Dear Board Members,

It was great to speak with many of you earlier today to discuss the draft Board 
Charter and other matters. I just wanted to send a quick follow-up reminder 
that I will be sending a new draft charter by the end of the week.

The one topic we did not get to today, unfortunately, was the establishment of 
a CWE/CAPEC crypto working group. I was hoping to discuss it briefly as we work 
to modernize some of the crypto content in our corpus. The team has been doing 
a lot of research work in this regard both internally as well as in individual 
collaborative engagements with members of the community. It’s clear that having 
a group venue for crypto SMEs to work together with our team, rather than on an 
individual basis, is more practical at this time. The primary aim would be as a 
forum to glean expert feedback on the CWE crypto team’s attempts to better 
define and clarify the terms and concepts used in cryptography (such as 
randomness) so that CWE content can be updated to reflect current practice.

I see this time as akin to the when we switched from individual HW CWE 
community meetings to the establishment of the HW SIG. I do not foresee any 
deliverables being necessary from this WG to the Board so much as general 
awareness as to their efforts, which they could easily provide.

It sounded like there was general consent for this effort in the previous 
thread, but I just wanted to follow-up with the clarification to the questions 

Again, be on the lookout for a new draft charter by the end of the week.


Alec J. Summers
Cyber Solutions Innovation Center
Group Leader, Software Assurance Research & Practice
Cyber Security Engineer, Lead
O: (781) 271-6970
C: (781) 496-8426
MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World

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