From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daily Telegraph editorial 28-12-00

This man wasn't mad about guns - he was just mad
By Toby Harnden

 International: Seven killed for sake of a $2,000 tax bill

A HAND-WRINGING Boston Globe editorial lamented the "nightmare that stalks
the nation" and "bright river of blood" bursting forth because the country
"refuses to pass stringent controls on firearms".

Just as with the Columbine school massacre and the Michigan six-year-old who
shot a classmate, the tragedy in Wakefield has already ushered in calls for
"common sense gun control" and more laws to limit the Second Amendment right
of Americans to own weapons.

Expect an appearance from President Bill Clinton, his bottom lip trembling
as he feels the nation's pain, in which he all but blames the Republican
Party and the National Rifle Association for McDermott's actions. While such
performances no doubt help liberal consciences, they can all too easily act
as a substitute for thought - the terrible events in Wakefield on Boxing Day
could well be used to illustrate the argument against further gun control.

Massachusetts, the most safely Democratic state of the 50 in the Union, is
something close to gun control heaven. An FBI instant background check has
to be carried out on anyone buying a gun and there is a seven-day waiting
period for handguns. There are strict licensing requirements with mandatory
jail sentences for breaking them and no one under 21 can buy a gun.
McDermott, it seems, had no licence for any gun.

He also used an AK47 the world's favourite terrorist weapon and the subject
of a federal ban since 1994. Curiously, one Democratic aide in Boston used
these facts to reach the conclusion: "Massachusetts has some of the nation's
toughest gun laws but this demonstrates that even those laws can be

OK, let's follow the logic here. A wacko ignores every gun law on the books
and blows away his workmates. But if there had been even tougher laws, then
he would have meekly laid down his AK47 and spoken to the human resources
manager instead.

Mr Clinton used a similar logic himself when hammering Republicans over the
death of Kayla Rolland, the Michigan six-year-old. If only Congress had
passed a mandatory trigger-lock law, then little Kayla would be alive today,
he said. But the unpalatable truth is that if the weapon that killed Kayla
had been the last gun in America it would not have had a trigger-lock. The
boy who killed her lived in a crack house. His father was in prison and his
mother an addict. The gun was stolen. All the gun laws in the world would
not have saved Kayla.

While the Michigan shooting and the Wakefield massacre prompt worldwide
headlines, much of the hysteria about violence in America is the result of
carefully twisted statistics. Democrats are fond of stating that 13 children
die every day from gun violence. But about 70 per cent of those "children"
are aged between 17 and 19, the vast majority of them killed in gang-related

Another favourite is that American children - it was Mr Clinton who taught
Tony Blair that the justification "it's for the children" is the best
substitute of all for reason - are more likely to die from gunfire than the
combined total of juveniles in the next 25 industrialised nations. These
nations, however, include Hong Kong (ask Chris Patten but it wasn't a nation
the last time I checked) and Kuwait but not Russia or Brazil - countries
that have largely banned guns but have murder rates four times higher than
in the United States.

That is not to say that America does not have a problem with gun violence or
that politicians and police officers should not be doing all they can to
tackle it. But this is difficult to do without defining the problem's scale
and nature.

Gun ownership in America is both enshrined in the constitution and one of
its citizens' most cherished rights of freedom. Al Gore found this out to
his cost in the election when his gun control rhetoric was one of the
factors that cost him the presidency. George W Bush, in contrast, emphasised
enforcing existing gun laws - an approach that seems sensible enough in the
light of Wakefield.

Moreover, America is already awash with guns and preventing the law-abiding
from having access to a means of self-defence would be little more than
positive discrimination for the criminal. If there is any answer to why Mike
McDermott finally decided "enough already" on Boxing Day, it lies in the
dark recesses of his mind rather than any draft legislation.

However, as Bob Geldof concluded in his 1979 song I Don't Like Mondays -
about Brenda Spencer, the San Diego schoolgirl who opened fire on her
teachers and schoolmates - even the search for psychological explanations
can be fruitless. "He can see no reasons 'cos there are no reasons," Bob
Geldof sang of Spencer's father.

More than 20 years on, the reasons why the "silicon chip inside a head gets
switched to overload" are as elusive as ever. Perhaps evil is just evil, no
more and no less.
Actually Massachusetts has much tougher handgun laws than that.
You have to get a license, then you have to get a permit to buy
the handgun you want.  Plus virtually all new handguns are banned
under their consumer protection laws, so it has to be a used


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