By The Associated Press
Special to CNET
September 27, 2000, 9:20 p.m. PT

SACRAMENTO--Computer hackers who intentionally spread computer viruses
will soon face harsher penalties under a bill signed today by
California Gov. Gray Davis.

The bill, by Assemblyman Rico Oller, R-San Andreas, is aimed at
Internet hackers who introduce viruses online or who flood commercial
Web sites with useless information, causing them to shut down.

Those convicted of unleashing a virus into a computer system face up
to a $5,000 fine for the first conviction. If the virus causes more
than $10,000 in damages, the violator will face up to three years in
state prison.

Currently, introducing a virus is treated as an infraction with a $250

Oller said California is the "hub of the computerized world...we are
taking the lead in protecting new technology from those who use it for
criminal purposes."

Victims of identity theft will be able to join a registry to help them
clear their name and their credit, under another bill signed by Davis.

Identity thieves steal Social Security numbers, bank account numbers
or other personnel data to establish fraudulent credit lines, write
bad checks or clean out the victim's bank accounts.

Under the bill by Assemblyman Tom Torlakson, D-Martinez, the victim
will enter his or her name in the state database after obtaining a
court order. The list will be used to prove that the victim wasn't the
person responsible for the bad debts.

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