RE: Minor bugs in curl-7.58.0, plus fixes/changes for Windows builds (fwd)

2018-02-22 Thread Rod Widdowson
> Yes, there's a lot of value in that! Issues don't get lost as easily on github
> as in our well trafficed mail boxes. Ideally they can even be submitted as
> proper pull-requests as then we can merge them once we agree they're fine.

OK, I'll take am AI to pop in cases.  I may take a shot at some PRs for these 
as well, but I am not prepared to do any of the manifest stuff - I spend most 
of my time in kernel mode and I'm not prepared to make security calls based on 
subtleties I don't have the background to totally grock.



RE: Minor bugs in curl-7.58.0, plus fixes/changes for Windows builds (fwd)

2018-02-22 Thread Daniel Stenberg

On Thu, 22 Feb 2018, Rod Widdowson wrote:

I am not so "up" on your process (I lurk mostly), but is there any value in 
putting these into github?  Then they'll not get lost in a mailbox. 
They'll just get lost at github...

Yes, there's a lot of value in that! Issues don't get lost as easily on github 
as in our well trafficed mail boxes. Ideally they can even be submitted as 
proper pull-requests as then we can merge them once we agree they're fine.



RE: Minor bugs in curl-7.58.0, plus fixes/changes for Windows builds (fwd)

2018-02-22 Thread Rod Widdowson
> I fell over this email that I received from Stefan Kanthak a while ago but
> forgot about. A list of flaws/fixes he suggests we do.

I am not so "up" on your process (I lurk mostly), but is there any value in 
putting these into github?  Then they'll not get lost in a mailbox.  They'll 
just get lost at github...

