
I've installed today the current release of cygwin (1.5.11-1) with OpenSSH

There are 2 issues:

1. This package (or at least the ssh-host-config script) depends on
cygserver, which doesn't gets installed automatically. Please can somebody
change this dependency to select cygserver automatically if OpenSSH has been
selected in the setup wizard?

2. After installation, the /etc/sshd_config file allows SSH protocol 1 by
default. Since this protocol 1 has a coneceptual security hole, it should
not be available after standard setup. If somebody requires it, he had to
manually configure the sshd_config. That's why I suggest to change that file

Port 22
Protocol 2 #,1                  # <-- activate protocol version 1 here, if
you really require it
#ListenAddress ::

Please can the developers do these changes?


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