New rights will make for bad law, say Tories
By Martin Bentham

  Sunday Telegraph: Legal pile-up

THE legal system will be plunged into chaos costing
millions of pounds by Labour's Human Rights Act, Ann
Widdecombe, the shadow home secretary, claimed last
Miss Widdecombe said a ruling on Friday, in which two
drivers had their speeding fines overturned because
their human rights had been "infringed", was the first
of many "nonsense" cases. Her attack followed the
acquittal at Birmingham Crown Court of Amesh Chauhan,
22, and Dean Hollingsworth, 23, whose vehicles were
photographed speeding by roadside cameras.

The court said a police request for information about
who was driving their vehicles breached the European
Convention on Human Rights, which gives a suspect the
right not to incriminate himself. The ruling could
allow thousands of other motorists to appeal and
effectively make it impossible to launch prosecutions
from speed camera evidence.

Miss Widdecombe warned that Labour's Human Rights Act,
which comes into effect on October 2 and which enshrines
the European convention into British law, would be a
disaster. She said: "Clever lawyers are going to be
crawling through this legislation to find cases to
bring. Common sense seems to have taken a back seat."

Anticipating the flood of cases predicted by both
opponents and supporters, the Government has set aside
L65 million to cover the cost of challenges during the
first year of the Act. Nearly ú40 million has been
budgeted for extra legal aid bills, L21 million for
longer court sittings and a further L4.5 million on
training for judges and magistrates.

Cherie Blair, the Prime Minister's wife, has even set
up a new chambers, Matrix, specifically to deal with
human rights cases. It is expected to make millions. The
Human Rights Act will give the public a wide range of
abstract rights, including the right to life, to found
a family, to education, to freedom of expression, to a
fair trial and to liberty.

In each case, however, the courts will decide what these
vague concepts mean in real terms. Many challenges are
expected in relation to the criminal law, policing and
prison life. In one of the first, Gavin Mellor, a
murderer serving a life sentence in Nottingham jail,
went to judicial review in an attempt to overturn a ban
on him donating sperm to his wife to enable her to
conceive by artificial insemination.

Mr Mellor claimed that the prison service was contravening
human rights laws in restricting his right to found a
family. A decision is awaited. Challenges over prison
food, clothes and conjugal visits are also expected and,
in the courts, decisions on bail applications, sentencing
and the disclosure and admissibility of evidence are all
expected to be challenged.

Police undercover surveillances will be governed by strict
rules which will mean, for example, that a plainclothes
detective who sees a criminal on the street will have to
obtain permission from a superior before calling colleagues
to monitor the suspect. Legislation allowing MI5 to
intercept e-mails and the Government's new restrictions
on football hooligans travelling abroad are also thought
to be vulnerable to challenge.

The Government is also anticipating soldiers challenging
the orders of commanding officers. Laws on adoption and
sexuality are also thought to be vulnerable. "Postcode
prescribing" in the NHS, where expensive drugs are
available in one area but not another, is also likely to
be challenged because it could be said to contravene the
right to life.

The refusal to give drugs or operations on the grounds of
cost and attempts to prioritise patients for treatment
also face challenges. In schools, head teachers have been
warned that pupils who are excluded for bad behaviour
could sue for damages because their right to an education
is being denied.

Rules on uniforms could fall foul of the right to freedom
of expression. A Home Office spokesman said: "We do accept
that at first there may be some spurious cases, but judges
and magistrates are well prepared to deal with them and
will not entertain claims which have no merit."
The potential implications of this are huge (and it provides
another superb reason not to vote for the tories).

The Government themselves have already said that the appeals
process in the Firearms (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 is
likely prohibited by Article 6 of the convention, the same
article that saw this ruling on the speed cameras.

Our property rights that were seriously impacted by the
handgun ban can also be another avenue for legal action.


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