
I'm looking for a convenient way to make an applet snap shot. The only
solution I came up with is to print to a pdf file and then convert it to an

I tried to draw the main contents to an offscree-drawable but it doesn't
work for text and the background. (Code attached)

Any suggestions?

{curl 2.0, 3.0 applet}

{import * from CURL.UTIL.MIME-ASSOC}

{define-proc {save visual:Graphic, 
                 save-to-file?:bool = false,
                 filename:String = "image.jpg"}:void 
    || calculate offset
    let x:Distance = 0pt
    let y:Distance = 0pt
    {if visual.parent != null then
        set (x,y)={transform-coordinates 0pt,0pt, visual.parent,visual}
    {dump x,y}
    || get display context
    let gc = {visual.get-display-context}
    {if visual.layout == null then
        {throw {Exception "InvalidLayout"}}        
    || get bounds
    let bounds:GRect = {visual.layout.get-bounds}
    {output bounds.width, bounds.height}
    || create the offscreen stuff
    let (r2:Renderer2d, d:Drawable) =
            (bounds.width + 2 * visual.margin + 2* visual.border-width), 
            (bounds.height+ 2 * visual.margin + 2* visual.border-width) ,  
            ||the resolution makes a difference in the jpg-file
            {max 300dpi, (1/(gc.pixel-size))}
||-- clear is private ????    
||--    {d.clear color = {get-background visual}}


        translation = {Distance2d -x, -y},
        draw-operation = DrawOperation.mask
        on r2 do
        || {visual.draw r2}
        || paint with decorations doesn't help
        {visual.paint-with-decorations r2}
||--        {visual.draw r2}
    let pm:Pixmap = {d.to-Pixmap}

    ||    I can't use the drawable from the actual view :(        
    ||    let pm:Pixmap = {gc.drawable.to-Pixmap}
    {set pm.ignore-alpha? = true}
            width = d.width, 
            height = d.height, 
            background = pm}
    {if save-to-file? then
        let image:ImageData = {ImageData} ||{ImageData.from-url {url "leer.jpg"}}
||--        {output image.properties.size}
||--        {for s key k in image.properties do
||--            {output s,k}
||--        }
        set image.pixmaps = {{Array-of Pixmap} pm }

        {image.save-to-url {url filename}, 
            {non-null {file-extension-to-mime-type ".jpg"}}}

{let f = {Frame vorigin = 0, horigin = 0, color = "red", "hello"}}

{value {Frame border-width = 1pt, border-color = "white", 

{after 1s do
    {save f}

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