Hi all,

The HTML reports generated by the babylon5.netbsd.org testbed now have
a couple of new features:

1. The overview pages at


now include graphs showing how the number of unexpected ATF test
failures has evolved over time.  To keep the size of the pages
manageable, the data for previous years have been moved to
separate subpages.

2. The pages you get by clicking on the [details] links now list any
differences in the outcomes of the tests relative to the previous run,
for example:

  no longer failing: fs/vfs/t_vnops/nfs_create_nametoolong, new failures: 

Hopefully this will make new test failures a bit easier to spot.

It would be great if we could once again get to the point where we have 
no unexpected test failures.  The last time we did was July 21, 2012.
If you can, please help out by fixing bugs that are causing tests to
fail, and/or filing PRs about failing tests so that they can be marked
as "expected failures".

Andreas Gustafsson, g...@netbsd.org

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