Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail) wrote:
Of Rolf Campbell

Software packages belong in C:\Program\* and nowhere else

(Note that this

is equal to "C:\Program Files\*" on ENGLISH Win98.

Ahhh... yeah. So, what is the rest of the disk for? Why not just put everything in a directory called "C:\Everything"?

Ahh... Microsoft infestation detected. ;-)

 I should have written  "C:\Program\<package-name>\"  above...
Happy now?

I _hate_ having C:\foo\ c:\bar\ c:\this\ c:\that\ directories. They DO belong in C:\Program\ (or whatever) _AND NOT IN THE ROOT_ >:-I

 Any files belonging to a software package should be kept in a storage that
identifies them as beeing part of that package. IMO a well structured
operating system allows this (e.g. AmigaOS, Unix/Linux)

 Therefore cygwin is in C:\Program\cygwin\ here. As it has kept all its
files within that directory I consider it to be "well behaving". (i.e. I
talk good about it among friends ;-)

 Example: Install Corel Draw (Version 8 is the last one I tried), tell it to
install in C:\Program\CorelDraw\ - what does it do? It STILL creates a
C:\corel\ directory; to hold some "essential" files.

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, Mariefred, Sweden


While I agree that not all programs should have a root dir, what's in yours? "Program", "Documents and Settings", "WINNT"? All that means is that instead of having 35 root dirs, you have 3 root dirs and 33 dirs in "Program". That is no better (unless you are running FAT16).

And Linux doesn't give you anything better, they just call "Program Files" "/bin".

I like to have (and used to have) a more functionally structured disk: in "C:\", I had: "Programming", "Courses", "Internet", "AudioVideo", etc...

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