From:   RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sunderland Echo 23.2.01

Hospital `drama' that could be all too real

ARMED police were called to a Durham hospital accident
and emergency department yesterday after reports that an
armed man was holding patients and staff hostage.

Fortunately the incident was only an exerise; but
officials say it is the sort of situation that can happen
and gun-toting police officers have to be prepared to deal
with them.

Twice in recent years officers have been called to Dryburn
Hospital to deal with reports of an armed person. A
handgun-wielding patient also struck at Sunderland Royal
Hospital in 1999. All cases ended without shots being fired.

Over the last two days armed bobbies have been back at the
Durham hospital taking part In an exercise to train for
real-life emergencies and get an idea of the casualty
department building's layout.

Hospital staff also took part in the exercise to help
make It as realistic as possible.

A Durham Police spokesman said: "The scenario Is that
of a gunman taking hostages. Officers have to find him
in the building.

"It Is also useful from the hospital's side because staff
need to know what to do In those sort of circumstances."


The story is accompanied by a dramatic photograph showing
several police officers, aiming guns and holding shields
in a hospital ward door way, whilst clad in more kevlar
than Concorde's new fuel tanks.

To promote such exercises on the basis of a couple incidents
involving two idiots with replicas is a bit surprising, I
wonder how much it all cost?

The problem with such preparations is that when push comes
to shove they will be more tempted to go in, the end result
being a dead idiot with an airsoft in his hand, or less
likely, hostages being shot with a real firearm.

The whole exercise would have been more appropriate at
Liverpool's Alder Hey hospital, or not, depending on what
you would consider appropriate for those involved in the
organ scandal.

Of course the "war games" could just be a good old ruse
aimed at cornering a nurse or two! - that said Durham have
perhaps the best record in the country in defusing armed
incidents and they are actively looking into non-lethal


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