I had that problem in the past on our old server and it happened after
certain updates and now it happened again on our new server after some
recent cygwin updates.
I have the sshd server installed as service on the server (Win 2000
server sp4, all latests patches installed). The server is running ISA
2000 and is used as proxy for internet.

After a reboot I am having now this strange sshd error message:
Impossible de trouver la description de l'ID d'événement ( 0 ) dans la
source ( sshd ). L'ordinateur local n'a peut-être pas les informations
de Registre nécessaires ou les fichiers DLL de messagerie pour
afficher les messages provenant d'un ordinateur distant sshd : PID
1828 : error: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable.

The strangest thing is that the sshd server works after a service
restart. And it used to work flawlessly.

I read in the mailing list about the possible lack of memory but the
server has 2go ram and 4 go virtual memory so I doubt that it is the
What other issues can be involved?



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