So going down my todo list, the next thing up has been doing a bit of
rework on the website.  With a few evenings' work (amazing how long
seemingly simple things take...), I think I've got a reasonable
improvement ready to go.

Take a look at
<>.  It
should be not jarringly different visually from the old site.  I did
dispense with the logo image, and turned the heading into straight
text (though making some use of Google's webfonts).  I also split it
up into multiple pages instead of just one long muddled one, expanded
a bit on some verbiage, and did some general cleanup and reorg.

The end result is not a significantly different page from before, and
certainly doesn't contain majorly different content.  But I think it's
an improvement overall.  At least, it looks a little more like the
"style" (using the word loosely) choices are intentional.  It's
certainly far from perfect, and there's plenty more that could be
done.  I think it's a good next working step though.

So, any problems with it?  Comments?  Desperate pleas for me to leave
the existing page alone?

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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