Andy Hall wrote on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 12:57 PM:
> I start Visual Studio in the scripts as follows.
> cygstart --showminimized   "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft
> Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe" /edit
> If Visual Studio is not ruining, Visual Studio will start minimized.
> However, if Visual Studio is already running, a subsequent invocation
> of the same command will bring up the window maximized.
> No combination of options to cygstart seems to overcome this.   What
> other approaches are available.

Does devenv.exe behave similarly when started from a shortcut without

Sounds like as it loads, devenv.exe may be looking for other instances
and then deciding what to do on its own.  You might see if Visual Studio
has any options that can change that behavior.

- Barry
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