AOL Fires Gun Owners

Date:10/30/2000 1:01:00 AM
Written By:Sarah Thompson, M.D.
 AOL Fires Gun Owners
by Sarah Thompson, M.D.
Director, Utah Gun Owners Alliance

America Online,,  has been known to gun owners for
some time for their support of anti-gun organizations and policies. 
TheyÆve donated large sums of money to liberal, anti-gun Democrat
organizations to support people like Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton
and Ted Kennedy.
More recently, theyÆve canceled accounts for firearms related web sites
on the grounds that such material is no different from ôpornographyö. 
Never mind that guns are entirely legal items owned by tens of millions
of Americans.  Never mind that AOL doesnÆt seem to think that
disgustingly offensive rock music is a problem. 
Now, in another step towards the final elimination of gun owners from
ôcivilized societyö, AOL has fired three exemplary workers for having
firearms in their cars in order to go shooting at a range on their own
The three employees are Luke Hansen, Jason Melling and Paul Carlson.  All
three worked as ôpartner technical consultantsö at AOLÆs Ogden, Utah
facility, doing higher level technical support.  The Ogden facility
employs about 850 people, according to AOLÆs web site, and ôhandles a
range of technical, billing, third-party and sales callsö. According to
Mr. Hansen, they had worked at AOL for two to four years, and all had
good employee records and good reviews from their supervisors. 
Unfortunately (at least from AOLÆs point of view), the three young men
also enjoy shooting. 
On September 14, 2000, Luke, Jason and Paul met after work in the AOL
parking lot to go shooting at the gun range near Eden, Utah.  In order to
carpool to the range, Jason and Paul transferred their firearms from
their own cars to LukeÆs truck, a matter of carrying them a few yards. 
Jason transferred a .30-06 hunting rifle and a 9mm Smith & Wesson
handgun.  Both firearms were unloaded and in cases.  Paul transferred a
.45 long Colt ôcowboy styleö pistol and a 7.63 X .39 KBI.  The Colt was
in a holster, and both firearms were unloaded.  The handguns had trigger
locks in place.  LukeÆs firearms were in his truck and he never touched
Jason or PaulÆs firearms.   At no time did they brandish or handle the
firearms in a threatening or unsafe manner.  Luke and Paul hold valid
Utah concealed weapons permits, and Jason is in the process of obtaining
one, so all three are familiar with safe handling and Utah laws. 
Although all three of them worked during the subsequent three days,
nothing about the firearms was mentioned.  However, on Monday, Sept. 18,
all three were fired for ôviolating AOLÆs employee policyö which states
that firearms are forbidden on company property, including the parking
lot.  According to Luke, although no one complained, an overzealous
security guard saw the firearms on a video surveillance tape and reported
the alleged violations. 
AOL does have its firearms policy posted inside the front and back doors
of the building, stating that firearms are not permitted in the building
or in the parking lot, and all three employees were aware of this policy.
 However, they were also aware that AOLÆs policy violates Utah state law.
 AOL states that it is a ôsecure facilityö, although under Utah law
secure facilities can be designated only by the legislature, and include
places such as courts, airports, mental health facilities, and prisons. 
By definition, a place open to the public cannot be a ôsecure facilityö,
and AOLÆs parking lot is open to the public.  (Actually, itÆs a group of
marked stalls in a public parking lot.)  In addition, a secure facility
is required to provide locked safe storage for anyone lawfully carrying a
firearm, and accept responsibility for stored firearms, something that
AOL clearly was not equipped to do. 
On a previous occasion about two months ago, the three men had also
transferred firearms after work, and had been reported to management.  At
that time, Luke Hansen met with AOLÆs General Manager, Sarah McElwee.  At
that time, he explained to Ms. McElwee that while AOL might be able to
restrict firearms in the building, it could not restrict firearms in a
public parking lot, and that AOL did not meet the criteria for a ôsecure
facilityö.  Mr. Hansen says he thought the matter was resolved at the
time, although no written changes were made to AOLÆs policy.  Ironically,
Ms. McElweeÆs husband is known for the very fine firearms he makes! 
As a result of the firing, Paul is still looking for work.  Jason, who
has a wife and just bought a new home, has found a new job.  So has Luke,
who is expecting his first child in February. 
It appears that AOL management, and especially Ric Waiters, the AOL
manager who fired the three, want to force the issue of illegal,
politically correct, gun bans.  Fortunately for gun owners everywhere,
Luke Hansen, Jason Melling and Paul Carlson are not going to take this
lying down!  TheyÆre not willing to see their rights, or the rights of
any other Utah gun owners destroyed by America Online.  So theyÆve
decided to take on America Online, the 800 lb gorilla of anti-gun
As Luke wrote in a recent email: ôIf AOL is allowed to continue with
illegal company policies like this, then ALL companies in Utah can adopt
similar policies. Your employer can whittle away at your gun rights, and
get away with it. The 3 of us have chosen to take a stand, because this
is something that we feel very deeply about. We believe that this is
truly an issue that affects ALL Utah gun owners and ALL Utah CCW
carriers. These aren't just our rights that were violated, they are your
rights too.ö 
The real issue here is whether gun owners are going to be demonized and
excluded from participation in ordinary life, whether weÆre going to
become the last persecuted minority.  Remember that most Americans in the
ôold Southö didnÆt assault African-Americans; they simply told them they
couldnÆt work in ôwhiteö businesses, attend ôwhiteö schools and churches,
eat in ôwhite restaurantsö or live in ôwhiteö neighborhoods.  Likewise,
the Nazis first told Jews that they couldnÆt work in German businesses,
attend German schools, or otherwise participate in German society.  Once
the Jews had been isolated, so that ordinary Germans no longer interacted
with them, it was much easier for the Nazis to convince people that Jews
were an ôinferior raceö and a ôpublic health menaceöà and that they
should be murdered for ôthe public goodö. 
If we allow ourselves to be isolated and demonized in the minds of our
fellow Americans, then we too will one day find ourselves forbidden to
interact with non gun owners.  We too will find ourselves unable to find
work, to send our children to school, to attend the religious services of
our choice, or to eat in restaurants, shop in stores, or attend movies
and sporting events.  (In addition to this AOL case, there is a ballot
initiative circulating to prohibit gun owners from entering schools and
religious facilities in Utah.)  Eventually we will find ourselves rounded
up into concentration camps or stalked by ôpublic servantsö seeking to
imprison or kill us. 
So itÆs critically important that we resist each and every attempt to
isolate and persecute gun owners NOW û before itÆs too late! 
Last week, Hansen, Carlson and Melling filed suit against AOL for
wrongful termination.  They are being represented by James ôMitchö Vilos,
a local attorney, firearms dealer, and author of the book Utah Gun Law:
Good, Bad and Ugly, available at  Mitch is also the
founder of the Utah Gun Owners Legal Defense (U-GOLD) fund. 
AOL has so far refused to comment.  Mace Molen, the Director of Human
Resources has a message on his phone saying heÆs ôon vacationö until
November 3. 
Mr. Vilos believes the three have an excellent chance of winning their
lawsuit.  Like many freedom-loving states, Utah is a ôright to workö or
ôat willö state, meaning that an employee can be fired at any time. 
However, Mr. Vilos points out that an employee may NOT be fired if doing
so violates public policy.  For example an employer may not fire an
employee for being Catholic or Asian, because that would violate state
and federal anti-discrimination laws. 
How does this apply to the AOL case?  According to Mr. Vilos, public
policy is determined by the state constitution and state statutes. 
The Utah Constitution clearly states, in Article I, Section 6: ôThe
individual right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and
defense of self, family, others, property, or the state, as well as for
other lawful purposes shall not be infringed; but nothing herein shall
prevent the Legislature from defining the lawful use of arms.ö  Clearly,
Utahns have an indisputable individual right to keep and bear arms. 
As noted above, AOL is violating Utah law by declaring its parking lot
and building to be a secure facility, since the parking lot is open to
the public and AOL does not provide the mandated safe storage.  
It is not entirely clear whether or not an employer can restrict firearms
in the workplace if the workplace is not open to the public, because Utah
statute does not specifically address this issue.  However, since a
special statute was passed to permit churches to restrict firearms, it
would seem that in the absence of such a statute applying to employers,
they may not do so.  And the Office of Legislative General counsel
previously ruled that Governor LeavittÆs ban on firearms for state
employees was illegal (although Leavitt still refuses to stop the ban,
and our ultra-liberal attorney general isnÆt interested). 
Public policy in Utah supports the individual possession of firearms, as
well as the right to carry firearms for lawful purposes including
self-defense, hunting and target shooting.  It therefore stands to reason
that public policy would support three men who go to a range for the
purpose of maintaining and improving their firearms skills.  And because
Utah has problems with traffic congestion and pollution, public policy
supports the use of carpooling.  Thus it seems that public policy
supports the right of lawful gun owners to keep unloaded firearms in
their cars and to carpool in order to use a shooting range on their own
time.  And as a matter of public policy, employers generally are not
permitted to regulate their employeesÆ legal activities outside of work
Therefore, Luke Hansen, Paul Carlson and Jason Melling are suing AOL for
wrongful termination in violation of public policy and asking for
declaratory relief.  They are also asking for a jury trial, so their case
can be judged by ordinary Utahns.  And theyÆre asking for reimbursement
of attorneyÆs fees since this is a matter of clarifying public policy. 
By taking such a principled and courageous stand, these three men and
their attorney are fighting for the rights of all gun owners against a
virulent and well-funded anti-gun behemoth.  They deserve the thanks and
support of all gun owners. 
What can YOU do? 
1. Lawsuits take money!  Although a formal legal defense fund for this
case has not yet been started, Mr. Vilos says that funds can be sent to
U-GOLD.  Please include a note saying that you would like your donation
to go to the AOL case.  Donations are NOT tax-deductible.  U-GOLD,  8773
S. 450 East,  Sandy, UT 84070 
2. Contact the AOL call center in Ogden, Utah:  Mace Molen, Director of
Human Resources, 801-622-7977, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2261 Grant Ave., Ogden,
UT 84401 
All parties involved ask that you please BE POLITE when contacting Mr.
Molen.  Your goal is to explain why AOLÆs actions are wrong, or why you
will no longer do business with AOL, but NOT to personally attack anyone!
3. Contact AOL member support û especially if you are an AOL subscriber. 
1-800-827-6364.  See above message about being POLITE!  Remember that the
AOL employees you talk to are just ordinary people with a job û not very
different from Luke, Jason and Paul.   You want them to understand that
three of their fellow employees were treated illegally and unfairly and
that the same thing could happen to them! 
4. Tell your friends and relatives about AOLÆs persecution of gun owners
and ask them to complain to AOL.  You might even want to send them the
ôAmerika Onlineö e-postcard, available at: 
Should you cancel your account with AOL?  When I asked Luke Hansen, he
said, ôIÆll thank people who cancel their accounts, but I canÆt ask them
to do so.  ItÆs an individual decision.ö 
This month AOL announced that they have reached 25 million members.  But
there are at least 80 million gun owners in the United States, a ratio of
better than 3:1!  AOL is huge and wealthy and powerful, but theyÆre not
invulnerable!  If gun owners take a stand, we can win! 
For those of you who wish to keep supporting AOL, consider donating an
amount equal to your monthly AOL fee to a pro-gun organization! 
For those of you who do choose to switch internet service providers,
remember that most large telecommunications companies (AT&T, Sprint,
etc.) are just as anti-gun as AOL.  Check with local providers, or check
out KeepAndBearArms.comÆs new internet service at 
LetÆs teach AOL that persecuting gun owners is illegal, un-American and
wonÆt be tolerated! 
Copyright 2000, Sarah Thompson, M.D. Dr. Thompson is the Executive
Director of Utah Gun Owners Alliance,  She also writes The
Righter, She can be reached at
Click here to read Luke Hansen's own words about this event. Note: I just spoke with Luke tonight (Sunday, Oct 29,
9:30pm) and verified this event. It's real, it happened. Luke and his
friends filed a lawsuit against AOL last week, and some assistance is
requested from anyone who chooses to support the case. We've offered Luke
free internet access so he can step back from AOL to insure his privacy
and to support him during this transition. We have extended this offer to
one of the other two plaintiffs in the case who is still using AOL for
internet access, as well.  Our internet access reaches Ogden just fine,
and who better to offer our internet access to than gun owners who just
got shafted by AOL?  ~~ Angel Shamaya, Director,
Other AOL-related Links:
AOL Censors Out Second Amendment Rights 
Adios, AOL 
AOL and Beyond. 
America Online -- It's even uglier than I had thought 
AOL (Cartoon) by Kevin Tuma 
AOL Cheer (Cartoon) by Kevin Tuma 
Amerika Online (Cartoon) by A.F. Branco 
Pro Gun Internet Access
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