-Caveat Lector-

(Thanks to Clarence Spence for this gem of an example of extremism run amuck.
All religions and other bogus institutions of authority are potentially
extreme and damaging to the future of human and their animal friends, and the
plants they depend on for their survival.)

Mob murders five over a dead cow

October 23 2002

A Hindu religious leader has welcomed the murders of five men accused by a
mob of killing a cow, India's most sacred animal, claiming that the life of
the creature is more important than that of a human.

The victims in the north Indian state of Haryana were from the downtrodden
Dalit caste, called "untouchables".

Police claim a 4000-strong mob, incensed by the cow skins carried in the
men's truck, attacked the Dalits and killed them. Other witnesses, however,
insist the police killed them because they had refused to pay a bribe.
Officers then allegedly spread the word that the Dalits had killed a cow to
induce a vengeful mob. To compound suspicions of a cover-up, the officer in
charge of the case carried out a postmortem examination late last week - on
"the cow".

The case touches on several themes in modern Indian society: police
unaccountability; the rise of violent Hindu extremism; and the persistence of
India's ancient caste system.

It also raises the question: can a cow's life be worth more than that of a
human? The answer, says Giriraj Kishore, a leader of the extremist religious
Hindu group Vishwa Hindu Parishad, is yes. Respected Hindu papers such as the
Indian Express called it horrific.

Ratan Singh, whose 27-year-old son was burnt to death, said the families had
been skinning cows for generations, that they had been working on council
contracts, and that their truck would never have carried a carcass.

He said that one man was so seriously beaten that police had "to spread the
story that they were killing a cow".

The Guardian

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