I got the terminology all mixed up, but the bottom line is:

   # '-follow' is supposed to be deprecated, but the replacement
   # '-L' specified in 'man' and 'info' pages does not appear to
   # exist in Cygwin 'find' version 4.5.4
   find "$PWD" -maxdepth 1 -type f -follow -executable | gawk '

Lee Rothstein wrote:
Apparently there are these thingies (special type of options)
called predicates in 'find' that are specified before a path that
tell it to follow or not follow links, etc.

I think I need the '-L' predicate that says follow them thar
links. However, the following command line works until I add the
'-L' predicate.

The following works:

 find "$PWD" -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable

but does not find executable files that are links

The following, which I assume (according to man and info) will
find executables that are links, does not work at all:

 find -L "$PWD" -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable

Or, is this pilot error?


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