> Currently, we only include support for SHA-1 digesting (which we needed
> for generating component ids, among other things).  You could use that
> to implement a public-key encryption package, but we have not done so to
> date, so you are on your own (unless someone else out there has written
> one).

The purpose of the encryption I need is to hide information to the user of
the applet, i.e. the applet produces secret information. When thinking about
it the most security I can get is limited by the "encryption" of the applet.
If the code of the applet is revealed then so is the encryption  key.
Therefore, I think a simple, symmetric algorthim would be sufficient. I'll
see whether I can implement the tiny encryption algorithm (TEA) next week.

Things are different when you want to retrive information encrypted by other
sources than the applet, e.g. the user. Then PK-algorithms seems to be more
adequate. Any suggestions which public-key algorithms are easy to implement
and fairly safe?


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