passivity and surrender. Christianity has universalized altruism, thus stripping us of our defense against multiracialism. Today's Christianity drives us to betray our own interests to whoever asks. At the same time, a preoccupation with eternal reward in the world to come blinds some Christians to the consequences of their actions today. 

[CTRL] Fw: How Christianity Harms the Race (

1999-06-04 Thread Lloyd Miller
Title: How Christianity Harms the Race

-Original Message-From: 
Let it be known by all, that the views expressed 
herein are not necessarily or unnecessarily mine. I have my own opinion; one 
that I have expressed often, but will not express again except to say, 
John Lee

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: John 
Norenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:22 AMSubject: How Christianity Harms 
the Race (

How Christianity Harms the Race
by Michael W. MastersThe Roman empire did not 
die any differently, though, it's true, more slowly, whereas this time we can 
expect a more sudden conflagration. . . . Christian charity will prove itself 
powerless. The times will be cruel. -- Jean Raspail, introduction to the 1985 
edition of The Camp Of The Saints 
Christianity, which many believe to be the noblest moral system ever 
conceived, must now share blame for the dissolution of the West. A faith that 
once served as an anchor for Western civilization has become a source for the 
same self-flagellating guilt that typifies liberalism. Today, Christianity's 
public expression differs only cosmetically from Marxism in its attitudes 
towards economic redistribution, equality and racial integration. 
How has Christianity sunk so low--and our people with it? The answer is that 
it has subverted inbred traits of altruism that help family and tribe survive, 
and has transmuted those traits into agents of passivity and surrender. 
Christianity has universalized altruism, thus stripping us of our defense 
against multiracialism. Today's Christianity drives us to betray our own 
interests to whoever asks. At the same time, a preoccupation with eternal reward 
in the world to come blinds some Christians to the consequences of their actions 
Christianity's Decline
Loss of racial loyalty is recent. For centuries, race consciousness posed no 
moral dilemma to Christians. That old-time religion was good enough 
for Charles Martel when he smashed the Muslim invasion of Europe in 732 at 
Tours. It was good enough for Pope Urban II when he launched the Crusades in 
1095. It was good enough for Columbus and Magellan, who claimed newly-discovered 
lands in the name of both king and faith. It was good enough for European 
colonial masters who ruled millions of non-whites, untroubled by egalitarian 
scruples. Christianity's divorce from racial consciousness was both sudden and 
recent. Only in the 20th century did secular humanism infiltrate 
virtually every mainline Christian organization. By the 1960s, organized 
Christianity was working hand in hand with organized Judaism to dismantle the 
South's self-protective wall of racial hierarchy. The universalist campaign 
continues to this day, with ordination of women and soon, one fears, 
What transformed the church? The problem is that Christian dogma has always 
contained dangerous moral precepts that undermine the natural instinct for group 
preservation. These precepts may be summarized thus: Sacrifice yourself today 
for the benefit of others, buoyed by faith in an eternal reward.
In earlier times, this idea posed little danger to white survival because it 
was preached by whites living in an almost all-white world. Today, on a crowded 
planet filled with envious Third-World people, its consequences are lethal. The 
mentality of sacrifice has resulted in an inability to assert the imperative of 
survival--an imperative that puts family, tribe and nation at the center of 
moral life.
Christianity must therefore share a major part of the blame for the abnormal 
belief that we must commit racial suicide in order to be moral. This 
is not, of course, to lay blame solely on Christianity, but neither should 
Christianity escape examination solely because it has long been the guardian of 
the moral beliefs of Western peoples. What then, are the beliefs that 
characterize today's self-destructive Christianity? They are altruism and 
universalism. These two beliefs so dominate public Christian discourse that they 
are contradicted from no more than a handful of pulpits--even in the American 
South, where ministers once invoked God in defense of segregation.
Let us first consider altruism, the Good Samaritan reflex. The Golden 
Rule--which is the ideal of Christian conduct--exalts altruism, or acts 
beneficial to others without regard for one's own interests. If followed by 
everyone, surely the Golden Rule would produce world peace and harmony. In fact, 
universal altruism has unintended consequences, some of which are shocking to 
Christian sensibilities. Biologist and human ecologist, Garrett Hardin, 
explained why in his 1968 essay, The Tragedy of the Commons: 
Conscience is self-eliminating from a population. (The tragedy of 
the commons is the tendency to