
with sources updated an hour or so ago I get:
/home/sysbuild/amd64/tools/bin/nbmakefs -M 1475346432 -m 1475346432
                  -B 1234                                         -F
work.spec -N w
                -o bsize=16384,fsize=2048,density=8192
                 work.rootfs work
nbmakefs: `work' size of 1513455616 is larger than the maxsize of 1475346432.
*** [imgroot.fs] Error code 1
nbmake[5]: stopped in /home/sysbuild/src/distrib/amd64/liveimage/emuimage
1 error


Is this local or were there changes requiring the filesystem size to
be increased? My build was incremental, the previous successful was on
the 27th.


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