Colorado high court clears way for vote on gun show loophole
 DENVER (AP) _ The Colorado Supreme Court has rejected an attempt  by the gun lobby to 
keep off the Nov. 7 ballot an initiative that  would close the so-called "gun-show 
Currently, only people buying guns from federally licensed  dealers have to undergo 
criminal background checks at gun shows.  Sales by private dealers are exempted.  

The initiative, pushed by families of last year's Columbine High  shootings, would 
require background checks for all sales at gun  shows.  

Robyn Anderson, who provided the killers three of the guns used  at Columbine, bought 
them at a Denver-area gun show. Anderson, who  was 18 when she bought the guns, 
testified before the Colorado  Legislature that she would not have bought the weapons 
if she had  to go through a background check.  

Teen-agers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and  a teacher before 
killing themselves in the April 20, 1999 massacre.  

The state's high court, in its ruling Monday, rejected the gun  lobby's argument that 
the initiative was too broad and the language  misleading.  

Proponents of the initiative said they have the 62,300  signatures they need to get 
the initiative on the ballot, but will  try to get 40,000 more to make up for any 
signatures ruled invalid.  

Gun-rights advocate Dudley Brown said challenges to the  initiative would continue.  

"We will fight the signatures they get," said Brown, head of  Rocky Mountain Gun 
Owners. "We don't believe it was legal to  gather signatures before the Supreme Court 
had ruled and the  language was set." 

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