FBI Surveillance Tool Questioned

By D. IAN HOPPER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI's controversial e-mail surveillance tool, known as 
Carnivore, can retrieve all communications that go through an Internet service - far 
more than FBI officials have said it does - a recent test of its potential sweep 
found, according to bureau documents.

An FBI official involved with the test stressed Friday that although Carnivore has the 
ability to grab a large quantity of e-mails and Web communications, current law and 
specific court orders restrict its use.

Nevertheless, privacy experts said they are worried about the breadth of Carnivore's 
capability and questioned why the FBI even conducted such a test in June if it intends 
to use the tool only for narrow purposes.

"That really contradicts the explanation that the FBI has provided as to the purpose 
of the system and how it works," said David Sobel, general counsel for the 
Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center. "We've been led to believe 
that the purpose of Carnivore is to filter and pinpoint the particular communications 
that the FBI is authorized to obtain. If that's true, then why are they testing the 
system's ability to store and archive everything?"

Sobel's group recently obtained the FBI documents providing the test results as part 
of litigation it brought under the Freedom of Information Act.

In the lab report, FBI officials said Carnivore "could reliably capture and archive 
all unfiltered traffic to the internal hard drive" and could save the information on 
removable high-capacity disks as well.

Marcus Thomas, head of the FBI's cybertechnology section, said in an interview with 
The Associated Press that the test was only done to check Carnivore's "breaking 
point." He said the tool wouldn't be used to capture broad swaths of Internet 
communications in a real-world situation.

Thomas was one of the FBI agents who approved the lab report.

"Certainly, in operation, you could set the filters up to do nothing," Thomas said. 
"But our procedures are very detailed, we'll only do what we're allowed to in a court 

The difference of opinion is the latest in what has become a debate between 
Carnivore's capabilities and its actual use.

While law enforcement officials have admitted that Carnivore can capture much more 
than e-mail, including Internet chats and Web browsing, FBI officials insist it is 
only used to copy e-mail to or from a criminal suspect in accordance with a court 

Opponents say the "black box" nature of the system keeps the public from knowing what 
it can really do, and its installation at an Internet provider may cause network 

The Electronic Privacy Information Center started receiving batches of 
Carnivore-related material in October, after a court ordered the FBI to release the 

EPIC representatives said they have received about 550 pages so far, and expect to get 
only about 30 percent of the 3,000 documents related to Carnivore. Most of the release 
documents have large portions blacked out.

FBI officials say Carnivore has been used in about 25 cases, most involving national 

Congress considered several measures this year to rein in Carnivore, but none 
survived. Lawmakers have said that they may consider measures again next year.

An independent review of Carnivore was ordered by Attorney General Janet Reno, and 
that report was due to be received by the Justice Department on Friday, Justice 
spokeswoman Chris Watney said.

Watney said the report is expected to be released to the public early next week, after 
it is edited to eliminate references to Carnivore's internal blueprints and other 
sensitive material.

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