On 5/12/05, Mikael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess presume NULL is a macro evaulting to 0 in windows.h and a typedef
> for (void *)0 in <cstddef>, or?

No. Not in <cstddef>. Since you are using that header file, I assume
you are using C++. In C++, NULL is 0, not (void *)0 as it is in C.

> Since I want to have this warning, the approach I've taken is to always
> include <cstddef> after <windows.h>. Is approach correct and safe or can it
> get me in trouble?

Since marcos cannot be "overloaded" or "overridden", the <cstddef>
marcos would take precedence over conflicting <windows.h> marcos as
long as <cstddef> is included first. However, this should not make a
different since, again assuming you are using C++, both marcos should
be defined to the same value.

> Thanks for any replies
> / M
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 Dan Day

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