You may be right. I was just looking to the memory
eaten by the xdvi process as reported by the W2K's
task manager. The crash was occurring at 128Mb of
allocated memory, and now occurs at 256Mb.

Thanks for this clarification, and thanks Corinna for the
explanation about vfork(). I hope I will be able to cleanly
run xdvi before becoming an "under the hood" expert.

Thanks folks!


>>1. Apparently, the heap_chunk_in_mb registry does not always tweak
>>the memory default limit for cygwin. Many people report this issue
>>and it actually happened to me as well. But, here's what I tried:
>>increased the value to 512Mb (instead of 256Mb - what I wanted)
>>and I finally got my 256Mb (sharp) increase. I guess I have to
>>set it to double what I want in order to get it (?).
>Are you sure you've analyzed this problem correctly? If you want to
>realloc() an N-byte block to size M, there's a transient need for
>approximately N+M bytes (while the content from the old block is being
>copied to the new one). If the realloc() size increment is small, then the
>transient memory demand is approximately 2*N.

>vfork() is supported but it's not really forking.  Actually parent
>and child are running in the same process context.  The Cygwin vfork()
>implementation is only meant to allow a exec(2) call without having to
>go through the fork() treadmill so this speeds up e.g. shells.

>If your application assumes to be able to do really cool stuff under
>vfork() conditions... don't use it in the Cygwin version.

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