I am running all the tests with ASAN (flags -fsanitize=address,undefined -fno-sanitize-recover and make test TFLAGS=-n) in Ubuntu 16. A few times I saw:

test 0285...Warning: server logs lock timeout (2 seconds) expired
OK (285 out of 1287, remaining: 06:22, took 2.1s, duration: 01:48)
test 0286...Warning: server logs lock timeout (2 seconds) expired
OK (286 out of 1287, remaining: 06:37, took 5.0s, duration: 01:53)
test 0287...OK (287 out of 1287, remaining: 06:36, took 0.1s, duration: 01:53)

I cannot reproduce. It doesn't seem to be something about those tests specifically. Any ideas for debugging this or should I not worry about it?

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