I am trying to set it up so that I can easily start the windows gvim
(not the cygwin one) from cygwin.  I have two methods which mostly
work, but each one has a small problem.

Method #1:  function in my .bashrc
function mygvim2
   /d/vim/vim70/gvim.exe -u d:/vim/_vimrc  $(cygpath -w "$@") &

This function works fine, except that when I call it from rxvt, it
pulls up gvim behind my rxvt window, instead of switching to that

Method #2: separate file
I put an alias in my .bashrc file which says "alias vi=mygvim", and
then I put this in the file mygvim:
#! /bin/bash
/d/vim/vim70/gvim.exe -u d:/vim/_vimrc $(cygpath -w "$@") &

This works as well (and switches to gvim as well).  The (minor)
problem is that each time I call it, I get this message in the BASH
: command not foundgvim: line 2:

I know that this is nit-picking, but can anybody help me eliminate
either of these two minor problems?

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