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Cybercrime in trillions, police say
Copyright 2001 Nationwide News Pty Limited

  AUSTRALIA is under pressure to establish a national cybercrime centre similar to 
those in the UK and US.

Australian Federal Police commissioner Mick Keelty says cybercrime is costing some 
$US3 trillion ($5.8 trillion) a year worldwide.

"Earlier this year, hackers tapped into computer switchboards of 12 of Australia's 
largest corporations and ran up $12 million worth of untraceable calls," Mr Keelty 

"Private enterprise has responsibilities which, until recently, have not been readily 
accepted, despite attempts to engage the sector through business forum discussions."

More than 410 e-crimes were referred to the AFP in the past year, about 46 per cent 
relating to child pornography and pedophilia activity on the internet.

Of these, 72 per cent were from the Australian Broadcasting Authority concerning 
controversial internet content from outside Australia.

Hacking and unauthorised intrusions represented about 16 per cent of total referrals, 
while denial of service attacks, viruses, worms and Trojans accounted for another 7 
per cent.

Other e-crimes referred to the AFP for investigation included threats, harassment and 
stalking over the internet, fraud, intellectual property and piracy offences, and the 
online sale of illegal items.

"We are upskilling the AFP to respond to electronic crime scenes," Mr Keelty said. 
"Our forensic capacities are world-class, and we are involved in groundbreaking areas 
such as heroin profiling, which enables us to tell the area, and even the factory, 
that the seizure comes from."

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