Dear Mr. Duke Briscoe and gurus,

 Mr. Duke Briscoe, I appreciate your help deeply. Your reply gave me a lot of 
informations about handling ActiveX(COM). In Korea, ActiveX controls are using 
in many web applications from security modules for on-line banking to 
web-editors for mail systems. So it is an important issue to communicate 
between Curl and ActiveX controls.

 Your good example encouraged me to address my problem and yesterday I made an 
plan and tried it. My process properly followed the document of TibCo ActiveX. 
It is the next;

[My goal]
 I'd like to receive the event(onMsg) from an ActiveX(COM), TibCo, then I want 
to do something.

[My Condition]
 I have a document about the the ActiveX Tibco, so I know its ProgId, fields 
and methods. However, I cannot add or edit its source code.

[My process to receive the method Msg from TibCo ActiveX]

1. I create an ActiveXObject, tc in Curl.
2. I execute {tc.m1} : Queue and get q:Queue as a return value,
   in which Queue is a class in tc:ActiveXObject and I also let it in 
3. I execute {qr.add q}, in which qr is a ActiveXObject, QueueGroup, too.
4. I execute {tc.m2 q:Queue, ...}, which will fire a Msg event. 
5. After receiving the event, I do something.
 Unfortunately, when I ran a curl applet to make my plan realize, an error 
occured at the step 4; "The argument type[0] is different."
I think 'the argument type[0] means the type of q.

 To be strange, when I created a q:Queue instead of executing {tc.m1} and 
returning it, no error occured. Nevertheless, any event was not fired at the 
step 5.

 I have tried to solve that unexpectable problem with my colleagues, but we 
cannot find the solution, yet. If anyone guess the cause or have any ideas to 
solve it, let me know them. I welcome whatever they are.

 Thankful to you,

 Can I get the ProgId or the ClsId of an ActiveXObject which is not created but 
returned in result of a method?

Yongwoong Kim
 QTI International, Inc.
 B-2609  Kolon Tripolis, 210 Geumgok-dong, Bundang-gu, 
 Seongnam-shi Gyeonggi-do 463-805 Korea
 Phone   +82-31-728-1298
 Fax     +82-31-728-1299
 Mobile  +82-10-3435-6597

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