
How do I type ascii characters on my terminal (besides running the cygutils ascii program and doing a cut-and-paste of the corresponding ascii character)?

I used to be able to do <ALT> + <ASCII_CODE> combinations on old windows systems. However, the oldest Windows I got now is 2k and XP.

Doing the <ALT> + <ASCII_CODE> combination works on notepad and other applications except on the cmd.exe window. (FWIW, The reason why it does not work with cmd.exe is because I've got a Japan locale and Japanese language and regional settings but I don't care about cmd.exe since I don't use it.)

CMIIW but I can't seem to see references on this problem on the archives. There are references in other mailing lists but they don't work. One said I had to use the "Terminal" font but that didn't work. The other talked about UTF-8 mounting and running a UTF-8 patched cygwin but I don't want to do that since I simply want to type using accented/umlauted letters without any fuss.

Thanks so much!

Best Regards,


Carlo Florendo
Software Engineer/Network Co-Administrator
Astra Philippines Inc.
UP-Ayala Technopark, UP Campus Diliman
1101 Quezon City, Philippines

The Astra Group of Companies
5-3-11 Sekido, Tama City
Tokyo 206-0011, Japan

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