On 10/05/2023 08:57, Thomas Wolff via Cygwin-apps wrote:
I'm trying to build xterm 380 and got two problems in the cygport compile step:

*** ERROR: could not determine the autoconf version used to generate ./configure; perhaps set AUTOCONF_VERSION?

I don't know why a tool wants to be told its own version (or what's

This is not what the error message says.

going on) but the following line in xterm.cygport seems to help:
AUTOCONF_VERSION=$( autoconf --version | sed -e "s,.* ,," -e 1q )

Your second point explains the first.

cygport attempts to detect the version of autoconf used to generate the ./configure script, so it knows what options it supports.

If that detection fails (as in this case, because it's generated by customized version), you can set AUTOCONF_VERSION appropriately.



configure: error: unrecognized option: --docdir=/usr/share/doc/xterm

This seems to be injected by the cygconf function, and the package configure script does not know it.

For configure files generated by dickey's variant of autoconf, the correct thing seems to be to use AUTOCONF_VERSION="2.50"

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