On 2/26/2021 2:56 PM, Morten Minde Neergaard via curl-library wrote:
I'm using libcurl in a project I'm doing, and I'd like to specify some
extra flags to the SCHANNEL_CRED struct to enhance security and remove
potential error sources:

Disables some older cipher suites.

Found a TODO about this flag at

I'm hoping to avoid forking curl to set the flags, and was basically
wondering how it would make sense to implement this.

The first thing that came to mind would be to add an option
CURLOPT_SSL_BACKEND_FLAGS where each backend could use these flags as
desired. The implementation-specific part of the patch would be like
this for SChannel:

--- a/lib/vtls/schannel.c
+++ b/lib/vtls/schannel.c
@@ -557,6 +557,8 @@ schannel_connect_step1(struct Curl_easy *data, struct 
connectdata *conn,
                     "names in server certificates.\n"));
+ schannel_cred.dwFlags |= SSL_CONN_CONFIG(backend_flags);
      switch(conn->ssl_config.version) {

Now, I see that this isn't particularly pretty. Is such a patch likely
to be merged, and if not does anyone have a better way of solving this?

I've proposed two PRs to address the auto credentials issue. One would leave auto credentials as the default and add an option to disable it [1], and the other would disable auto credentials as the default (breaking change) and add an option to enable it [2]. Please take any discussion about it to the latter PR.

Regarding strong ciphers, CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST [3] (--ciphers for the curl tool [4]) can be used with Schannel to set some algorithms but unlike other SSL backends it's relatively limited without ciphersuite support or umbrella terms like "USE_STRONG_CRYPTO". We would consider a patch for that to signal strong crypto.

[1]: https://github.com/curl/curl/pull/6672
[2]: https://github.com/curl/curl/pull/6673
[3]: https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST.html
[4]: https://curl.se/docs/manpage.html#--ciphers

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