On August 18, 2023 at 22:14 cygwin@cygwin.com (HECTOR MENDEZ via Cygwin) wrote:
 > Hi there,
 >  I tried with an empty password and "root" word a password but no luck, so 
 > far.
 > Thank you    El miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2023, 22:56:12 GMT-6, 
 > rapp...@dds.nl <rapp...@dds.nl> escribió:  

MySQL's 'root' account and the system root account have little
relationship other than they share the same four characters in the
same order.

There are instructions in the online MySQL manual on how to recover
the MySQL root password, no doubt others have summarized, try your
favorite search engine.

But it basically amounts to:

1. Stop the MySQL server

2. Start it with a command line flag which says don't use passwords

3. Login as root via the MySQL client, it won't ask for a password

4. Set a password for that root account using the usual MySQL SET
PASSWORD command

5. Logout of the client

6. Stop the MySQL server

7. Start the MySQL the normal way, without the flag to not use

8. You are done

Here's a link to the MySQL 8.0 instructions;


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